

词条 徐洪起


1982年7月毕业于大连理工大学 物理系。




主要学术及社会兼职: 美国《Physics Review B》评审员







(1) 承担和领导了十几项由瑞典国家研究局等国家基金机构批准的研究项目

(2) 承担或领导了两项欧盟研究项目

(3) 目前,正在北京大学信息科学和技术学院创建半导体纳米结构实验室

(4) 已发表SCI论文140余篇,SCI引用2000多次



1. Jie Sun, Erik Lind, Ivan Maximov, and H. Q. Xu, Memristive and Memcapacitive Characteristics of a Au/Ti–HfO2–InP/InGaAs Diode, IEEE Electron Device Letters 32, 131 (2011).

2. L. H. Kristinsdóttir, J. C. Cremon, H. A. Nilsson, H. Q. Xu, L. Samuelson, H. Linke, A. Wacker, and S. M. Reimann, Signatures of Wigner localization in epitaxially grown nanowires, Physical Review B 83 (Rapid Communications), 041101(R) (4 pages) (2011).

3. NatthaponNakpathomkun, H. Q. Xu, and Heiner Linke, Thermoelectric efficiency at maximum power in low-dimensional systems, Physical Review B 82, 235428 (9 pages) (2010)

4. FantaoMeng, Jie Sun, MariuszGraczyk, Kailiang Zhang, Mika Prunnila, JouniAhopelto, Peixiong Shi, Jinkui Chu, Ivan Maximov, and H. Q. Xu, Nonlinear electrical properties of Si three-terminal junction devices, Applied Physics Letters 97, 242106 (3 pages) (2010).

5. FengZhai, Xiaofang Zhao, Kai Chang, and H. Q. Xu, Magnetic barrier on strained graphene: A possible valley filter, Physical Review B 82, 115442 (5 pages ) (2010).

6. H. A. Nilsson, O. Karlström, M. Larsson, P. Caroff, J. N. Pedersen, L. Samuelson, A. Wacker, L.-E. Wernersson, and H. Q. Xu, Correlation-induced conductance suppression at level degeneracy in a quantum dot, Physical Review Letters 104, 186804 (4 pages ) (2010).

7. Jie Sun, Marcus Larsson, Ivan Maximov, and H. Q. Xu, Gate-defined double quantum dot with integrated charge sensors realized in InGaAs/InP by incorporating a high-κ dielectric, Applied Physics Letters 96, 162107 (3 pages) (2010).

8. Jianing Chen, Gabriela Conache, Mats-Erik Pistol, Struan M. Gray, Magnus T. Borgström, HongxingXu, H. Q. Xu, Lars Samuelson, and Ulf Håkanson, Probing strain in bent semiconductor nanowires with Raman spectroscopy, Nano Letters 10, 1280–1286 (2010).

9. Fredrik Boxberg, NielsSondergaard, and H. Q. Xu, Photovoltaics with piezoelectric core-shell nanowires, Nano Letters 10, 1108–1112 (2010). 10. T. P. Martin, A. Szorkovszky, A. P. Micolich, A. R. Hamilton, C. A. Marlow, R. P. Taylor, H. Linke, and H. Q. Xu, The field-orientation dependence of the 1D enhancement in Zeeman spin-splitting in InGaAs quantum point contacts, Physical Review B 81 (Rapid Communications), 041303(R) (4 pages) (2010).

11. M. Larsson, H. A. Nilsson, H. Hardtdegen, and H. Q. Xu, g-factor and exchange energy in a few-electron lateral InGaAs quantum dot, Applied Physics Letters 95, 192112 (3 pages) (2009).

12. Henrik A. Nilsson, Philippe Caroff, ClaesThelander, Marcus Larsson, Jakob B. Wagner, Lars-Erik Wernersson, Lars Samuelson, and H. Q. Xu, Giant, level-dependent g-factors in InSb nanowire quantum dots, Nano Letters 9, 3151-3156 (2009).

13. FengZhai, Xiaofang Zhao, and H. Q. Xu, Rectification of spin-bias-induced charge currents, Applied Physics Letters 94, 262103 (3 pages) (2009).

14. P. Brusheim and H. Q. Xu, Field-driven geometrical phases in a time-periodic quantum system, Physical Review B 79, 205323 (6 pages) (2009). 15. D. Csontos, P. Brusheim, U. Zülicke, and H. Q. Xu, Spin-3/2 physics of semiconductor hole nanowires: Valence-band mixing and tunable interplay between bulk-material and orbital bound-state spin splitting, Physical Review B 79, 155323 (16 pages) (2009).

16. Jie Sun, Marcus Larsson, Ivan Maximov, Hilde Hardtdegen, H. Q. Xu, Gate-defined quantum-dot devices realized in InGaAs/InP by incorporating a HfO2 layer as gate dielectric, Applied Physics Letters 94, 042114 (3 pages) (2009).





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