

词条 邢建民


邢建民:男,1967年12月生。1989年毕业于山东大学微生物系,1992年在该校获硕士学位,1992-1995年在华北制药厂工作,1995-1998年在中科院化工冶金研究所(2001年改名为过程工程研究所)攻读博士学位,1998-2000年在中科院动物所进行博士后研究工作。2000年起,在中科院过程工程研究所工作;2000年11月,副研究员;2005年在德国卡尔斯鲁厄研究中心技术化学研究所做高级访问学者;2006年8月,博士生导师;2008年5月,研究员。研究方向为生物催化与代谢工程,主要研究生物催化剂的定向进化和代谢工程,生物催化过程调控及应用。开展了生物质高值化转化生产有机酸的多菌种联产、代谢工程、发酵分离耦合研究,石油微生物脱硫、脱氮的应用基础和工程化研究。提出了磁性固定化细胞柴油脱硫新技术,并将微生物脱硫过程与吸附脱硫的化工单元操作有机整合,发展了新的脱硫工艺。负责多项国家"863"、"973"、自然科学基金、中科院知识创新工程项目,以及企业合作项目等。在Appl Environ Microb、Biophys J、AIChE J、中国科学等期刊上发表SCI索引论文40多篇,授权发明专利20余项。


1. Xiaochao Xiong,, Jianmin Xing, Xin Li, Xuejing Bai, Wangliang Li, Yuguang Li and Huizhou Liu, Enhancement of Biodesulfurization in Two-Liquid Systems by Heterogeneous Expression of Vitreoscilla Hemoglobin. Appl Environ Microb, 2007, 73(7): 2394–23971.

2. Wangliang Li, Qingfen Liu, Jianmin Xing, Yuguang Li, Xiaochao Xiong, Huizhou Liu. Ultra-deep Removal of Sulfur Compounds with Mesoporous Adsorbents. AIChE J, 2007, 53(12): 3263-3268;

3. Zhang Huaiying, Liu Qingfen, Li Yuguang, et al. Selection of adsorbents for in-situ coupling technology of adsorptive desulfurization and BDS, Sci China Ser B, 2008, 51 (1): 69-77

4. Yuguang Li, Wangliang Li, Jiexun Huang, Xiaochao Xiong, Hongshuai Gao, Jianmin Xing, Huizhou Liu. Biodegradation of carbazole in oil/water biphasic system by a newly isolated bacterium Klebsiella sp. LSSE-H2. Biochem Eng J, 2008, 41(2): 166-170

5. Wangliang Li, Jianmin Xing, Yuguang Li, Xiaochao Xiong, Huizhou Liu. Desulfurization and Bio-regeneration of Adsorbents with Magnetic P. delafieldii R-8 Cells. Cataly Comm, 2008, 9: 376-380

6. Wangliang Li, Jianmin XING, Xiong Xiaochao, Huang jiexun, Liu Huizhou, Feasibility Study on the Integration of Adsorption/Bioregeneration ofπ-Complexation Adsorbent for Desulfurization. Ind Eng Chem Res, 2006, 45: 2845-2849

7. Guobin Shan, Huaiying Zhang, Jianmin XING, huizhou Liu. Biodesulfurization of hydrodesulfurized diesel oil with Pseudomonas delafieldii R-8 from high density culture. Biochem Eng J, 2006, 27(3): 305-309

8. Yang Chengli, Guan Yueping, Jianmin XING, Liu Junguo, Shan Guobin, An Zhentao, Liu Huizhou. Preparation of magnetic polystyrene microspheres with a narrow size distribution. AIChE J. 2005, 51(7): 2011-2015

9. Guobin Shan, Jianmin XING, Huaiying Zhang, Huizhou Liu. Biodesulfurization by microbial cells coated with surface-modified magnetite nano-particles. Appl EnvironMicrob, 2005, 71: 4497-4502

10. Guobin Shan, Huaiying Zhang, Weiquan Cai, Jianmin XING, Huizhou Liu. Improvement of Biodesulfurization Rate by Assembling Nanosorbents on the Surfaces. Biophy J, 2005, 89: L58-L60





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