

词条 星际旅行之深空九号


原 名:Star Trek - Deep Space Nine (ST-DS9)

译 名:星际迷航 - 深空九站

类 型:科幻

片 长:共七季,共176集,每集45分钟左右,

本季首播:美国时间1993年1月 - 1999年6月


出 品:美国·派拉蒙Paramount

语 言:英语

字 幕:中字◆格 式:RMVB

尺 寸:576×432

演 员:

Avery Brooks as Benjamin Sisko

Rene Auberjonois as Odo

Nicole de Boer as Ezri Dax

Michael Dorn as Worf

Terry Farrell as Jadzia Dax

Cirroc Lofton as Jake Sisko

Colm Meaney as Miles O'Brien

Armin Shimerman as Quark

Alexander Siddig as Julian Bas hir

Nana Visitor as Kira Nerys


《星际旅行: 深空九号》(Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,简称「DS9」)是第三代星际旅行系列剧集,从1993年至1999年总共播出了七季,该剧共获得3项艾美奖,9项其他各类奖和42项各类提名。它不以「星舰进取号」及其船员为主角,而以记述围绕在「深空九号」(Deep Space Nine)太空站周遭所发生的事件为主。故事发生在2369 年,深空九号太空站本来是卡达西人占领贝久后所建造的采矿太空站﹝原名「Terok Nor」﹞,一直到资源全被卡达西人掏空后,卡达西人留下了这个采矿站离开,贝久人因为资源不足无法重建自己的家园,只好向星际联邦求助。太空站由星际联邦与贝久星共同管理,并更名为「深空九号」,于是它变成了联邦最偏远的太空站。 在第一集里太空站附近发现一个稳定的虫洞,可以迅速地往返遥远的Gamma象限。这个发现瞬间让这个太空站成为星际联邦最有价值的太空站,也成为进入这个广大未开拓宇宙空间的重要商业中心和军事重地。


Season 1  

DS9 Season 1, 19 episodes: 

Title  Episode

Emissary 1x01/02

Past Prologue 1x03

A Man Alone 1x04

Babel 1x05

Captive Pursuit 1x06

Q-Less 1x07

Dax 1x08

The Passenger 1x09

Move Along Home 1x10

The Nagus 1x11

Vortex 1x12

Battle Lines 1x13

The Storyteller 1x14

Progress 1x15

If Wishes Were Horses 1x16

The Forsaken 1x17

Dramatis Personae 1x18

Duet 1x19

In the Hands of the Prophets 1x20


Season 2  

DS9 Season 2, 26 episodes: 

Title  Episode

The Homecoming 2x01

The Circle 2x02

The Siege 2x03

Invasive Procedures 2x04

Cardassians 2x05

Melora 2x06

Rules of Acquisition 2x07

Necessary Evil 2x08

Second Sight 2x09

Sanctuary 2x10

Rivals 2x11

The Alternate 2x12

Armageddon Game 2x13

Whispers 2x14

Paradise 2x15

Shadowplay 2x16

Playing God 2x17

Profit and Loss 2x18

Blood Oath 2x19

The Maquis, Part I 2x20

The Maquis, Part II 2x21

The Wire 2x22

Crossover 2x23

The Collaborator 2x24

Tribunal 2x25

The Jem'Hadar 2x26


Season 3  

DS9 Season 3, 26 episodes: 

Title  Episode

The Search, Part I 3x01

The Search, Part II 3x02

The House of Quark 3x03

Equilibrium 3x04

Second Skin 3x05

The Abandoned 3x06

Civil Defense 3x07

Meridian 3x08

Defiant 3x09

Fascination 3x10

Past Tense, Part I 3x11

Past Tense, Part II 3x12

Life Support 3x13

Heart of Stone 3x14

Destiny 3x15

Prophet Motive 3x16

Visionary 3x17

Distant Voices 3x18

Through the Looking Glass 3x19

Improbable Cause 3x20

The Die is Cast 3x21

Explorers 3x22

Family Business 3x23

Shakaar 3x24

Facets 3x25

The Adversary 3x26


Season 4  

DS9 Season 4, 25 episodes: 

Title  Episode

The Way of the Warrior 4x01/02

The Visitor 4x03

Hippocratic Oath 4x04

Indiscretion 4x05

Rejoined 4x06

Starship Down 4x07

Little Green Men 4x08

The Sword of Kahless 4x09

Our Man Bashir 4x10

Homefront 4x11

Paradise Lost 4x12

Crossfire 4x13

Return to Grace 4x14

Sons of Mogh 4x15

Bar Association 4x16

Accession 4x17

Rules of Engagement 4x18

Hard Time 4x19

Shattered Mirror 4x20

The Muse 4x21

For the Cause 4x22

To the Death 4x23

The Quickening 4x24

Body Parts 4x25

Broken Link 4x26


Season 5 

DS9 Season 5, 26 episodes: 

Title  Episode

Apocalypse Rising 5x01

The Ship 5x02

Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places 5x03

Nor the Battle to the Strong 5x04

The Assignment 5x05

Trials and Tribble-ations 5x06

Let He Who Is Without Sin... 5x07

Things Past 5x08

The Ascent 5x09

Rapture 5x10

The Darkness and the Light 5x11

The Begotten 5x12

For the Uniform 5x13

In Purgatory's Shadow 5x14

By Inferno's Light 5x15

Doctor Bashir, I Presume 5x16

A Simple Investigation 5x17

Business as Usual 5x18

Ties of Blood and Water 5x19

Ferengi Love Songs 5x20

Soldiers of the Empire 5x21

Children of Time 5x22

Blaze of Glory 5x23

Empok Nor 5x24

In the Cards 5x25

Call to Arms 5x26


Season 6  

DS9 Season 6, 26 episodes: 

Title  Episode

A Time to Stand 6x01

Rocks and Shoals 6x02

Sons and Daughters 6x03

Behind the Lines 6x04

Favor the Bold 6x05

Sacrifice of Angels 6x06

You Are Cordially Invited 6x07

Resurrection 6x08

Statistical Probabilities 6x09

The Magnificent Ferengi 6x10

Waltz 6x11

Who Mourns for Morn? 6x12

Far Beyond the Stars 6x13

One Little Ship 6x14

Honor Among Thieves 6x15

Change of Heart 6x16

Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night 6x17

Inquisition 6x18

In the Pale Moonlight 6x19

His Way 6x20

The Reckoning 6x21

Valiant 6x22

Profit and Lace 6x23

Time's Orphan 6x24

The Sound of Her Voice 6x25

Tears of the Prophets 6x26


Season 7  

DS9 Season 7, 25 episodes: 

Title  Episode

Image in the Sand 7x01

Shadows and Symbols 7x02

Afterimage 7x03

Take Me Out to the Holosuite 7x04

Chrysalis 7x05

Treachery, Faith and the Great River 7x06

Once More Unto the Breach 7x07

The Siege of AR-558 7x08

Covenant 7x09

It's Only a Paper Moon 7x10

Prodigal Daughter 7x11

The Emperor's New Cloak 7x12

Field of Fire 7x13

Chimera 7x14

Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang 7x15

Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges 7x16

Penumbra 7x17

Til Death Do Us Part 7x18

Strange Bedfellows 7x19

The Changing Face of Evil 7x20

When It Rains... 7x21

Tacking Into the Wind 7x22

Extreme Measures 7x23

The Dogs of War 7x24

What You Leave Behind 7x25/26





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