词条 | 信邦 |
释义 | 概述 信邦集团自一九八九年创立以来,始终专注于为中国工业自动化,尤其是汽车制造业提供既适合国情,又具备行业领先水平的装备和解决方案,现已成为该领域内最具影响力的民营公司之一。 信邦集团与具有世界先进技术水平的欧美日各国制造商、供应商建立了广泛和长期的紧密合作关系,是他们指定的在中国的代理商和分销商,同时也是授权服务中心。 信邦集团组建于1989年,专注于为汽车工业和家用电器,能源,建筑,航空和造船等工业领域提供专业装备和工具。近二十年来,随着中国经济高速增长,信邦集团迅速成长为一家在行业内占有重要地位的,具有产品设计开发,生产制造,工程施工和技术服务等能力的综合性企业。信邦集团拥有近两百名工程技术人员和管理人员,一支高素质的专业化团队,融合多种文化,采用现代化的理念和先进手段进行企业管理,并在全国建立完善的销售和服务网络。目前在广州,上海,天津,重庆,武汉,长春,沈阳,南京,杭州,深圳,福州和西安等城市设立了机构。同时在日本,香港,澳大利亚和北美设立了代表处。从信邦集团组建起,以提高中国产品质量和制造水平为己任,向全国汽车制造业,摩托车行业和家用电器制造厂提供了几百台各种专业设备和大量的专业工具,并提供了优良服务。今天信邦集团与全球几十家知名的公司和制造厂结成了合作伙伴,并先后在中国建立了三家合资企业。2007年信邦集团在广州建成了信邦工业园,生产制造自主品牌的专机设备,承接工程,提供设备安装服务,同时还为国外厂家提供国产零部件及组装产品。信邦集团与国内知名大学和研究机构合作,共同开发应用于各工业领域的新装备。并投资于为工业领域服务的计算机软件和物流服务。为实现新的目标,信邦集团与国内知名的专业制造企业结为战略伙伴,努力打造成为中国具有一流水平的工业装备制造企业。 United Faith Group was founded in 1989. As one of the leading integrate company, we are engaging in providing specialized equipments and tools for the industries of automotive , home appliances, energy, construction and ship building. In the past 20 years, with the help of rapid growth of Chinese economy, United Faith Group has become an essential role within the above mentioned industries by its outstanding capabilities of design, manufacturing, project management and comprehensive service. Our senior management team, composed of 200 engineers, administrator and salesmen, employed modern concepts and management methods to guarantee the fulfillment of customers various demands through our nationwide network of sales and service , The company's headquarter is located in Guangzhou which manages owned branches in Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Wuhan, Changchun, Shenyang, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Fuzhou and Xi'an as well as overseas representative offices in Japan, Hong Kong, Australia and north America. Moreover, we have established partnership with more than 30 world-famous trading companies and manufacturers, including 3 joint-venture companies between United Faith Group and oversea partner United Faith Industrial Zone is founded in 2007, it enables us to produce professional and customized equipments on our own brand. Moreover, we are capable of designing new products, offering solutions and providing equipment installation service. We are also manufacturing components for overseas partner. In addition, we begin to work with some research and design organizations aiming to develop new equipment in various engineering areas. Finally, we have developed web-based computer system for internal management of business operation. We look forward to continuing partnership with those noble enterprises across the country and the world. And we strive to become one of the leading integrating companies in the field of industrial equipment and tools in China. 信邦集团与中国各主要汽车制造公司保持着长期合作关系,广州本田、东风日产、长安汽车、通用汽车等等。 信邦集团在提供各类自动化装备和工具的同时,更注重为客户提供整体化集成包,即交流、设计、产品、安装、调试和跟踪服务。为此,信邦集团建立了全国性销售和服务网络及数据库,并完全实现WEB化。 信邦集团将始终致力于以客户为中心,为客户创造有效价值,与客户共同发展,成为客户的长久合作伙伴之目标。 1989 信邦公司在广州成立 1990 向广东美的集团等大型家电公司提供生产工具和设备 1994 成为日本 URYU风动工具、Endo平衡器和气吊、NAC套筒接, Tonichi扭力工具等制造厂在中国区域的总代理 成为向中国摩托车制造业提供装配工具的最大供应商 1995 成为向自动化装配工业提供高端工具的集成供应商之一 上海公司成立 承接上海迅达电梯有限公司装配线总包工程 1996 重庆公司成立 成为日本Yamada润滑油脂泵,Tungalor硬质合金刀具在中国代理 与Atlas 集团Chicago Pneumatic Group 结成合作伙伴 1997 天津公司成立 向广州本田汽车有限公司焊装线提供全套电元社设备 1998 获得广东大亚湾核电运营有限公司设备安装工具总承包合同 全面实施计算机网络管理 1999 开始向自动化装配工业提供整线生产线解决方案和设备的集成供商 为东安三菱发动机制造有限公司提供整线设备 2000 成为中国市场机械手主要供应商,客户覆盖所有著名汽车生产厂家 与日本Banzai公司结成合作伙伴, 并承包昌河铃木汽车有限公司 检测线工程 2001 与日本Estic Corp.成立合资上海艾斯迪克汽车装备制造有 限公司(ECC),自主设计完成第一套拧紧机并提供给广西玉林柴 油机制造公司使用 2002 成立合资上海麦迪克机械设备有限公司。MDK开始生产助力机械 手及自动化非标设备 承包完成重庆长安发动机有限公司和重庆长安铃木汽车有限公司工 具装配工程 2003 沈阳办事处成立 为沈阳三菱发动机制造有限公司提供整线设备 为广州本田公司提产做出贡献,受到广州本田汽车有限公司表彰 承包并完成东风日产汽车有限公司花都,襄樊工厂的检测线,加注 机及涂胶机工程 2004 武汉公司成立 与Decker Corp.成立合资的广州市岱克汽车装备制造有限公司(DSC) 被四川丰田汽车公司授予“综合优秀外协厂商” 向重庆长安汽车有限公司提供自主设计制造的机器人涂胶系统 承包完成广州丰田汽车有限公司工具装配工程 2005 长春公司和杭州办事处成立。 提供上海通用汽车有限公司整线机械手 完成广州本田汽车有限公司日照模拟实验室总包工程 2006 汽车装备工业园开始建设。 南京办事处成立。 2007 信邦汽车装备工业园一期工程完工,并投入生产 2008成立澳大利亚代表处,周琪任事务代表,陈伟东任事务处执行官 1989 United Faith Ltd was established Guangzhou, China. 1990 Started to supply professional tools to major home appliance manufacturers of China. 1994 Started to supply professional tools and equipment to major Chinese motorcycle manufacturers. Established business tie-up relationship with Uryu Seisaku., Ltd, Tohnichi Mfg. Co., Endo Kogyo Ltd and Nagahori Industrial Co., Ltd. , and was appointed as their agent in China market. 1995 United Faith Shanghai branch was established . Achieved assembling line tune-key project of Shanghai Schindler Elevator Co., Ltd. 1996 United Faith Chongqing branch was established Established business tie-up relationship with Yamada Corporation, Tungaloy Corporation. Chicago Pneumatic Group and and was appointed as their agent in China market. 1997 United Faith Tianjin branch was established. Supplied welding equipment of Dengensha Mfg., Co Ltd to Guangzhou Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. 1998 Appointed as tools integrate supplier by Guangdong Nuclear Power Joint Venture Co., Ltd. 1999 Supplied major equipments to Harbin Dongan Mitsubishi Engine Mfg., Co., Ltd. . 2000 Achieved sales of Italy made Manipulators in China market , more than 100 sets were sold . Established business tie-up relationship with Banzai Co., Ltd , achieved sales of alignment tester to Changhe Suzuki Automobile Co., Ltd 2001 Shanghai ESTIC Auto Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd (ECC) was established , a join-venture company between ESTIC Corporation and Untied Faith Group. Delivered the first Fastening machine with own brand to Yuchai Diesel Mfg.,Group 2002 Shanghai MDK Machinery & Engineering Co., Ltd was established, a joint-venture company between Everlink Engineering Ltd and United Faith Group. MDK started o make manipulator. Supplied package assembling tools to Chongqing Changan Engine Co. Ltd and Chongqing Changan Suzuki Auto Co., Ltd. 2003 United Faith Shenyang office was established. Awarded by Guangzhou Honda Automobile Co Ltd as an excellent supplier for Honda product capability increase project. Supplied major equipment of engine assembly line to Shengyang Aero Mitsubishi Motor Engine Mfg., Co., Ltd. Supplied Testing equipments of Banzai Ltd and liquid Filling machines of Decker Corporation to Dongfeng Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. |
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