

词条 新泽西理工大学



所在地区: 新泽西州Newark市

始建时间: 1881

学校性质: 公立大学

特色: 美国理工类大学排名第6




中文名: 新泽西理工大学 所属地区: 美国 新泽西州

外文名: New Jersey Institute of Technology 现任校长: Robert A. Altenkirc

校训: The Edge in Knowledge 

创办时间: 1881 


学院是一所四年制的公立大学,并以工程学院著名的优良学府。新泽西理工学院为一所充满教学热忱的学府,在理工方面的成果卓越,在师资、研究教学都是一等一的,在设备上也是不时地更新设备,以提供学生在使用上的便利。学校距纽约曼哈顿仅20分钟的车程,具有位于大城市校园的所有优势及特有的区域优势。 新泽西理工学院近10年来发展很快,增长了约90%。目前学生人数8800人,其中研究生约3000人,国际学生有近千人,其中有约300名中国大陆学生。学校有教职员工400多名,98%的教员是博士学位或本领域最高学位的获得者。新泽西理工学院经120多年的办学积累,拥有电子、机电、计算机、管理、建筑、生化、材料、化工等多个门类的强势学科。


名列2010年度 “Best National Universities” 全国性排名第115名。

——“America’s Best Colleges”, U.S. News & World Report 2010


us news &amp; world report 2006:全美国家级大学排名第2等级 us news &world report 2006:工程研究所第70名成立于1881年的<a新泽西理工学院 简称NJIT,为一所四年制的公立大学,并以工程学院著名的优良学府,提供了27种学士、30种硕士及18种博士学位课程,供学生攻读新泽西理工学院主要校区位于纽瓦克市,离另一所新泽西州立大学-拉特葛思州立大学罗格斯大学纽瓦克分校为邻,新泽西理工学院为一所充满教学热忱的学府,在理工方面的成果卓越,在师资、研究教学都是一等一的,在设备上也是不时地更新设备,以提供学生在使用上的便利气候四季分明,夏天有多项水上活动、春天及秋天可赏花、健行或漫步在林荫大道上、冬天亦可滑雪




Founded in 1881, NJIT is New Jersey’s public, technological research university.Location: Newark, New Jersey, one of the nation’s technology nerve centers

Acres: 45

Buildings: 26, including the recently added Campus Center and renovated Eberhardt Hall -NJIT Alumni Center

Libraries: Van Houten Library and the Barbara & Leonard Littman Library for Architecture

AcademicsDegree programs: 44 bachelor’s, 49 master’s, 19 doctoral

Special opportunities: Continuing professional education, study abroad, cooperative education and internships, living learning communities, Equal Opportunity Program

Colleges and Schools:6 (engineering, architecture, science and liberal arts, business and management, honors, and computing sciences)

Faculty: 416 full-time, of whom 98 percent hold a doctorate or the terminal degree in their field; 88 adjuncts

Student-to-faculty ratio: 13 to 1

National recognition:Top-tier national research university offering bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees (U.S. News & World Report)

Accreditations: Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSACS) Commission on Higher Education; individual programs may carry additional accreditation

ResearchCenters and labs: 48 in seven key areas

Facilities: 20 state-of-the-art multidisciplinary centers

Expenditures, 2006-2007:$76.9 million

Student BodyUndergraduate enrollment: 5,924

Graduate enrollment:2,916

International students: 186 undergraduate; 1050 graduate

Diversity: In the “TOP 100 UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE PRODUCERS 2007” survey by Diverse Issues in Higher Education.

Costs and Financial AidUndergraduate costs:$10,816 (full-time, NJ resident); $20,560 (full-time, non-resident)

Graduate costs $14,200 (full-time, NJ resident); $20,168 (full-time, non-resident)

NJIT grants and scholarships awarded, 2006-2007: $15.4 million

Undergraduate students receiving financial aid, 2006-2007: 87 percent

Student LifeStudent organizations: more than 70, including academic, professional, honors, cultural, spiritual/religious, recreational, service, and student leadership

Student leadership: Student Senate, Student Activities Council

Greek life:15 fraternities and 9 sororities

Students living on campus: 50 percent of freshmen; 27 percent of all undergraduates

Residence halls:4 fully modernized dorms with single, double, and triple rooms, and suites

Athletics:NCAA Division I; 10 men’s teams; 8 women’s teams, plus cheer team

Intramural sports:Basketball, football, volleyball, soccer

Technology ResourcesCampus network: multi-gigabit network connects more than 6,500 nodes in classrooms, laboratories, residence halls, faculty and staff offices, the library, student organization offices and others; SmartCampus community networking; student-faculty portal

Computing labs: 7 labs with extensive software libraries; most open 7 days a week

Also of NotePresident: Robert A. Altenkirch

Mission and history:Education, research, economic development, and public service

Alumni: more than 44,000

Endowment: $76 million (including $8 million revocable)





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