词条 | 新旅行 |
释义 | 《新旅行》杂志是高端旅行杂志的领军者,具有国际化视野,并热情探索世界的经营阶层两身定制。以“优雅.深度.负有责任感的旅行”为口号,新旅行升级旅行理念,优化旅行方式,引领旅行消费凝聚旅行趣味。以观念推动旅行,让旅行改变生活。 杂志简介创刊时间《新旅行》于 2004 年 5 月创刊发行。 《新旅行》的平台背景《新旅行》隶属于财讯传媒集团( SEEC Media Group Ltd. )。成立于 1998 年的财讯传媒集团是中国首屈一指的杂志类媒体运营商,是香港上市公司(联交所股票代码: HK0205 ),旗下拥有《新旅行》、《财经》、《新地产》、《美好家园》、《中国汽车画报》、《体育画报》、《电脑时空》、 《动感驾驭》 等十余种强势媒体。 媒体描述优雅 锁定中国富有阶层,精心呈现顶级旅行方式,并第一时间提供全面独到的高端旅行报告,涉及奢华旅行用品、酒店、美食、航空等各个方面。 Elegance Voyage magazine targets the richest class in China and presents to them the high-end way of travel. Meanwhile, we offer you high-end travelling report at first hand, concerning about luxury travelling equipments, hotels, delicacies and aviation. 深度 每年向全球90余个国家和地区派出采访组,并特约国内外著名摄影师,以及考古、文物保护、环保等领域的资深人士,深入国内外精彩地域,进行独家报道;同时有来自旅行各个行业的专家组成强大顾问团,为读者答疑解惑,提供权威旅行指导。 In depth Each year, we send out reporting team to as many as 90 countries and regions, and invite photographers both home and abroad, as well as experts in terms of archeology, antique protection and environment protects, to explore places around the world and give first-hand reports. Meanwhile, we have experts from different fields connected to tourism, to answers questions from the readers and give instructions to them. 责任感 我们号召可持续发展旅行,强调旅行应有利于保护目的地的自然环境和文化的多样性,在全球化进程中,我们致力于增进目的地的独特性,并不断推动旅行的进化。 Responsibility We call for travel of sustainable development. We emphasize that travel should protect the natural environment in destination and try to preserve the cultural diversification. In the process of globalization, we make our efforts to enhance the uniqueness of destiny and push the evolution of travel. |
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