

词条 谢正磊




2002.7 获南京师范大学地理科学学院理学学士学位;

2002.9—2005.7 南京师范大学地理科学学院自然地理学专业学习, 获理学硕士学位;

2005.9—2010.1 北京大学城市与环境学院自然地理学专业学习,获理学博士学位(其间:2008.3—2008.9 在北京市国土资源局土地整理储备中心挂职,任主任助理);

2010.1- 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所区域环境研究室 在站博士后

主要研究方向:海岸带土地利用变化、滨海湿地保护、湿地碳循环、碳蓄积、湿地景观格局变化等。已经在 《Biological Conservation》、《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》、《Journal of Coastal Research》、《International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology》、《Advances in Geosciences》、《生态学报》、《中国人口、资源与环境》等国内外期刊发表(含接受)20余篇论文。


1、Zhenglei Xie, Jiyuan Liu, Zongwen Ma et al. 2011.The effect of surrounding land use change upon the wetland landscape pattern of natural reserve of Tianjin, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology. (in press)(SCI)

2、Zhenglei Xie, Jiyuan Liu, Gaoru Zhu, Xuegong Xu, Quanqin Shao.2011.Evaluating habitat change and boundary adjustment of nature reserve in coastal wetland--A case study of Beidagang Nature Reserve of Tianjin, China. Journal of Coastal Research .(in press)(SCI)

3、Zhenglei Xie, Xuegong Xu,Lei Yan. 2010.Analyzing qualitative and quantitative changes in coastal wetland associated to the effects of natural and anthropogenic factors, Tianjin, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,86:379-386.(SCI)

4、Xuegong Xu, Zhenglei Xie, Xiaofeng Duan. 2007. Issues of River-Sea Interactions in North China. Advances in Geosciences, (12):87-98.

5、Zhenshan Lin, Zhenglei Xie.2005. Does habitat restoration cause species extinction. Biological Conservation,123:349-354. (SCI)





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