词条 | 谢永珍 |
释义 | 谢永珍 ,管理学博士,现任山东大学管理学院副教授。主要研究方向为董事会治理评价与诊断,风险控制以及价值评估。已发表学术研究论文40余篇,其中在《管理世界》、《南开管理》评论等管理类的权威杂志发表论文5篇,著作以及译著5部,主持或参加国家以及省部级课题10项,并参加多项公司治理评价与诊断等横向课题的研究工作。 个人履历谢永珍:山东威海人,山东大学管理学院、山东大学公司治理研究中心教授,管理学博士。 研究方向:公司治理、知识管理与资产评估。 主要从事的本科生教学课程有:统计学、工业技术经济与管理、管理学、资产评估等;担任的研究生教学课程有公司治理、资产评估等;MBA与高校教师的教学课程主要有管理学、企业组织与公司治理等。 研究成果一、主要科研论文 1. 基于董事会治理成本与治理收益的董事会规模理论分析, 南开大学学报 2.中国上市公司审计委员会治理效率的实证研究, 南开管理评论 3.公司治理指数与治理绩效的实证分析,管理世界 4.董事会独立性与监督效率关系的实证研究,山东大学学报 5.中国上市公司审计委员会治理效率的实证研究,南开管理评论 6.上市公司两职设置与监督效率关系的实证分析, 中央财经大学学报 7.中国上市公司治理风险预警研究,第一届管理学年会 8.中国上市公司两职设置与公司治理绩效关系的实证分析,山东大学学报 9.中国公司治理评价报告(2003),第三届公司治理国际研讨会 10.中国上市公司董事会独立性指数及其实证观察,山东社会科学 11. Corporate Governance of Chinese listed Company: Appraising Index and Empirical Research,澳门第五届管理国际会议 12.董事会约束机制与企业信用实证分析,南开管理评论 13.Application of Corporate Governance Index of Nankai, 中韩国际会议论文 14.公司治理评价中的专家质量模型,工业技术经济 15.公司治理评价中的独立董事评价指标体系设置,南开管理评论 16.公司治理评价系统设计,南开管理评论 17.基于系统思维的利益相关者共同治理,山东经济 18.无形资产投资与转让中利润分成率的确定,工业工程与管理 二、著作 1.董事会治理评价研究,高等教育出版社(独立编写) 2.公司治理评价与指数研究,高等教育出版社(参编) 3.公司治理制度安排与组织设计,经济科学出版社(合著) 4.公司治理学,高等教育出版社(参编) 5.潜智,商务印书馆(合译) 三、课题 (一)主持课题 1.上市公司董事会治理诊断与治理风险预警系统研究,国家自然基金委课题 2.上市公司董事会治理评价与诊断系统设计,山东省软科学课题 3.山东省上市公司竞争力研究,山东省统计局课题 4.上市公司董事会治理指数及其应用研究, 省教育厅课题 5.济南市上市公司治理评价与诊断决策支持系统,济南市科委课题 (二)参加课题 1.公司治理与评价指数研究,国家自然基金重大课题 2.基于公司治理的企业信用内部约束机制研究,国家自然科学基金应急项目 3.中国中小企业经济发展指数研究, 国家发改委课题 4.中国上市公司治理指数设计研究,南开大学985项目 5.公司治理研究,山东大学985项目 6.上市公司治理诊断系统研究,山东省软科学课题 7.中小企业发展与企业家风险回报研究,省教育厅课题等。 Xie Yongzhen Xie Yongzhen was born in Weihai, Shandong Province. Currently, she is a full professor with a doctorate in the school of management and the research institute of corporate governance of Shandong University. Her research areas include: corporate governance, knowledge management and assets appraisal. She undertakes undergraduate courses, such as statistics, industrial technology economics and management, management, assets appraisal, graduate courses such as corporate governance and assets appraisal and courses for MBA and college faculty, such as management, corporate organization and corporate governance. Major research results in recent years: I:Major research papers: 1. A Theoretical Analysis of the Size of the Board of Directors on the Basis of its Governance Cost and Revenue, Journal of Nankai University 2. An Empirical Study on the Governance Efficiency of Auditing Committee for Chinese listed companies, Nankai Management Commentary. 3. An Empirical Analysis of Corporate Governance Index and Governance Performance, Management World. 4. An Empirical Study on Relations between the Independence of Board of Directors and its Supervision Efficiency, Journal of Shandong University. 5. An Empirical Study on Relations between the Settings of Two Posts in Chinese Listed Companies and the Supervision Efficiency, Journal of Central Financial University. 6. A Study on the Warning of Risks in the Governance of Chinese Listed Companies, Journal of Shandong University. 7. An Empirical Analysis of Relations between the Setting of Two Posts in Chinese listed companies and Corporate Governance Efficiency, Journal of Shandong University. 8. An Appraisal of Corporate Governance in China (2003), The Third International Seminar on Corporate Governance. 9. The Independence Index of Board of Directors of Chinese listed companies and an Empirical Observation, Shandong Social Science. 10. Corporate Governance of Chinese listed Companies: Appraising Index and Empirical Research, The Fifth International Conference on Management in Macao. 11. An Empirical Analysis of the Restraint Mechanism of Board of Directors and Company Credit, Nankai Management Commentary. 12. Application of Corporate Governance Index of Nankai, Papers for Chinese-Korean International Conference. 13. An expert’s quality model of appraisal of corporate governance, industrial technology economy. 14. The Setting of an Appraisal Index System of Independent Board of Directors in the Appraisal of Corporate Governance, Nankai Management Commentary. 15. Co-Governance of Interests Sharers on the Basis of the Systematic Thinking, Shandong Economy. 16. Determine the Profit Sharing Rate in Invisible Assets Investment and Transfer, Industry Project and Management. II:Works: 1. Studies on Governance Appraisal of Board of Directors, High Education Press. (independent author) 2. Studies on Corporate Governance Appraisal and Index, High Education Press. (co-author) 3. Institutional Arrangement of Corporate Governance and Organizational Design, Economy Science Press. (co-author) 4. Corporate Governance, High Education Press. (co-author) 5. Potential Intelligence, Commercial Press. (co-translator) III:Subject areas: Subject areas in charge: 1. Studies on the warning system of governance diagnosis and governance risks of board of directors in the listed companies, national natural funding committee’s subject area. 2. Governance appraisal and diagnosis system design of the board of directors of listed companies, soft science subject area in Shandong province. 3. Studies on the competitiveness of listed companies in Shandong province, subject area of Shandong provincial statistics bureau. 4. Studies on the governance index and its application of the board of directors of listed companies, subject area in Shandong provincial department of education. 5. The governance appraisal of Jinan listed companies and the supportive system of diagnostic decisions, subject area of the department of science in Jinan. Subject areas with her participation: 1. Studies on corporate governance and appraisal index, major subject areas of national natural funding committee. 2. Studies on the internal restraint mechanism of corporate credit on the basis of corporate governance, emergent subject areas of national natural funding committee. 3. Studies on the economic development index of Chinese medium-size and small-size enterprises, subject area of national development and reform commission. 4. Studies on the governance index design of Chinese listed companies, 985 project of Nankai University. 5. Studies on corporate governance, 985 project of Shandong University. 6. Systematic studies of governance diagnosis of listed companies, subject area of Shandong provincial soft science. 7. Studies on the development of medium-size and small-size enterprises and entrepreneurs’ risk return, subject area of Shandong provincial department of education. 个人荣誉1. 2006获得教育部中国高校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖,项目名称为公司治理指数与治理绩效的实证分析。 2. 2007获得山东省教育厅山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖,项目名称为董事会治理评价研究。 |
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