

词条 消极乐队

众所周知,芬兰以金属乐队而闻名,优秀的乐队也层出不穷,例如Nightwish,HIM,The Rasmus和Children Of Bodom,个个都是名声在外。但是在去年,大部NEGATIVE分的芬兰音乐杂志都把Negative评为年度最佳乐队,其核心人物Jonne同时也在日本被评为“2004年度最佳摇滚明星(Rock Star of The Year 2004)”。Negative的处女单曲《The Moment Of Our Love》以及专辑《War Of Love》在芬兰得到了金唱片销量Negative的第二张专辑的第一支单曲《Frozen To Lose It All》直冲芬兰单曲榜榜首。被称为新世纪的Guns’n’Roses。


乐队于1997年在坦佩雷组建,一开始只有3个成员,包括现在的Jonne和Jay。那时候他们还在读高中,风格类似于Nirvana,Jonne像Kurt Cobain那样负责吉他和主唱。Jonne把乐队命名为Negative,是因为他们的歌词总是描写积极的东西,充满了希望,与“Negative”这个代表着消极的词语正好相反,也包含了“生活就是由矛盾和冲突组成的”的含义,更展开说,这也包括了摇滚的“革命”的主张。同时由于Jonne对Nirvana的推崇,“Negative”某种程度上也出于有着和Nirvana有同样的首字母N的考虑。乐队随后相继加入了Antti,Larry,和Sir Christus。他们以5人的阵容完成了第一张专辑《War Of Love》。在制作第二张专辑之前,乐队又加入了新成员Snack。


Jonne Aaron (主唱),

Larry Love (吉他),(已离队)

Sir Christus (吉他)(已经退出乐团),

Antti (贝司),

Jay (鼓) ,

Snack (键盘)。


作为乐队的核心人物,同时也是主唱、作词、作曲的Jonne Aaron常说,“要永远相信你的梦想”,而他自己就是一个最为典型的例子。今年年初在芬兰播出了他的个人纪录片,叙述了一个小男孩如何不断追求梦想,从孤儿院中走出,成为摇滚明星的故事。他也希望能通过这个纪录片来帮助一些有家庭问题的孩子走出困境,用乐观的态度来积极面对。Jonne Aaron全名Jonne Aaron Liimatainen,他的妈妈是根据猫王Elvis Aaron Presley为他命名的,也许他从出生的时候就注定了和音乐的缘分。在他12岁那年,他的父母离婚了,他母亲长期酗酒使他不得不搬去父亲那里,但父亲这里的情况也不理想,他只能被送去了孤儿院。他的父亲送给他吉他并教他怎样弹奏,他的祖母则作为父母的结合体将他带大,并教会了他什么是爱什么是家庭。Jonne有两个兄弟,分别是弟弟Ville和哥哥Tommi。Tommi对他的影响很大,从小到大对他照顾了很多。他说他可以不在乎让父亲知道他抽烟,但他不能不在乎Tommi的意见。现在Tommi作为Negative的经纪人,依然一如既往地照顾着Jonne。他的童年虽然艰难,但他并不觉得自己是不幸的。他小时候的理想是成为一个飞行员,但是他不得不放弃了,因为他总是晕机。当他18岁离开孤儿院的后,他先去了一家幼儿园工作。他非常喜欢孩子,和他们一起唱歌,在他们睡熟后他独自一人弹吉他,从那时候起,他决定组建一个乐队。在幼儿园工作的经历使他学会了真诚地对待别人和音乐。乐队录制了一张小样也进行了一些非常成功的演出,受到了人们的欢迎,但是没有唱片公司愿意和他们签约,因为唱片公司希望Jonne能够单独发展以取得更大的成功。最后几经周折,他们终于与当地的一家唱片公司GBfam签约,开始了初步的宣传和发展。


Negative把自己的音乐风格称为“emo-rock”,也就是指Emotional Rock'n'Roll。尽管他们经常被拿来和芬兰的其他乐队作比较,例如HIM,TO/DIE/FOR,或是Sentenced,但是他们并不认为他们受到过这些乐队的影响。他们的音乐源于芬兰的传统音乐,在抒情歌曲的基础上加入强劲的吉他和弦,歌词大多是美好而积极的,表达了各种感情,而不仅仅是愤怒。他们的音乐是美丽的旋律和摇滚的结合。对Jonne影响最大的还是Nirvana,Guns’n’Roses以及Aerosmith。乐队初期走的是post-grunge的风格,现在则处于哥特摇滚和华丽摇滚之间的位置,这并非是出于对商业的考虑,因为Jonne相信如果他们玩grunge也能挣得很好。音乐风格之所以和过去会有如此大的转变,正是因为每个乐队都需要几年的时间去摸索和创建他们自己独特的风格,他们最初想成为一个朋克乐队,而他们现在正在做他们想做的音乐。随着人生的阅历和厂长的经验积累,这种转变是自然而然的。他们多彩绚丽的的服装复兴了华丽摇滚的传统,也是对Steven Tyler和Axl Rose的尊重,同时也反映出他们音乐的多重感情——也许这一点在第一次听他们音乐的时候还很难发现。他们不愿意像大多数芬兰乐队那样穿着黑色的紧身衣,发出单调乏味的呻吟,宣称无尽的消沉才是伟大的哥特本质,只为了自私地宣泄感情而忽视了歌迷的感受。Negative从来不会烦扰到听众,他们使听者振作,特别是在冰冷而又绵长的冬天给他以希望之光。


今年一月,Negative和HIM,The Rasmus等乐队同台,在Hartwall Arena进行慈善演出,一起为在海啸中受难的人们筹款。在休整了一个多月后,他们的单曲和专辑相继在德国发行,并接受了德国电台和电视台的采访,德国的巡演也正在计划中。然而这一切只是一个开始,他们的目标是整个世界。没有理由否认他们将会成为最伟大的乐队之一,这也正是Negative的目标。当年演出前,Jonne总会因为过度紧张,在后台的地板上躺半小时不能起来,或是兴奋地呕吐,他也曾说过:“即使买不起吃的,也要继续摇滚。我可以吃我的指甲,我要按自己的方式生活下去。”现在他们已经成功了,他需要考虑的是如何继续下去。也许这对于他来说已经不是问题了,因为Negative乐队有足够的自信。当被问到“如果让你列一个芬兰乐队的名单,你会把哪个放在首位?”,Jonne的回答是:“多么奇怪的问题。当然是Negative!”




Jonne的座右铭:Life is an orange.它的含义是,尽管别人看见橙子艳丽的外表会想到它新鲜的内在,但通常它是腐烂的。

如果Jonne可以影响一个人的话,他会说:1.生活是一个橙子 2.生活并努力地生存 3.永远相信你的梦想。

另附:1.Sir Christus现在已经退出,并且其没有参加专辑Karma Killer的录制。


3.Negative最近发售的是一张B-SIDES,叫做'God Likes Your Style',可以到他们的官方MySpace进行试听。4.Negative的新专辑将在2010年推出。




Karma Killer

Release date 07.05.2008

01. A Devil on my Shoulder

2. Sealed

3. Won’t Let Go

4. Motherfucker (Just Like You)

5. Giving Up!

6. An Ornament

7. Dead As We

8. Anna Simona

9. Lust N’ Needs

10. Gravity Of Love

Won’t Let Go -digital single

Release date 16.04.2008

01. Won’t Let Go

In the Eye of the Hurricane DVD

Release date 26.01.2008

Disc 1


Glory of the Shame

My My Hey Hey (Out of the Blue)

Last Hero


Sinners’ Night / Misty Morning


Embracing Past

Frozen to Love It All

Lost Soul (Instrumental Song)

One Last Shot

Planet of the Sun

L.A Freeding Fire

The Moment of Our Love

In Memorian (Immortal Song)

Still Alive / A Song for the Broken Hearted

Until Your’re Mine

In My Heaven

Disc 2


The Moment of Our Love

Frozen to Lose It All + Making Of

In My Heaven + Making of

Planet of the Sun + Making of

Sinners’ Night / Misty Morning



- Interview 2007 18min


- Jonne Aaron /

Mr. Snack /

Larry Love /

Sir Christus /

Antti Anatomy /

jay Slammer


- Documentary 1h 44min


Live at Konzerthaus Schuur,Lucerne,Switzerland,November 16,2006




Fading Yourself -single

Release date 14.03.2007

01. Fading Yourself

02. Lost In America

03. In Memoriam (live)

04. Fading Yourself (acoustic)

Sinners’ Night / Misty Morning -single

Release date: 29.11.2006

01. Sinners’ Night / Misty Morning (radio edit)

02. Sinners’ Night / Misty Morning (album version)

03. Heroine (acoustic jam)


Release date: 27.09.2006

01. Arrival

02. Glory Of The Shame

03. Reflections

04. One Last Shot

05. Fading Yourself

06. Planet Of The Sun

07. A Song For The Broken Hearted

08. Sinner’s Night / Misty Morning

09. Swans

10. Stop F*in’ Around

11. Embracing Past

12. We Can’t Go On

13. In Memoriam (Immortal Peace)

Planet of the Sun

Release date: 06.09.2006

01. Planet Of The Sun

02. Planet Of The Sun (original extended version)

03. Heroine (Studio live)

My my,hey hey (Out of Blue) -single

Release date: 22.6.2005

1. My My,Hey Hey (Out of the blue)

2. Dream Flowers

3. Something

Dark Side - Until You’re Mine -single

Release date: 16.2.2005

1. Until You’re Mine

2. Black Light

Bright Side - About My Sorrow -single

Release date: 16.2.2005

1. About My Sorrow

2. God likes you

In My Heaven -single

Release date: 20.10.2004

1. In My Heaven

2. Better Without You

3. In My Heaven (video)

Sweet & Deceitful

Release date: 1.9.2004

1. Intro

2. Frozen To Lose It All

3. Creeping Inside

4. Locked In The Dark

5. In My Heaven6. My My/Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue)

7. Neverending Parade

8. L.A. Feeding Fire

9. Until You Are Mine

10. About My Sorrow

11. Secret Forgiveness

12. Angels Won..t Lie

Frozen to Lose Tt All -single

Release date: 19.5.2004

1. Frozen to Lose it All

2. My Personal Sensitivity

Still Alive -single

Release date: 12.12.2003

1. Still Alive (new version)

2. Still Alive album version

3. Lost soul (acoustic)

4. Still Alive (live video).

War of Love -limited edition

Release date: 5.12.2003

(Limited edition,2000 copies)

1. Lost Soul

2. Naive

3. After All

4. Misery

5. The Moment of Our Love

6. Inspiration

7. 1000 Nails in My Heart

8. Bleeding

9. Goodbye

10. Last Hero

11. Still Alive

12. Video The Moment of Our Love

Extra material:

+ Loving you

+ Childhood memories

+ Bleeding (acoustic)

+ extra video material

After All -single

Release date: 13.06.2003

1. After All

2. Goodbye (acoustic version)

3. Bonus video material

War of Love

Release date: 28.3.2003

1. Lost Soul

2. Naive

3. After All

4. Misery

5. The Moment of Our Love

6. Inspiration

7. 1000 Nails in My Heart

8. Bleeding

9. Goodbye

10. Last Hero

11. Still Alive

12. Video The Moment of Our Love

Moment of Out Love -single

Release date: 18.02.2003

1. The moment of our love

2. Dying feelings

3. The moment of our love (acoustic)

God Likes Your Style-single.

Release date:17.6.2009


Release date:2.6.2010

No One Can Save Me Tonight

End Of The Line

Love That I Lost

Blood On Blood


Celestial Summer

Jealous Sky

Days I`m Living For

Since You`ve Been Gone

Kiss Of Hope

Fucking Worthless

Neon Rain



Karma Killer 全部歌词

A Devil On My Shoulder

Take a look at me

Years behind me have made me disabled

My will and strength lives in me...

It was loud to keep me stable...

No matter what!

No matter what!

No matter what!

Hear me pray for the pain and to suffer

It's all a game we're destructive to each other

Life is short,an open chord,in a bad tone...

From now on there's a devil on my shoulder

Why I'm still here in this godless scene

Going six feet under

She's the burning ground

Beneath my feet for too long

And I should tell her...

No matter what!

No matter what!

Hear me pray for the pain and to suffer

It's all a game we're destructive to each other

Life is short,an open chord,in a bad tone...

From now on there's a devil on my shoulder

Hear me pray for the pain and to suffer

It's all a game we're destructive to each other

Life is short,an open chord,in a bad tone...

From now on

No more for me to follow

No wrong or right

There's no need to say things twice

No matter what I'll survive

With a devil on my

A devil on my shoulder...



Only sorrow and pain

Will fill your heart tonight

Only thing that will remain

Could it get worse?

It's a one way street down

With every gasp it hurts

Never pleasant kinda way

This love was a curse

And we were just framed

It all comes back crying out your name

Only sorrow and pain

Will fill your heart tonight

Only thing that will remain

Is your heart next to mine

Sorrow and pain...

Only sorrow and pain

There was a time

When you walked in beauty

Now you're alone

But there are millions just like you

Why should you fight

No one's safe from the cruelty

The worst part is yet to come...

Only sorrow and pain

Will fill your heart tonight

Only thing that will remain

Is your heart next to mine

Sorrow and pain...

Only sorrow and pain

Only sorrow and pain

Will fill your heart tonight

Only thing that will remain

Is your heart next to mine

Sorrow and pain...

Only sorrow and pain


Won't Let Go

When hearts are blessed with a fire and steals our faith

We decide to get rid of desires that we can't escape

How much more your tired heart can take

The time will show that our secrets won't be safe

I won't let go of things that I was dreaming

I won't let go of you,you keep me believing

And deep in my heart there's a place that I could never show to you

I won't let go of you,my dear

If we trust our love to take us to a place unknown

Even we're not sure if we could get back on our own

No way out,I am tired heart can tell

It breaks me down,it kills me

I won't let go of things that I was dreaming

I won't let go of you,you keep me believing

Deep in my heart there's a place that I could never show to you

I won't let go of you my dear

I won't let go of things that I was dreaming

I won't let go of you,you keep me believing

And deep in my heart there's a place that I could never show to you

And deep in my heart there's a place that I could never show to you

I won't let go of you my dear


Motherf*cker (Just Like You)

Since birth you wandered on the streets

Doing drugs to kill bad self-esteem

Never looking out for compromise

Now you′re gone in hell and I realize.. that I′ve seen...

Motherfuckers,motherfuckers,just like you

Who don′t know,who don′t know,what they should do with their lives

Motherfuckers,motherfuckers just like you

Take a look outside it all could be yours

Unsophisticated demanding force

Am I wrong,I warned you for so long?

Always waiting for the next storm to come... that I′ve seen

Motherfuckers,motherfuckers just like you

Who don′t know,who don′t know,what they should do with their lives

Motherfuckers,motherfuckers just like you

Who don′t know,who don′t know,what they should do

Just get a life man

Just get a life man,just get a life man

Just get a life man,you better do it fast

Just get a life man

Now get out of your trap

Just get a life man,you better do it fast

Just get a life man

Now get out of your trap

And I′ve seen

Motherfuckers,motherfuckers just like you

Who don′t know,who don′t know,what they should do with their lives

Motherfuckers,motherfuckers just like you

Who don′t know,who don′t know,what they should do with their lives

Just get a life man,you better do it fast,just get a life man


Giving up!

Hate,what will it take

When all that is left

Is a long waited sweet revenge

I'm giving up,giving up my pride for you

I'm giving up,giving up my trust in you

My dear old friend good times we had

But I ain't no one's fool

Let there be light and a better future

With every blink of an eye

Your lies will destroy her

So I'm giving up,giving up my pride for you

I'm giving up,giving up my trust in you

And every minute now

You're drifting away

It's a fact we can't deny

Let there be light and a better future

With every blink of an eye

Your lies will destroy her

So I'm giving up,giving up my pride for you

I'm giving up,giving up my trust in you

Let there be light and a better future

With every blink of an eye

Your lies will destroy her

So I'm giving up,giving up my pride for you

I'm giving up,giving up my trust in you

My trust in you

My trust in you


An Ornament

Don′t say “I′m sorry” again,

It doesn′t give you the right…

To be someone else

I would be pleased to love and share

But inside I′m locked I can′t even cry

Love only matters,when it comes to the end

Love only matters makes you rise again

I′m just an ornament,an ornament to your face

Not enough,but it feels right,

You keep me alive when you hold me tight

Both ends are burning fast

Would you stand by me

When things are getting bad

And the colours here will fade

Would you help me see,

Real shades of grey

Love only matters,when it comes to the end

Love only matters makes you rise again

I′m just an ornament,an ornament in your garden

Not enough,but it feels right,

You keep me alive when you bring the rain… rain… rain

Read between the lines

This is fragile only for you and I

All I wanted is that you love me… as I am

Don′t say “I′m sorry” again

Does it give you the right

To be someone else… someone else… someone else


Dead as we

I was holding her forever

Through the tears we smiled together

And commitment cost me more than I could pay

This blaze of despair is all that I can feel

When love that was meant for us will be as dead as we

No need to approve,don′t put the blame on me

When all that was meant for us,will be as dead as we

She was offering for adventure

Rusty diamonds of secret treasure

She took me deeper into the dark than I could go

This blaze of despair is all that I can feel

When love that was meant for us will be as dead as we

No need to approve,don′t put the blame on me

When all that was meant for us,will be as dead as we

Every shadow on her way,will remind of better days

This blaze of despair is all that I can feel

When love that was meant for us will be as dead as we

No need to approve,don′t put the blame on me

When all that was meant for us,will be as dead as we

No need to approve,don′t put the blame on me

When all that was meant for us,will be as dead as we


Anna Simona

I doubt myself today 4am the world is sleeping

Wonder why no one's here just me and this needless weeping

Running away from you,was the first mistake from my side

Running away from you,was the worst mistake of my life

If I could turn back time...But then no one can...

So many things left unsaid,so many things I couldn't write down

When my weakness made me scared

Your presence built me stronger and all that disapprovement

Of hope is flying over,like dust in wind

If I could turn back time get right back,where we start from...But I can't

Your presence built me stronger and all that disapprovement

Of hope is flying over,like dust in wind

If I could turn back time get right back,where we start from...But I can't

No I can't...But I can't...


Lust N′ Needs

Come,come and taste the blade cold and steel

With that grin upon your face bring it all down here

All down here,let′s make it real

Love on the streets,emotions for sale

Just take whatever comes on your way

I swear you won′t regret

Get in,release your lust and needs

Just for one night down on your knees

Play dead enjoy and forget

Girl forget the world outside that is made of rules

Be my queen of desire,live for your sin

Let me be your sin take me under your skin

Love on the streets,emotions for sale

Just take whatever comes on your way

I swear you won′t regret

Get in,release your lust and needs

Just for one night down on your knees

Play dead enjoy and forget

Love on the streets,emotions for sale

Just take whatever comes on your way

I swear you won′t regret

Get in,release your lust and needs

Just for one night down on your knees

Play dead enjoy and forget

My queen of desire come light my fire and scream!


Gravity Of Love

There′s a power we can′t see

Tried to put it in words,guess it wasn′t meant to be

Still do my best to understand,what′s behind that′s haunting me

The place will return like the sun of my childhood

There′s no one on earth that could ruin this solid mood

Warm touch of a winged messenger of danger

Still hear the call,but I won′t go

Another day behind and I survived

Who held me through this? I′m glad that I′m still alive

Dark force keeps knockin′ on my door

But I won′t open ′til it′s gone

The place will return like the sun of my childhood

There′s no one on earth that could ruin this solid mood

Warm touch of a winged messenger of danger

Still hear the call,but I won′t go

The place will return like the sun of my childhood

There′s no one on earth that could ruin this solid mood

Warm touch of a winged messenger of danger

Still hear the call,but I won′t go... gravity of love

I must be dreaming,I must be dreaming,I must be dreaming

I must be dreaming,I must be dreaming,I must be dreaming

Anorectic 全部歌词

1. Arrival

(Music: Negative)

2. Glory Of The Shame

(Music: Jonne Aaron & Larry / Lyrics: Jonne Aaron)

This revolution in my mind

this generation will be mine!

with the satisfaction

only strongest will survive.

Close enough to pain

pleasure screams your name

I've seen this one before...

Glory of the shame!

You're the shelter I'm the storm

that will never be calm...

Glory of the shame!

It goes by the name...

Beware I'm here to take control

only I can save your rotten soul

For the devastation that drove you out of your mind...

3. Reflections

(Music: Jonne Aaron & Larry / Lyrics: Jonne Aaron)

I wasn't solid enough to be

Things you rather wanted to see in me

Should I forget myself to get over you

all I can do is pretend and lie to myself

over and over again...

Ghost of you,still breathing

It won't leave me alone

it keeps on teasing

Reflections of eternity are dark as hell

now I can see

of that I'm glad my heart and soul are still mine...

I couldn't stop believing in fantasies

you destroyed then forgot now I rebuilt

This promise land made by sand

of an hour glass we misplaced

It's broken it has disappeared and so have you...

4. One Last Shot

(Music & Lyrics: Jonne Aaron)

We used to be so perfect

we came together fine

It seemed like a crime

This world so blind we once created

more than a fairy tale

Oh now we shined

Not any more! x4

I sing for justice here we stand in time

waiting for our one last shot...

shot to come in

This world so blind we once created

where faked,painted smiles felt so naked

I was blind without a stick

taste of morephine on your lips made me sick

Never learned to love surprises

respecting how we swore...

eye for an eye...smile for a smile...

when your wings are torn

the distance between right and wrong is too short

And it feels you got nothing left to lose

sky above falling down

you feel abused...

And I don't want it

No,I don't want it

this endless mile that we are walking

waiting for one last shot to come in

But we need it

somehow we need it

this unknown that we're suffering for

losing hold of what we were before

where's the mercy? when we need it the most

when we can't hold on...

I'll be ok

I'll be all right

nothing can break me down

no one can hurt me

as long as you say

that you'll stay another day

5. Fading Yourself

(Music & Lyrics: Jonne Aaron)

Fade all the demons in your head

it's getting harder to understand

Delusion all that makes no sense...

It's all in our minds

it's all in our eyes

they see what they want to see

the whole truth beyond these endless lies...

every face that you make

they've become so lame...

You're losing your faith

can't you see that there must be something

something you know and more to believe in...

you're fading yourself...

Take some wasted years you thought you knew

and you'll see that you were wrong

what it takes? what's the price of being in bloom

You become so numb

all that mattered is gone...

If you keep looking back and feel sorry for yesterdays

you'll be one of the strangers

you can't recognize yourself

the passion you felt it was so strong

now it's gone

6. Planet Of The Sun

(Music & Lyrics: Jonne Aaron)

On and on I was looking for freedom

less and more I found it by you

This darkened sky of our heavenly kingdom

the thing in common is there's not so much left to say...

Are you ready or not

ready for the truth

sick and tired of this nonsense

I'm frustrated by you...

The signs of silence are getting louder

breaking the bond we protected so long

I don't see a reason to ponder with this any longer

there's no turning back

just one way to fall...fall apart...

On and on I was looking for freedom

less and more I found it by you

In a life that we live in

for love we believed in

this might be the day we die

so we can be born again...

And life should be easy

when there's someone to hold on

that's what they told me

that's what I thought

Planet of the sun

7. A Song For The Broken Hearted

(Music & Lyrics: Jonne Aaron)

Never needed anybody

helpless,restless little soul

always fighting against somebody

living in denial all alone...

but I know...

No one can live broken hearted

not that I know of anyway

if only you could break this shell around me

till that I'm standing on my own living in denial all alone...

No one of us can live forever

this life's like a suicide with no gun

heart full of love but soul is crying

knowing this is what you've been hiding from...

soon you will know...

The greatest thing you ever felt

was when an enemy turned into a friend you could not trust

new sunrise in a lonely heart

sunrise always follows the dark

now you know...I know you know...

8. Sinner Night / Misty Morning

(Music & Lyrics: Jonne Aaron)

It's a misty morning

but I fell like I can fly

every step that I take is heavier than a thousand miles

concrete jungle's calling and I'm sure I don't want to resist

It's a one way high

turn me on with the devils kiss

Who would want to spend a life time with bad selfesteem

Don't you never ever think about it

you will see that there's no doubt about it

The pleasure we never had is in our hands

this night is like a rollercoaster ride babe

just shut your mouth and you will get your race

this spell is all around

this is our chance

just take my hand

don't ask me why

cos I don't know

show me the smile that kills and make me beg some more...

Soon the night is over

you're underdoped just take your time

here is one for you before you know it blows your mind

here the hell freezes over and seven days have gone so fast

and cash that I got is from the chaos that I planned

who would want to spend a life time with bad atmosphere

me neither

if you know what I'm saying

forget the bullshit what they say keep on tening

9. Swans

(Music: Larry & Sir Christus & Jonne Aaron / Lyrics: Jonne Aaron)

Thrill of fear flash of cruelty

was what I sensed of the signs you were sending

Lives as one but separated

Who'll draw the lines

who tells when it's too late?...

And as the swans prepare for their leaving

Can't change what done

it's unforgiven

bitter is the taste of your way

cannot rewind

can't take it back...

The picture is clear and so brave

but you wanted to have it your own way

sometimes things are as they seem...

and as the swans prepare for their leaving

can't change what's done

it's unforgiven

bitter is the taste of your way

cannot rewind

can't take it back...

How long do we have

10. Stop F*ckin' Around

(Music & Lyrics: Jonne Aaron)

Remains of sympathy

that's kind of what you left me with

our divided destinies nailed to be lost

Beauty marks of history easily will repeat itself

I have nothing to prove to you

this time I'll take and make my move...

There's no "you're the one"

only hollow heart of mine

sealed with damage done

choice was yours so don't be a child...

Lies accusations

I won't crawl I'll take your pride

otherwise you will proudly stay above everything

In case love is dead

can't let myself go to waste

you wanna taste my revenge

this time I'll turn my back on you...

Hey you!

look what you have done to me

all my feelings turn to hate

All your sickness insanity makes me a mess

so I won't wait...

Stop mesin' around...Stop fuckin' around...

11. Embracing Past

(Music & Lyrics: Jonne Aaron)

Autumn rain in december

darkness offers company

some part of me doesn't want to remember...

how could I forget

I don't wanna talk about

of worse,or of some better

why can't we stay like this forever...

While the rain has become so much colder

embracing past

it's not gonna last any longer!

I keep on thinking

thinking it's so releaving

to hear how you feel

to know that you're not rejecting me yet...

would you ever think of me

you know I can't stand when you say so

oh how much I hate...

12. We Can't Go On

(Music & Lyrics: Jonne Aaron)

Remember the time you used to say

we've come to the end of our own way

Or this journey has just begun

you're the lesson cursed I never learned

you're the flames in the fire when we burn

I ain't got time for you and I

someday when I become old and wise

i'm able to explain to you

why love is kind to be cruel...

Forget the grief to celebrate

come enjoy this dance on the edge

together it's softer to fall

You know I'm afraid to say it loud

You know I'm too scared to spit it out

i have to scream and shout

We can't go on,we can't go on,we can't go on

We can't go on,we can't go on,we can't go on

No more excuse for me to go

no excuses that I know

Oh my darling we're doomed to fail

Just can't get the words out of my head

no reason to wait for better days...

Life's a bitch and then we die...

All this time I trusted you and fooled myself I was dumb

Love is just for the fools and I've heard it should be fun

it might be fun,it can't be fun...

13. in Memoriam (Immortal Peace)

(Music & Lyrics: Jonne Aaron)

Like seasons change their face

rain like the tears

winds got your voice whispering my name

Landing shadows come around

telling me the same old story with certain sound

I'm stuck in a place

prisoner of this room

painful memories of me and you

I take colors of longing and paint you on my wall

Is it too much to ask for some golden peace

that's what I expect from you at least

it's simple and understood there's no way out...

I wish that I would be dead

dead like you and I falling like a butterfly

after one lived day

hope you will find your peace immortal eternal and real

I know I cannot be dead yet

just can't live it again...

Too much never enough

we're stuck in time till death leads us away

In a moment that I'm scared the most

you're sleeping aways soon you'll be lost

every breath that you take you'll be closer to where you belong

I never thought this could be so hard and rough

after all we've been trough can't get enough

of this sweetest trip you once gave me as a gift...

I hope you're waiting for me somewhere out there

in a place where we can hold each other again

you went first I'll come right after you

I'm depressed I don't care...

I miss you,

I hope you hear me...


Frozen to lose it all 《冻结自己,放逐一切》

alone in sadness 徘徊于悲伤中你是那么孤独

you are pure and innocent 那么的纯洁无辜

all suffering in your eyes 你眼中的痛苦

so love decides its time to lose it all 让爱决定把自己放逐

in your paradise you stayed 停留在一个人的天堂里

lost and lonely you are 你迷失了你自己

chorus: [副歌]

in memories we're all we used to be 回忆里,我们仍是曾经的青涩样子

our frozen broken hearts,我们僵硬破碎的心

ready to lose it all 已准备好失去一切

lifes running out,too fast 生命消逝的太快

it's all we have 我们拥有的一切

this all remainds of how in love and lost we are 提醒我们曾经是怎样爱过又是怎样相互毁灭过

you stayed alone in sorrow 你独自停滞于忧伤中

so far away 那么遥远

where the sunbeams never reach 在那阳光永远无法到达的角落

all alone and lost we are 我们是多么孤单和迷失

your lonelyness,你的寂寞

it could be here to stay 它可以在此处停留

in your paradise you stayed 停留在一个人的天堂里

so lost and lonely you are 你迷失了你自己

I am frozen to lose it all 我冻结了自己我放逐了一切

消极乐队------此刻我们的爱 (The Moment Of Our Love)

江城之殇 翻译

I've tried to kill the pain我已经尝试过解除这痛苦

but it keeps me in this circle但它将我困在这圈中摆布

It's hard to get away这一切很难逃离

And I feel you again我再次感觉到你

You're with me你与我一起

Love is a word you gave it a name爱是你赋予名字的一个词语

Love is right now爱正在此刻

So don't close your heart因此不要关闭心灵

I've been waiting all my life我此生一直在等待

For this moment of our Love为了此刻我们的的爱

with you与你同在

I've tried to feel the pain我已经尝试过感觉这痛苦

But it keeps me in this Circle但它让我原地踏步

I don't wanna get away我不想逃避

'cos you're here with me因为此刻你与我一起

I feel you我感觉到了你

Love is the word you gave it a name爱是你赋予名字的一个词语

Love is right now爱正在此刻

So don't close you heart因此不要关闭心灵

I've been waiting all my life我此生一直在等待

For this Moment of our Love为了此刻我们的的爱

with you与你同在

with you与你同在

Just let me Love you就让我爱你吧

and I learn to Love you right让我学会正确的爱你

- I lived Only for this Moment我仅为此刻

- For this moment of our Love为了此刻我们的爱

with you与你同在

with you与你同在










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