

词条 项世军

1. 个人简介:

2006年6月毕业于中山大学(广州),导师黄继武教授。2006年9月前往韩国高丽大学做专职博士后研究,2007年10月回国。目前服务于中山大学985公共安全数字化创新平台,博士后研究员。IEEE信息处理社区和通信社区会员。主要研究对象为稳健音频水印,稳健图像水印,多媒体哈希(Hashing)和可视密码等。已在IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Elsevier Signal Processing, 计算机学报、IHW2006和ACM Multimedia 2007等国内外顶级杂志和国际会议上发表论文10多篇。主要在音频水印抗同步攻击(如拉伸和裁剪)和DA/AD变换,图像水印抗几何攻击(特别是局部几何攻击),图像哈希抗几何变形上作出了一序列创新工作。

2. 代表论文:

2.1 书(章节):

Hyoung-Joong Kim, 项世军, In-Kwon Yeo, and Subhamoy Maitra. "Robustness Analysis of Patchwork Watermarking Schemes". Digital Audio Watermarking Techniques and Technologies: Applications and Benchmarking, Chapter VIII, Editor(s): Nedeljko Cvejic, IGI Global. PDF

2.2 国际杂志或会议:

项世军, Hyoung-Joong Kim, 黄继武. ““Invariant Image Watermarking Based on Statistical Features in the Low-Frequency Domain,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 18, Issue 6, June 2008, pp. 777-790. PDF Official Site

项世军, Hyoung-Joong Kim, 黄继武. " Audio Watermarking Robust to Time-Scale Modification and MP3 Compression." Signal Processing (Elsevier Science), Vol. 88, Issue 10, 2372- 2387,Oct. 2008. (doi:10.1016/j.sigpro.2008.03.019)

项世军, 黄继武. “Histogram-Based Audio Watermarking Against Time-Scale Modifications and Cropping Attacks,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 9, No. 7, pp. 1357-1372, Nov. 2007. Link

Hyoung Joong Kim, V. Sachnev, 项世军. "An Improved Reversible Watermarking Scheme". The 6th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW 2007).

项世军, Hyoung-Joong Kim. “Geometrically Invariant Image Watermarking in the DWT Domain,” The 8th International Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA 2007) . (Full paper). PDF

项世军, Hyoung-Joong Kim, 黄继武. “Histogram-Based Image Hashing Scheme Robust Against Geometric Deformation,” The 9th ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop, September 2007 (Full paper). PDF

Hyoung Joong Kim, V. Sachnev, Su-Jeong Choi, 项世军. "Innocuous Visual Cryptography Scheme". Accepted by the 8th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS2007) PDF

项世军, Hyoung-Joong Kim. " Invariant Audio Watermarking in DWT Domain." The 1st IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies & Applications (ICUT2007), pp. 13-22. PDF

项世军, Hyoung-Joong Kim. " An Invariant Image Watermarking Against Geometric Attacks." IJWISA 2007, pp. 13-22.

项世军, 黄继武, Rui Yang. “Time-Scale Invariant Audio Watermarking Based on the Statistical Features in Time Domain,” Proc. Information Hiding 2006 (IH2006). PDF PPT Matlab.zip

项世军, 黄继武. “Robust Audio Watermarking Based on Low-Order Zernike Moments,” IWDW 2006, LNCS 4283, pp. 226-240, 2006. PDF

项世军, 黄继武. “一种抗D/A和A/D变换的音频水印算法,” 计算机学报, 2006年2月,308-316. PDF

项世军, 黄继武. “Analysis of D/A and A/D Conversions in Quantization-Based Audio Watermarking,” International Journal of Network Security, Vol.3, No.3, PP.230–238, 2006, ISSN 1816-353X (Print), 1816-3548 (Online). (Also presented in KES 2005) PDF

项世军, 黄继武. "Analysis of Quantization-Based Audio Watermarking to D/A and A/D Conversions," 2005, LNAI 3682, pp. 587-592. PDF

2.3 其它论文

项世军. "A Computational Aspect of Zernike Moments in the Presence of Rotation," Report. PDF {This paper addressed the computational problem when an image has undergone rotation. Our strategy is to map all images to a standard size in such a way that the pixel points' polar radius can keep unchanged for an original image and its rotated version.}

项世军, 黄继武. Robust Audio Watermarking Against the D/A and A/D conversions. Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Multimedia (cs.MM). arXiv:0707.0397 [pdf]

2.4 专利:

项世军, 黄继武. "一种抗DA/AD变换的音频水印处理方法"。申请号:200610036499.7,公开号:CN1889176A;

项世军, 黄继武. "一种抗同步攻击的音频水印处理方法。申请号:200610036603.2,公开号:CN1928991;

项世军, 黄继武. "一种基于Zernike变换的数字音频水印嵌入和认证方法"。申请号:200610036498.2,公开号:CN1889175A。

项世军, 黄继武. “视频数据处理装置及方法"。申请号:200810007048.2。

3. 学术活动:

IWDW 2008程序委员会委员

ICUT 2007和2008国际会议程序委员



Signal Processing: Image Communication

IEEE Transaction on Broadcasting

IEEE Transaction on Multimedia

International Journal of Network Security

LNCS Transaction Data Hiding and Multimedia Security

Journal of Communication and Network

IWDW 2007



ACM Multimedia and Security 2007, Dallas, USA, 2007.09.

WISA2007, Jeju, Korea. 2007.08.

IIHMSP2005, Melbourne, Australia. 2005.09

IWDW2006, Jeju, Korea. 2006.11.

ICUT2007, Dubai, UAE, 2007.02.

IJWISA2007, Seoul, Korea. 2007.02.





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