词条 | 香妃鸡 |
释义 | 香妃鸡 用料: 光鸡1只(约重1。36千克)。 浸汁: 粗盐2汤匙(如果幼盐酌量加多些),生抽3汤匙,酒2汤匙,桂皮2片, 姜2片,葱2条,水6杯,鸡粉1汤匙(或用味精半汤匙取代,不喜欢的免用)。 蘸汁 : 1.蚝油1小碟。 2.姜磨蓉2汤匙,葱2条切碎,盐半茶匙,胡椒粉少许,油适量(搅匀盛小碟上)。 做法: 1.把浸汁煮滚,待完全冷后才可用。 2.鸡切去脚、洗净抹干水,盛碟上,胸向上。 3.把适量之水放入锅中烧滚,放下蒸架,鸡原碟放在架上,盖上镬盖,用中火蒸 15分钟,反转背向上再蒸10分钟至熟。 4.鸡熟后立即放入浸汁中,浸至入味,约需4小时~6小时,浸时要翻动,把汁淋 入 肚内,不要加盖。 5.把鸡从汁中取起,沥干浸汁,扫油在鸡皮上,斩件上碟,可以配上蘸汁吃。 STEAMED CHICKEN WITH SALTED SAUCE Ingredients: 1 Chicken,about 3 lb Sauce for soaking chicken: 2 tbsp coarse salt; 3 tbsp light soy sauce;2 tbsp wine;2 slices cinnamon bark;2 slices ginger; 2 spring onions;6 cups water; 1 tbsp chicken powder(optional) Serving sauces: 1) 1 small dish oyster sauce; 2).2 tbsp grated ginger 2 spring onions, chopped;1/2 tsp salt; dash of pepper ;some oil(mix together in a dish) Method: 1. Boil up chicken sauce.Cool aside for later use. 2.Cut off claws of chicken Wash, wipe and dish on plate with breastside upward. 3. Prepare some bolling water for steam -ing .Steam chicken on plate with tripod underneath.steam over medium heat for 15 minutes, covered. Turn chicken over and steam for furhter 10 minutes until cooked. 4. Soak steamed chicken in chicken sauce for about 4 to 6 hours, uncovered. Turn evenly and pour some sauce inside chicken. 5.Remove chicken from sauce.?Drain well and glaze with oil. chop into pieces and dish .Serve with serving sauces. |
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