

词条 夏敦胜

夏敦胜:男,山东乐陵人,中共党员,博士、教授,博士生导师。主要从事环境磁学、干旱区环境及城市污染等研究。已主持或参加了国家和省部级研究项目十余项,发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI 近20篇。



1991.9-1995.6:兰州大学地理系,自然地理专业,学士学位; 1995.9-1998.6:兰州大学地理系,自然地理专业,硕士学位;1999.3-2003.6:英国利物浦大学地理系,博士学位;2003.7-2006.6: 中科院寒旱所, 博士后;2003.11-2006.10: 中科院寒旱所,副研究员;2006.11-今: 中科院寒旱所,研究员;2004.6-今:兰州大学,教育部西部环境重点实验室,客座副教授。2004.6:兰州大学西部环境教育部重点实验室,兼职副教授;2008.10:兰州大学西部环境教育部重点实验室,教授.





国家自然科学基金:西北地区粉尘/表土环境磁学特征及其代用指标研究, 2005-2007,负责人;

国家自然科学基金:城市颗粒污染物磁学特性研究-以兰州市大气降尘和街道尘埃为例, 2006-2008,执行人;


国家自然科学基金: 阿拉善高原-黄土高原全新世重大干旱事件,2005-2007,主要参加人员;


国家自然科学基金:中国西风区粉尘/黄土磁学特征及其气候记录—以天山黄土为例, 2009-2011,负责人;

国家自然科学基金重点基金:中国西部干旱半干旱区全新世气候变化的集成研究, 2006-2010,主要参加人员;




l Xia DS, Chen FH, et al., 2007, Magnetic properties of Surface Soil along a NW-SE transect of Chinese Loess - Alxa Plateau and its environmental significance, (In Review).

l Xia DS, Chen FH, Bloemendal J, 2008, Use of environmental magnetic techniques to monitor urban pollution origins in Lanzhou, Northwest China, (In Review).

l Xia DS, Bloemendal J, Chiverrell RC, et al., 2008, Rock magnetic differentiation of Icelandic tephra layers – a test of the method, (Revised).

l Wei HT, Xia DS, Chen FH, et al.,,2008, Magnetic characteristics of topsoil from Xinjiang, Northwestern China and its significance, Frontiers of Earth Science in China, (In press).

l Ma JY, Sun W, Zhang HW, Xia DS, et al., 2009. Stable Carbon Isotope Characteristics of Different Plant Species and Surface Soil in Arid Regions. Frontiers of Earth Science in China, 3(1): 107-111.

l 魏海涛,夏敦胜,陈发虎,等, 2008,新疆表土磁学性质及其环境意义,干旱区地理,(出版中).

l 贾佳,夏敦胜,刘秀铭,陈发虎,魏海涛, 2008,耀县黄土剖面记录的全新世冬夏季风异步演化,第四纪研究,(出版中)

l 春喜,陈发虎,范育新,夏敦胜,等,2009,MIS3阶段吉兰泰古湖演化的初步研究。干旱区资源与环境,(出版中).

l 春喜,陈发虎,范育新,夏敦胜,等,2009,乌兰布和沙漠腹地古湖存在的沙嘴证据及环境意义,地理学报(3):339-348.


l Xia DS, Chen FH, Bloemendal J et al., 2008, Magnetic properties of urban dustfall in Lanzhou, China, and its environmental implications, Atmospheric Environment, 42(9): 2198-2207.

l Wang XM,Xia DS, Wang T, et al., 2008, Dust sources in arid and semiarid China and southern Mongolia: impacts of geomorphological setting and surface materials, Geomorphology, 97: 583-600.

l Wang G, Xia DS, Liu XM, et al., 2008,Spatial and temporal variation in magnetic properties of street dust in an industrial city of Northwest China, Chinese Science Bulletin,53(12):1913-1923.

l Wang XM, Li JJ, Dong GR, Xia DS, 2008, Responses of desertification to wind activity variations over the past five decades in arid and semiarid China, Chinese Science Bulletin,53(3):426-433.

l Liu XM,Liu TS, Chlachula J,Xia DS,et al.,2008,Two pedogenic models for paleoclimatic records of magnetic susceptibility from Chinese and Siberian loess, Science in China(D), 50(12):284-293.

l Chun X, Chen FH, Fan YX,Xia DS, et al., 2008, Formation f Ulan Buh desert and its environmental changes during the Holocene. Frontiers of Earth Science in China, 2(3):327-332.

l 王冠,夏敦胜*,杨丽萍,等,2008,兰州市街道尘埃的元素空间变化特征,干旱区资源与环境,22(6):13-20.

l 王冠,夏敦胜*,陈发虎,等,2008,兰州市街道尘埃粒度分布特征及其意义,环境科学与管理,33(3):67-72.

l 王冠,夏敦胜*,刘秀铭, 等,2008, 西北典型工业城市街道尘埃磁学特征时空变化规律, 科学通报,53(4):446-455.

l 王冠,夏敦胜,杨丽萍,等,2008,兰州市街道尘埃的元素季节变化特征研究,兰州大学学报,44(1):6-10.

l 魏海涛,夏敦胜*,陈发虎,等,2008,黄土高原及相邻地区表土磁化率与降水量的关系,冰川冻土,30(3):433-439;

l 马剑英,陈发虎,夏敦胜,等. 2008. 荒漠植物红砂不同自然种群叶片养分特征与环境养分关系的研究. 生态学报,28(3): 983-992.

l 马剑英,方向文,夏敦胜, 等. 2008. 荒漠植物红砂叶片元素含量与气候因子的关系. 植物生态学报. 植物生态学报, 32(4): 848-857.

l 马剑英,陈发虎, 夏敦胜,等. 2008. 荒漠植物红砂叶片稳定碳同位素组成与生理指标之间的关系研究. 应用生态学报, 19(5):1166-1171.

l 春喜,王宗礼,夏敦胜,等. 2008. 吉兰泰盐湖的形成及指示的环境意义. 盐湖研究,16(3):11-19.


l Xia DS, Chun X, Bloemendal J, et al.,, 2007, Use of magnetic signatures to correlate tephra layers in Holocene loessial soil profiles from a small region, SE Iceland. Environment Geology, 51(8): 1425-1437.

l Xia DS, Yang LP, MA JY, et al., 2007,Magnetic property of Lanzhou dustfall and its implication in urban pollution, Science in China(D), 50(11): 1724-1732.

l Xia DS, Jin M, Liu XM, et al., 2007, A preliminary study on the magnetic signatures of modern soil in Central Asia, Frontiers of Earth Sciences in China,1(3):275-283.

l Ma JY, Chen K,Xia DS, et al., 2007, Variation in foliar stable carbon isotope among populations of a desert plant, Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. in different environments. Jou





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