词条 | 厦门凯裕国际酒店 |
释义 | 酒店概况 The Hotel厦门凯裕国际酒店,是海峡西岸第一家以复式套房为主的奢华型精品酒店,由新加坡凯裕酒店投资管理集团按新版五星级标准建造并运营。 酒店地处中国东南沿海素有“海上花园”美誉的厦门特区,现有139间(套)复式大套房和商务大床房,附设了可承接高峰论坛的无柱会议厅、身份象征的政要接见厅、集团总部的中小会议室,一应俱全的华商俱乐部等高端会所和配套设施。智能化楼宇管理与绿色建筑的环保科技完美地融入人性的感悟,独特的复式客房格局,全为满足现代商旅人士入住酒店对办公、会客、休闲、洗浴、安卧“不再一层不变”的需求,让您置身喧嚣闹市,体验居家的温馨。 酒店顶层,融极品美食、现磨咖啡、欧陆西餐、日韩料理、红酒静吧、论道茗茶、阳光浴疗、美体塑身、模拟高尔夫练习与裙楼的“莫琳娜”抗衰SPA、“甘萃之旅”LABBYBAR相映成辉,顶级与小资之间遥相呼应,美轮美奂,妙不可言。 2011年9月7日试运营至今,“凯裕人”彻底打破了闽南地区高星级酒店业靠经典产品和传统套路而文化主题、产品差异相对缺失的竞争格局,让凯裕的宾客们在真切感受着“凯裕灵性,国际风情”的品质,尽情体验着“温馨厦门特区,精品凯裕国际”的情谊。 Hoiyue Hotel is the first 5-star level duplex and boutique hotel in southern Fujian province. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Singapore Hoiyue Group. The hotel locates at the “marine park”-Xiamen, which has 139 duplex suits and business rooms. Meeting room, reception room and club are offered at here. Hotel’s unique room style is a perfect combination of the intelligent construction and the harmonious environment. It would be your preferred choice for office, accommodation, meeting and entertainment. Hoiyue hotel is more than a harbor in your journey, it would be your home in this busy and beautiful city. Hoiyue hotel went into operation on 2011-9-7, from that day on, we try our best to break the traditional procedure. Not as other hotels which do business by classical product and traditional ways, our hotel does the great effort to let every guest to enjoy Hoiyue’s intelligence. Warming Xiamen island, boutique Hoiyue hotel is our theme. 周边交通Location酒店位于鹭岛市中心的莲花路口东,嘉莲街道旁,莲坂商业圈,引领莲花香墅群落的一派南洋美食雅居风情。交通出行十分便利,距岛内火车站仅3公里,距高崎国际机场、东渡邮轮码头、厦门国际会展中心、中山路步行街均不到15分钟的车程,步行过街即至磐基国际名品中心、明发商业广场等。 Hoiyue Hotel locates at the central part of the Xiamen island, it is near the Jialian Road. It is a model of hotels in southern Fujian province. Transportation here is convenient, 3km to the Train Station, 15 minutes to the international Airport, International Exhibition Centre and Zhongshan Road. Pacon business centre and Mingfa business Square are at side. 【酒店周边交通】 【The hotel transportation around】 - 距离厦门高崎国际机场7.6公里,乘坐出租车约20分钟; -7.6km to Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport, about 20 minutes by taxi; - 距离厦门火车站2.1公里,乘坐出租车约5分钟; -2.1km to Xiamen railway station, about 5 minutes by taxi; - 距离松柏汽车站1.6公里,乘坐出租车约5分钟。 -1.6km to songbai car station about 5 minutes by taxi. 【酒店周边信息】: 【peripheral information 】: - 距离磐基名品350米,步行约5分钟; -350m to Pacon shopping mall, about 5 minutes by foot; - 距离明发商业广场900米,步行约10-15分钟; -900m to Mingfa business square, 10 to 15 minutes by foot; - 距离SM城市广场2公里,乘坐出租车约5分钟; -2km to SM city square, about 5 minutes by taxi; -距离东渡国际邮轮中心7公里,乘坐出租车约15-20分钟; -7km to Dongdu international shipping center, 15 to 20 minutes by taxi; - 距离中山路步行街7.2公里,乘坐出租车约15-20分钟。 -7.2km to Zhongshan road, 15 to 20 minutes by taxi. 客房设施 Feature高清液晶数字电视、国际国内卫星频道、无线网络全面覆盖、高速宽带免费上网、复式套房迷你吧和保险箱免费享用、客房洗衣擦鞋和特约护婴、豪华轿车市内租用、城际商务中外文秘、全日制精致食品和精选饮品。 High-definition digital TV, international and internal satellite television, wireless internet, high-speed broadband cable, mini-bar, fuse box are free offered. Laundry, baby-sitting, renting cars, business secretary, delicious food and drinks are provided. 会议设施Meeting and Party所有会议场所,挑高6米。无柱会议厅,课教式容纳80余人,高峰论坛、新闻发布、产品展示、鸡尾酒会,均给与会小众一种大气的奢享之感。独有多功能厅、首长接见厅、总部会议室,可应政商之需,尽享一站式的会务管家服务。 Six meters high, no pillars, our meeting room can contain nearly 80 people. Luxurious feeling will be produced from business forum, press conference, product exhibition to cocktail party. One-stop service would be offered to every guest. Unique multi-functional hall, leader reception hall and headquarter meeting room are prepared for businessmen and government workers.餐饮设施 Restaurants 凯裕中餐厅 Hoiyue Chinese Restaurant深谙华商文化经典的特级厨艺大师主理各式私房粤菜,酒店顶层的即位辽参馆及法式餐车的堂做佳肴,不二选择专为懂得品鉴卓越的您。 Various Cantonese cuisine and local food which made by technical cook, upper floor’s ginseng restaurant and French style dinner cars, they are all for you-the outstanding gourment. 凯旋全日餐厅 Triumph Restaurant荟萃东西方美食及原产食材,于餐厅的开放厨房特别为您奉呈,琳琅满目的自助早、午、晚餐全日供应,营养健康而多样,会时刻诱惑您的味蕾。 Gourmet experiences are to you, oriental cuisine and western food, various buffetis daily offered from breakfast to dinner. 娱乐休闲设施 Wellness & Leisure茶艺居、棋牌室、图书吧、健身房、红酒坊,一应俱全专为酒店会员和行政楼层贵宾免费开放,当您邀三五好友同行,亦可尽享尊崇私密之优待。 Tea house, Chess room, reading room, gymnasium, three-dimensional movie house and wine’s shop are provided for every member. This is your first choice for private and personal reception. 顶层会所、屋顶花园、3D影院,均能满足您有氧养生与激情欢畅的康乐之需。 Upper floor club and garden, three-dimensional movie house, all these are catering for your aerobic health and entertainment. |
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