词条 | 伍乃骐 |
释义 | 学历· 1982年于淮南矿业学院获电气工程专业学士学位。 · 1985年于西安交通大学获系统工程专业硕士学位。 · 1988年于西安交通大学获系统工程专业博士学位。 · 1991-1992年美国Purdue大学工业工程系,访问学者。 · 1999年美国Arizona State University工业工程系,博士后研究。 · 2004年5-8月美国新泽西理工学院(NJIT)电机与计算机工程系,高级访问学者。 · 2007年1-4月法国UTT大学工业系统优化教育部重点实验室,访问教授。 科研方向· 制造系统及设计。 · 生产计划、调度和控制。 · 离散事件系统及Petri网理论。 · 信息安全和计算机网络入侵检测。 职务兼职和荣誉称号· 广东工业大学博士生导师。 · 国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家。 · IEEE高级会员。 · IEEE Robotics and Automation Society半导体制造自动化专业委员会委员。 · IEEE Traans.on system, Man, and Cybernetics, part C: Associate Editors。 · IEEE Traans.on Automation science and Engineering: Associate Editors。 · Who's Who in Science and Engineering (Marquis Who's Who),7Th Edition,2003。 · Who's Who in Science and Engineering (Marquis Who's Who),8Th Edition,2004。 · Member of Program Committe of 2007,2006,2005,2004,2003 IEEE Internatinal Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics · Member of Program Committe of 2008,2007,2006,2005 IEEE Internatinal Conference on Networking,sensing and control, and organizer of a special session and session chair。 · IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control评审员。 · IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation评审员。 · IEEE Trans.on system, Man, and Cybernetics评审员。 · IEEE Trans.on Automation science and Engineering 评审员。 · IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine评审员。 · International Journal of Production Research评审员。 · Production Planning and Control评审员。 · Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing评审员。 · International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management评审员。 · Robotics and computer Integrated Manufacturing Journal评审员。 近期主要论文、论著· 论著·Deadlock Resolution in Computer Integrated Systems, 349-406, MARCEL DEKKER NEW YORK Publisher, 2005。 · 期刊论文·N. Q. Wu, F. Chu,C. B. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, Short-term schedulability analysis of multiple distiller crude oil operations in refinery with oil residency time constraint, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C, vol. 39, no. 1, 1-16, 2009.(EI检索、SCI索引) ·N. Q. Wu, M. C. Zhou, and F. Chu, A Petri net based heuristic algorithm for realizability of target refining schedule for oil refinery, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 5, no. 4, 661-676, 2008.(EI检索、SCI索引) ·N. Q. Wu, F. Chu,C. B. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, Short-term schedulability analysis of crude oil operations in refinery with oil residency time constraint using Petri net, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C, vol. 38, no. 6, 765-778, 2008.(EI检索、SCI索引) ·N. Q. Wu, M. C. Zhou, and Z. W. Li, Resource-oriented Petri net for deadlock avoidance in flexible assembly systems, IEEE Transactions on System, Man, & Cybernetics, Part A, vol. 38, no. 1, 56-69, 2008.(EI检索、SCI索引)。 ·Wu, Naiqi; Chu, Chengbin; Chu, Feng; Zhou, Meng Chu, A Petri net method for schedulability and scheduling problems in single-arm cluster tools with wafer residency time constraints,IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, v 21, n 2, May, 2008, p 224-236(EI检索、SCI索引)。 ·Wu, Naiqi Zhou, MengChu, Deadlock resolution in automated manufacturing systems with robots, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, v 4, n 3, July, 2007, p 474-480 (EI检索、SCI索引)。 ·Wu NQ , L. P. Bai, and C. B. Chu, Modeling and conflict detection of crude-oil operations for refinery process based on controlled-colored-timed Petri net, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, Part C, vol. 37, no. 4, 461-472, 2007.(EI检索、SCI索引) ·Wu,N.,Zhou M.,Deadlock modeling and control of semiconductor track systems using resource-oriented Petri nets,International Journal of Production Research, v 45, n 15, August, 2007, p 3439-3456(EI检索、SCI索引)。 ·Wu NQ, Zhou MC,Real-time deadlock-free scheduling for semiconductor track systems based on colored timed Petri nets, OR SPECTRUM 29 (3): 421-443 JUL 2007(EI检索、SCI索引)。 ·Wu, NaiQi ,Zhou, MengChu ,Shortest routing of bidirectional automated guided vehicles avoiding deadlock and blocking,IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, v 12, n 1, February, 2007, p 63-72(EI检索、SCI索引)。 ·Wu, Naiqi, MengChu Zhou,Modeling and deadlock avoidance of automated manufacturing systems with multiple automated guided vehicles,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,Part B:Cybernetics,v 35,n 6,December,2005,p 1193-1202(EI检索、SCI索引) ·Wu Naiqi ,Ping Su,Selection of partners in virtual enterprise paradigm, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, v 21,n 2,April,2005,p 119-131(EI检索、SCI索引)。 ·Naiqi Wu and MengChu Zhou,Modeling and deadlock control of automated guided vehicle systems,IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,vol.9,no1,50-57,2004.(EI检索、SCI索引 ·Naiqi Wu,Sun jian, Grouping the activities in virtual enterprise paradigm, Production Planning and Control,vol.13,no4,407-415,June 2002(EI检索、SCI索引)。 ·Naiqi Wu,Deadlock avoidance in AGV system using colored Petri netmodel,International Journal of Production Resarch, vol. 40,no. 1,223-238,2002(SCI索引、EI检索)。 ·Naiqi Wu and MengChu Zhou, Avoiding deadlock and reducing starvation and blocking in automated manufacturing systems based on a Petri net model, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, vol. 17, no. 5, 657-668, 2001. (SCI索引、EI检索)。 ·Naiqi Wu, An efficient heuristic for the design of cellular manufacturing systems with multiple identical machines, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 37, no. 15, 3519-3540, 1999. (SCI索引、EI检索)。 ·Naiqi Wu, Necessary and sufficient conditions for deadlock-free operation in flexible manufacturing systems using a colored Petri net model,IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C,vol. 29, no. 2, 192-204, 1999.(SCI索引、EI检)。 ·Naiqi Wu, Ning Mao and Yanming Qian, An approach to partner selection in agile manufacturing,Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,vol. 10, no. 6,519-529, 1999.(EI检索)。 ·Naiqi Wu, A concurrent approach to cell formation and assignment of identical machines in group technology, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 36, no. 8, 2099-2114, 1998. (SCI索引、EI检索)。 ·Naiqi Wu, A modified network approach for the design of cellular manufacturing system, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 31, no. 6, 1402-1421, 1993. (SCI索引、EI检索)。 · 会议论文·N. Q. Wu and M. C. Zhou, Tractability of deadlock avoidance problem in automated manufacturing systems modeled with Petri net, in Proceedings of 2008 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, 2081-2086, Singapore, October, 12-15, 2008. (EI检索). ·N. Q. Wu, C. B. Chu, F. Chu, and, M. C. Zhou, Short-term schedulability analysis of crude oil operations in refinery with hybrid Petri net, in Proceedings of 2008 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, 1916-1921, Singapore, October,12-15, 2008.(EI检索). ·N. Q. Wu, M. C. Zhou, S. S. Peng, F. Chu, and C. B. Chu, Petri net modeling and real-time control of dual-arm cluster tools with residency time constraint and activity time variations, in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 109-114, Washington DC, USA, August 23-26, 2008.(EI检索). ·N. Q. Wu, C. B. Chu, F. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, Modeling and schedulability analysis of single-arm cluster tools with wafer residency time constraints using Petri net, in Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 84-89, Sanya, China, 2008.(EI检索). ·N. Q. Wu, C. B. Chu, F. Chu, and M. C. Zhou, Schedulability analysis of short-term schedule for crude oil operations using Petri nets, in Proceedings of 2007 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, Montreal, Canada, October, 4381-3486, 2007.(EI检索). ·N. Q. Wu and M. C. Zhou, Schedulability and scheduling of dual-arm cluster tools with residency time constraints based on Petri net, in Proceedings of 2006 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Shanghai, October, 85-90, 2006.(EI检索). ·Wu, Naiqi ,Zhou, Mengchu; Hu, Gang ,On Petri net modeling of automated manufacturing systems,2007 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC'07, 2007 , p 228-233(EI检索). ·Wu, Naiqi; Qian, Yanming; Zhou, MengChu; Chu, FengIssues on short-term scheduling of oil refinery ,2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, v 4, p 2920-2925(EI检索). ·Wu, Naiqi; Zhou, MengChu;Resource-oriented petri net for deadlock resolution in automated manufacturing systems with robots, Conference Proceedings - 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, v 1,p 74-79(EI检索). ·Wu, Naiqi,Qian, Yanming; Chen,Guiqing,A novel approach to Trojan horse detection by process tracing, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC'06, p 721-726(EI检索). ·Wu, Naiqi,Qian, Yanming; Chu, Feng, Realizability of target refining schedule for oil refinery, 2005IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2005, p 2031-2036(EI检索). ·Naiqi Wu and Liping bai,Chengbin Chu, in Proceedings of 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems,Man & Cybernetics ,Hague, Netherlands, PP.1734-1738,October 2004.(EI检索). ·Naiqi Wu and Zaoqin Yu, Manufacturing Process Reengineering for Mass Customization by Using Flexibility Analysis,in Proceedings of 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems,Man & Cybernetics ,Hague, Netherlands, PP.5062-5065,October 2004.(EI检索). ·Naiqi Wu and MengChu Zhou, AGV routing for conflict resolution in AGV systems, in Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,Taipei, Taiwan, PP.1428-1433,september 2003.(EI检索). ·Naiqi Wu and MengChu Zhou, Deadlock Avoidance in Semiconductor Track Systems, in Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,washington D.C. ,USA,PP.193-198,May 2002.(EI检索). ·Naiqi Wu and MengChu Zhou, Resource-oriented Petri nets in deadlock avoidance of AGV systems, in Proceedings of 2001 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Seoul, Korea, pp. 64-69, May 2001.(EI检索) ·Naiqi Wu and Mengchu Zhou, Resource-Oriented Petri Nets for Deadlock Avoidance in Automated Manufacturing, in Proceedings of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol. 4, 3377-3382, 2000.(EI检索). ·Naiqi Wu, Avoiding deadlocks in automated manufacturing systems with shared resources, Proceedings of 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque, USA, april, vol. 3, 2427-2432, 1997.(EI检索) |
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