词条 | 午宴之歌 |
释义 | 一、相关资料剧名:The Song Of Lunch 午宴之歌 类型:剧情 导演:Niall MacCormick 编剧:Christopher Reid 主演:Alan Rickman 艾伦·里克曼 饰演 他(He) Emma Thompson 艾玛·汤普森 饰演 她(She) 时长:45分钟 上映日期:2010年10月25日 英国BBC公司出品,被称作“诗”一样的电影,“诗”一样的 台词 二、内容简介该片讲述了Alan Rickman饰演的一位没有透露姓名的图书编辑,在与Emma Thompson饰演的前妻分手15年后,两人再度回到他们过去频繁出入的Zanzotti餐厅叙旧的故事。女人嫁给了一位世界知名的作家,在巴黎过着绚丽多姿的生活。她依然光鲜亮丽,充满活力,对世界、对生活、对周围的人事物都充满了兴趣。而男人则陷入了低迷忧郁的中年,他的写作事业一事无成,对出版工作丧失热情,悔恨爱恋的终结,到了人生的低潮。当他迈入餐厅的时候,发现餐厅在新的管理下,很多地方都已经改变了。而这似乎激化了他对自己年华逝去和被抛弃淘汰的忿恨。这对老情人坐在餐桌旁缅怀过去,此时的基调是感性和喜乐参半的重聚。然而,随着红酒入喉,当他们聊起失败的感情后,叙旧变成了相互责骂。最后,他借着酒意选择逃避,甚至对为他们服务的服务员小姐产生了一丝冒昧之意想象着自己对那位服务员求婚,只为平息内心的不平衡,可是只是心里的想象。他醉着来到餐厅的屋顶,眼前浮现了他和她曾经幸福的过往,待他酒醒才发现自己在这个楼顶已经呆了太久,这才急急忙忙冲下楼去寻她,只可惜人走茶凉,她已经离开,只是吩咐好服务员把他的包递给了他。他才意识到,两人再也回不去了,正准备离开餐厅的他,不经意间看见了餐厅里除了他以外仅剩下的另一位客人,一位似曾相识的老头,坐在餐厅的角落里闷闷喝酒,突然他想起了那个老人中年时期的样子······他是······ 三、经典台词"He leaves a message -a yellow sticky -他用黄色便笺留下信息 "on the dead black of his computer screen. 贴在毫无生气的黑色电脑屏幕上。 " 'Gone to lunch.I may be some time.' " “去吃午饭,一会儿再回。” "His colleagues won't be seeing him for the rest of the afternoon. 他的同事们今天下午都不会再看到他了, "Rare joy of truancy, of bold escape from the trap of work. 终于能从工作的羁绊里,偷得浮生半日闲 "That heap of typescript" can be left to dwell on its thousand offences against grammar and good sense. 那堆语法和表达都无比违和的文稿随它们去吧。 "His trusty blue pen can snooze with its cap on. 他值得信任的蓝色圆珠笔,终于可以戴起帽子打个盹儿了。 "Nobody will notice. 没有人会发觉。 "He shuts the door on the sleeping dog of his own departure. 他关上门离开,绝不打草惊蛇. "Hurries, not too fast, 匆匆离去,但又不过快。 "along the corridor, taps the lift button, and waits. 穿过走廊,轻按电梯按钮,然后等待。 "To meet even one person at this delicate juncture would sully the whole enterprise. 在这微妙的关头,只要遇到一个人就会破胤坏全盘的计划。 "But he's in luck." 但他是幸运的。 LIFT PINGS(电梯响起) "The lift yawns emptily. 电梯懒洋洋地打起哈欠,空无一人。 "He steps in..."..is enclosed... 他走进……关起……" ..and carried downwards to sunlight…… 通向楼下灿烂的阳光, "and London's approximation of fresh air. 和伦敦的新鲜空气。 "With one bound.....he is free! 轻轻一跃……他自胤由了! "It's a district of literary ghosts that walk in broad daylight. 这是个艳阳之下也看得到文坛魂灵的地方, "Keep your imagination peeled and see Virginia Woolf 舒展你的想象力,你就会看到弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙…… "loping off to the library with a trug full of books. 提着满满一篮书懒洋洋地走向图书馆。 "And there goes TS Eliot, bound for his first Martini of the day, 这位是托马斯·艾略特,正奔向他一天中的第一杯马提尼酒…… "with his gig-lamps and his immaculate sheen. 带着他轻便的马车灯和无瑕的光辉。 "BloomSвury and its blue plaques. 布鲁姆伯利区和她的蓝色匾额, "The squares and stucco terraces, 广场和灰泥装饰的天台, "where the little industrious publishers still like to hide their offices. 勤劳的小出版商们正藏身其间。 "Leafy literary-land, 绿杨阴里的文学圣地, "that by some dispensation has been left to stand amid the road drills and high, swivelling cranes. 由于某种特许,方能逃脱庞大的起重机的魔爪。 "In his 50s, he favorites a younger man's impatient pace, 五十岁了,他却还是喜爱年轻人急切的步调, "skipping round dawdling or stupidly halted pedestrians. 跳跃着闪过或闲散或蹒跚的行人。 "You're not properly living in London if you don't use the dodges, the short cuts. 如果你不懂得走捷径的妙技,那你便不算是真正生活在伦敦。 "Yet it's 20 minutes' walk from work to this lunchtime date with an old flame. 步行20分钟,去赴与旧爱的午宴之约。 "Gaggles of tourists straggle more provocatively than ever. 游客摩肩接踵的街头比以往更加恼人。 "Never mind, he's making good time -note the active verb – 没关系,他的步行还是非常顺利,——注意这个主动语态 "and he expects she'll be late. 他暗自期望她会姗姗来迟。 "The restaurant is an old haunt, though he hasn't been there for years. 这间餐馆他们曾流连忘返,而他已经许多年没去光顾过了。 "Zanzotti's -unreformed Soho Italian. Zanzotti's – 从未改变的Soho区意大利餐馆。 "Chianti in a basket, breadsticks you snap with a sneeze of dust, 篮子里的勤地酒,轻胤咬一口面包条便会因碎屑而喷嚏连连, "red gingham cloths, overlaid on the diagonal with plain green paper ones. 红色的方格花布,平铺在纯绿墙纸房间的对角线, "Finger Smears at the neck of the water carafe, 玻璃水杯的瓶颈上还残留着指印, "In his 50s, he favorites a younger man's impatient pace, 五十岁了,他却还是喜爱年轻人急切的步调, "skipping round dawdling or stupidly halted pedestrians. 跳跃着闪过或闲散或蹒跚的行人。 "You're not properly living in London if you don't use the dodges, the short cuts. 如果你不懂得走捷径的妙技,那你便不算是真正生活在伦敦。 "Yet it's 20 minutes' walk from work to this lunchtime date with an old flame. 步行20分钟,去赴与旧爱的午宴之约。 "Gaggles of tourists straggle more provocatively than ever. 游客摩肩接踵的街头比以往更加恼人。 "Never mind, he's making good time -note the active verb – 没关系,他的步行还是非常顺利,——注意这个主动语态 "and he expects she'll be late. 他暗自期望她会姗姗来迟。 "The restaurant is an old haunt, though he hasn't been there for years. 这间餐馆他们曾流连忘返,而他已经许多年没去光顾过了。 "Zanzotti's -unreformed Soho Italian. Zanzotti's – 从未改变的Soho区意大利餐馆。 "Chianti in a basket, breadsticks you snap with a sneeze of dust, 篮子里的勤地酒,轻胤咬一口面包条便会因碎屑而喷嚏连连, "red gingham cloths, overlaid on the diagonal with plain green paper ones. 红色的方格花布,平铺在纯绿墙纸房间的对角线, "Finger Smears at the neck of the water carafe, 玻璃水杯的瓶颈上还残留着指印, "When he suddenly recollects... 他猛然忆起, "What, precisely? 那究竟是什么? "Deja vu? 那份似曾相识的感觉?(原文为法语) "Some artistic an胤alogy? 是一种美好的相似? "Too bad. Let it go. 糟糕。任由它去吧。 "On the threshold, 站在门口, "on the edge of a shadow-world that is yet to welcome him, 站在这迎接他的幻影世界的边缘, "he stands and waits. 他在等待。 "Waits for a waiter. 等待侍者。 "First disappointing thing – 第一件令人失望的事情—— "no sign of Massimo, 没有Massimo的迹象, "nor of his old staff. 也没有他的老员工。 "Massimo's pirate crew, as he privately thought of them, Massimo的海盗伙计,他曾经暗暗称之, "some of whose names he knew whilst knowing nothing of their lives beyond the act 他知道他们之中一些人的名字,却对他们的生活一无所知,除了他们在餐馆的举止 "gra胤ve, flirtatious, resentful, brisk, droll – 或死气沉沉,或轻浮挑胤逗,或忿忿不平,或轻快活泼,或逗趣滑稽—— "each brought to the table. 一一被搬上餐桌。 "Instead, young men and women -今天取而代之的,是年轻的侍者—— "roughly half and half - and not all looking especially Italian. 大概各占一半——看上去并非所有都是意大利人。 "How long has it been? Five years? 已经过去多少年了?五年? "Six years? 六年? "Ten? 十年? "Fifteen? 十五年? "God help us all. 上帝救救我们。 "Though time's winged chariot with the brakes off 时光如白驹过隙,一切 "and in full downhill hurtle must be inaudible, unheard-of, rather, 都在指尖溜走, 在岁月的河流里湮没不闻, "to these sprightly boys and girls. 即使对无忧无虑的少年少胤女亦是如此。 "He is noticed, but not recognized, by a waiter he does not recognize, 他被注意到了,却没有被认出,这是位他并不认识的侍者。 " but who catches his name in his right ear, then bows clerically 侍者用右耳听到了他的名字, "over the ledger that bulges 便如牧师般欠身, from all the names, "the months and years of names, written in it, 翻看满是经年累月留下的名字的记事本, "and that sits open on a slope like a church-lectern Bible. 它铺展在倾斜的桌面,似乎教胤堂诵经台上的圣经。 "The Book of Reservations. “预约记录本”。 "As ever, that pause of anxiety and mute appeal. 一如往常,焦虑的暂停和无声的请求。 "But there, happily, it is. 在那儿!很好。 "Scriptural confirmation. 这是来自圣经的确认。 "Without a Smile, without a word, he is eyebrowed and nodded to follow." 没有微笑,没有言语,挑眉和点头就是让他跟在身后的邀请。 Thank you. 谢谢。 And the wine list, please? 请问酒单?…… "On the back. 在背面。 "I see. 明白了。 "So things are different after all under new mismanagement. 在这新的不当管理之下,一切都不复从前。 "Might have known it. Did know it, perhaps. 本该知道的。或许,已经知道了。 "The very table linen has lost its patriotism. 亚麻桌布已经失去了往日的爱国情怀。 "Plain white. We surrender. 纯白色。到底还是屈服了。 "And this menu -this twanging laminated card – 而这菜单——嚓嚓作响的压层卡片—— "big as a riot pоliceman's shield. 大得简直就像防暴武警的盾牌。 "Hmm. At first glance, pizzas by the yard. 唔……一眼看过去,满是披萨。 "More pizzas than there should be. 实在是太多了。 "And too much designer pizzazz. 菜单设计者真有些激情过剩。 "Choose the right wine and have it ready breathing for when she arrives. 挑一款好酒,在她到来之时就可以准备得当。 "There's a mid-price Chianti,which won't come plump in tight straw swaddling, 这是中等价格的勤地酒,并不太贵, "but will do for auld lang syne. 祝福那些美好的往日,已经够了。 "Old times' sake being the precarious purpose of this tete-a-tete, 这双人午宴由于旧日的缘故,或许有什么危险的目的, "and possibly a great big mistake. 可能会铸成大错。 "We said we wouldn't look back. 我们说过的,我们无法回头。 "Why did she e-mail him suggesting...? 那么她还为何会发邮件提议……? "No, HE did." 不,是他提议的。 THEY CHATTER AND LAUGH(人们谈天大笑。) "He commands - nice word -a clear view of the entrance, 他掌控着——这是个好词——入口的视线, "lit contre-jour so that each new arrival, new candidate for his notice, 正对着门口,是他能够注意到每一个新的来人, "appears to step from brightness to bathos with a tacit apology. 从光明步入虚伪,带着心照不宣的歉意。 " 'Sorry, I'm not...' ‘对不起,我不是……' "But if not, what? 但若不是,又是什么呢? "What will she look like? 她……会是何种模样? "Fwop! 喔! "The cork leaves the bottle and his quick nose wants to pick up the escaping bouquet. 软木塞离开酒瓶,他敏感的鼻子追踪着逃逸的酒香。 "Will it be all right? 会不错吧? "The waiter pours out the statutory measure – 侍者倒出了似乎是法定约束的量, "one imperial glug - which he lifts and breathes over thinkingly. 优雅地汩汩流胤出 - 他举起杯,若有所思地嗅着。 "Not corked." 不必再盖上了。 That's fine, thank you. Leave it there. 很好了,谢谢你。放在那儿吧。 He'll do the pouring. 他会自己倒的。 "It's quite sharp but should broaden out. 葡萄不够熟,相当酸,应该让酸味逸出。 "He takes his tumbler of water, overweight bubbles mobbing up to greet him, 他拿起冰水,泡沫熙熙攘攘地欢迎他。 "sips that and feels the chill fizz smash against his palate. 轻轻啜饮,冰冷的寒意冲击着他的味觉。 "Thirstier than he thought, 他比他所想的还要口渴 "he drinks till the ice rests on his upper lip." 他一饮而尽,直到冰块停留在他的上唇。 WOMAN: Hello. (女声)你好。 "She's here. 她来了。 "How did that happen? Had he taken his eyes off the door for so long? 这是怎么回事?他已经把目光从门口移开这么久了吗? "Flustered, self-reprimanding,he is still able to start to rise from his seat..." 手足无措,自我谴责,但他还是能从椅子上起身…… Well...I didn't see... 哦……我没有看到…… "..and be met halfway with a soft peck, smack in the middle of his mouth. 却在中途邂逅了轻轻一吻,印在他的唇间。 "Familiar collision of pout against pout. 唇与唇熟悉地触碰。 "Though there's something different, too. A new...what? Fragrance? Aura? 但也有些许不同。那不同的是什么?……芬芳?气息? "Hint of carefree expenditure? 不必计较消费的暗示? "Waft of wealth? 富有的讯号? "How lovely." 多美。 I hope I'm not late. 但愿我没有来迟。 You're not late at all. 一点也没有。 "So, the human paradox. 看,人类的自相矛盾、似是而非。 "The same and changed. 未曾改变的和不复当初的…… "All that he remembers, vivid in the differences. 他记得曾经的一切,她的改变历历在目。 "Is she thinner? 她瘦了? "Somehow there's a sharper outline which is not just smart tailoring, 似乎更加分明的曲线,又不仅仅得益于聪明的裁缝, "and her hair looks better behaved. 她的发型看起来愈发精致。 "She hangs her bag, pampered scarlet leather, 她提起她的皮包,奢侈的亮红皮革, "over the back of her chair and skips into the seat. 挂在椅背,然后轻快地坐在椅子上。 " 'Now,' that movement says.quick, eager, a touch needy, “就是现在”, 那个动作传达着。迅速, 渴望, 急切, "as if she were beginning a lesson in a subject she's good at. 好像她正要上一节她所擅长科目的课。 "It puts him on his mettle." 这可要让他全力以赴了。 There! 嗨! Here. 嗨。 "Lips, eyes, eyebrows and the new lines in her forehead 双唇,眉眼,额头新生的皱纹, "fill out the harmony." 调和而优雅。 Have some wine. 来点酒。 I'm afraid it... 我恐怕…… hasn't really had time. 它还没放够时间。 "He pours into the two glasses, 他倒进两个杯子, "measuring by ear identical notes." 用听觉衡量,直到持平。 This is a disappointment. Remember the old flasks? 真是令人失望,还记得曾经的细颈瓶吗? Kitsch, I know, but didn't you have a soft spot? 很俗气,我知道,但是谁又能完美无瑕? Snug in their raffia like fat cuckoos in small nests. 现在这些瓶子在酒椰里舒服地待着,就跟发福的布谷鸟蹲在巢里似的 Still, nothing lasts. 不过也是,没什么能永恒不变。 What's the toast? Happy days? -祝酒词是什么呢?-美好生活? "Happy days" it is. “美好生活”, 就是它了。 "Rims meet and clink, swaying the cradled liquid. 杯缘相触,叮然声响,杯中酒液轻轻摇晃, ······ "Lunch! 午宴! "Oh! "Nicely judged lurches propel him down to the ground floor. 一步未空的蹒跚带他回到底层。 "And a more stately progress, "just once cannoning off the wall, 整点仪容,只要轰破城墙, "brings him back to the restaurant, now almost deserted. 便可重回餐馆……可现在早已人去楼空。 "That's his table over there. 那是他的桌子。 "Unoccupied. less than an hour has passed, 空无一人。将近一个小时过去了, "but he might have died and be returning as a ghost." 也许他已经死去了吧,回来的不过是个鬼魂。 The lady, she go. You no come back. 那位夫人,她走了。你一直没有回来。 No, no, no, no. She pay. 不,不,不,不。她付过钱了。 "Airy hesitation. He tucks his wallet away. 轻快的犹疑。他把钱包放回原处。 Was...Was she angry? 她……她生气了吗? "Big shrug. Big shake of head. "Comical, big-mouthed grimace. 耸耸肩膀,歪歪头。可笑地咧起嘴。 "Wouldn't care to say, same as enough said. 不说也就等于说了。 "Look! They've looked after his shoulder bag. 看哪!他们保管着他的挎包呢。 "Now he is saddled and ready to depart. 现在他鞍马齐全,可以离开了。 "But first, a last goodbye to the old place. 但是首先,该对这老地方说声再见。 "Nothing more empty than a room full of tables, laid...but without occupants. 没有什么比摆满了桌子的房间更空旷的了,摆满了……却没有客人。 "No, wait. 不,等等。 "There's someone seated by the window. 窗边还有一人独坐。 "A very old man. 十分苍老的人。 "Parchment face, sparse white hairs combed in strict parallels, 羊皮纸似的脸庞,稀稀落落的白发平整地梳起。 "blind, staring eyes, black tie, black suit, 失明而呆滞的眼睛,黑色的领带,黑色的套装, "rigid as a cadaver from some Sicilian catacomb. 像是西西里坟茔中的死尸。 "Husk of life. Without sap, without savour. 空有皮囊。无血,无肉。 "Nudge him, he'll crumble. 轻轻一推,便会烟消云散。 "As he turns to go,the recognition... 他转身欲去,可一种恍然的知觉…… "pierces him. 刺痛了他。 "Massimo!" 那是Massimo! -The End- |
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