

词条 爱上舒伯特

唱片曲目:1-4:名人舒伯特 a 小调钢琴奏鸣曲 D845Piano Sonata No.16 in A minor, D8455-8:舒伯特 C 大调幻想曲“流浪者”C-major Fantasie "Wanderer "



舒伯特(Schubert)的《第16号钢琴奏鸣曲》(Piano Sonata No.16 in A minor, D845),A小调,D845,作于1825年,呈献给鲁道夫大公(贝多芬的《大公三重奏》也是献给他)。


C大调幻想曲"流浪者"(C-major Fantasie "Wanderer")作于1822年。这首作品旋律,和声极为丰富,而且演奏难度相当大,舒伯特自己都不能演奏好,当时舒伯特为练习演奏此曲花了很大工夫,但都不能达到他满意的效果,于是愤怒地将乐谱扔在地上说:“我再也不演奏它了!!!”。确实,丰富的旋律与辉煌的音响效果使得此曲成为音乐会的常见曲目。此作品由激昂的和弦引出艺术歌曲《流浪者》的主题,开始了一段对话式的戏剧性音乐表述,紧接着出现第二乐章优美而宁静的旋律,似乎是作曲家内心孤独和凄凉的表白。第三乐章充满着活力,让人感受到了一个孤独的流浪者短暂的快乐。随后第四乐章在贝多芬式的辉煌中结束了全曲,表达了作曲家与命运抗争的决心。

About the Pieces

A minor Piano Sonata (D845,No.16) was composed in 1825, dedicated to the Archduke Rudolph(to whom Beethoven’s trioArchduke,Op.97 presented ).

The piece is made up of four movements: 1, Moderato, A Minor, sonata. The octave processing in the middle passage which shows a ghost of loneliness and emptiness is sharply against the second theme, hence creates the dramatic effect of the movement. It ends in a painful and solemn tune. 2, Andante mosso, minute, C Major, variation. The five passage of variation reflects the various ways of composition and the complex emotion.3, Scherzo, allegro vivace, A Minor. The contrast between the beautiful middle passage with the earlier and the following passage displays the vitality and peace of nature.4, Rondo, allegro vivace, A Minor. With using a succession of quavers, the composer represents the sense of continuousness and inexhaustibleness which wakes up one’s endless energy.

Fantasia in C Major (“Wanderer”) was written in 1822. The piece is rich in melody and harmony. But it is also hard to play, even the composer himself can’t be satisfied with his performance, although he had has worked very hard with it. He threw the sheet to the floor angrily and said:”I would never play it again!” That is true that the work is the favorite repertoire in the concert with the challenged technique as well as the varied melody and splendid effect. It begins with the theme of the song “Wanderer”, followed with the dramatically musical description in a way of dialogue. The beautiful melody of the second movement coming up immediately, it seems like a monolog of the composer’s lonely heart. The third movement is full of vitality and shows the short happiness of wanderer. Finally, the piece ends with the Beethoven’s brilliant in the last movement which expresses the composer’s determination to striving against the destiny.


2009年3月16日,<爱上舒伯特>专辑的录制工作,在上海声像公司录音棚里顺利开始。2009年4月中旬录制完毕. 2009年5月中旬完成后期制作, 目前已经全面上市.




葛灏曾在2002年至2004年旅德留学期间, 多次接受欧洲国际音乐节的邀请举办个人钢琴演奏会, 完美的演奏彻底折服了欧洲听众,在03年音乐节期间一举获得音乐会金奖,并成为该音乐节指定特邀的华人钢琴家。此后,

欧洲媒体评论道: “葛灏的音乐震撼每一位听众的心灵,完美的音乐感觉及无法挑剔的演奏技术, 让人难以置信并不得不深深投入到他的古典音乐世界里…”。在此期间葛灏亦回上海成功举办了多次个人钢琴演奏会,2004年回到母校上海音乐学院钢琴系,在教学期间潜心研究舒伯特钢琴作品的演奏,同时对德奥作品及古典音乐普及进行专项研究。此专辑就是多年研究的成果之一,收录了舒伯特钢琴奏鸣曲D845和《流浪者幻想曲》两首技术难度高、音乐内涵深刻的作品。

About the Performer

Ge Hao, a young pianist from Shanghai with German studying background, the special invited Chinese musician of the European International Music Festival, piano teacher of Shanghai Conservatory of Music and permanent examiner for Piano Examine of Shanghai Conservatory of Music. In 2006, He gave many lectures and piano recitals in several regions in China. In 2007, his touring concerts in Xinjiang Province achieved great success. At the same time, he was rewarded with a specific found of Shanghai Pu Jiang Talents Plan and the honor of Finest Young Teacher of Shanghai Universities.

In 2002-2004, Ge Hao studied piano lesson in German. During this time, He was often invited to the European International Music Festival to give personal piano concerts, and the audience was deeply convinced with his perfect performance. In the Festival of 2003, he won the golden medal and was appointed the special invited Chinese pianist. Later, the pianist who has acquired wide attention gave his piano recitals in the country like Germany, Holland, Spain, and Argentina with great success. The European media wrote:”Ge Hao’s performance shocked every listener, his perfect music feeling and unquestionable technique led us into his classic music world…” In this time, Ge Hao also came back to Shanghai to give several welcomed piano concerts. In 2004, he got the position as a piano teacher in his Alma Mater, Shanghai Conservatory of Music. He began to study the Schubert’s piano works as well as fostered the German-Austrian Music. This recording is one of his achievements in recent years. Including with two Schubert’s works, the technique challenged and meaningfulA Minor Piano Sonata(D845, No.14)and Fantasia(“Wanderer”,D760).


弗朗兹·彼得·舒伯特(Franz Peter Schubert)(1797-1828),生于维也纳的一个教师家庭。作为早期浪漫主义音乐的杰出代表,他生前受歧视,死后才得到很高的评价,成为和莫扎特、贝多芬并列的音乐大师。






About the Composer

Franz Seraph Peter Schubert was born on January 31,1797. His father was a poor director of primary school in Vienna. He learned piano and violin when he was a child. At the age of 11, he was recruited into the choir of Empire Church, and stayed in the seminary. Soon after, Schubert became the violinist and conductor of the school orchestra which made him the chance to know the famous works of Vienna Classical Music Style. By 1813, he composed the First Symphony. Unfortunately, just in this year, he left the school with the cause of mutation. In order to reduce the family’s economic burden, Schubert took the position as an assistant in his father’s school and continued his composition.

On October 19, 1814, Schubert wrote the music for Gothe’s poet Gretechen am Spinnrade. This master piece, also his first lied, opened out his multiple song music creation. Only in 1815, Schubert composed totally 144 songs, in a day of October, 8 songs came out. Besides, there were one symphony, two masses and other works. In 1816, he quit the job of teacher and devoted himself to composition. The unstable income and the miserable living state affected his work, so the emotion of pain and oppression can often be found within it. Even now, he passionately wrote many excellent works as the tribute to national liberation. However, the long runs of hardship destroyed his health and spirit. On November 19, 1828, he died in Vienna, only was 31 years old. He was respectfully buried alongside with the Beethoven’s grave.

Although a short lifetime as Schubert was, he left us an abundant music treasures. More than 600 songs dazzled in the world music repertoires. So Schubert was acknowledged as the “King of Songs”. The most representative of his songs is Erk&ouml;nig(D328), Heidenroslein(D257),Ave Maria(D839), Die Forelle(D550),Der Lindenbaum(from Winterreise),St&auml;ndchen(D920), and two song cycles Die Sch&ouml;ne Müllerin(D795) and Winterreise(D911). Other works included 18 operas, Singspielsand incidental music, 10 symphonies, 19 quartets, 22 piano sonatas, 4 violin sonatas.





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