

词条 武进高级中学




学校重视人力资源开发的制度创新,逐步建立起了一种激励教师成长的有效机制,形成了教师要从学历本位向能力本位、学校要从人员大校迈向人力资源强校进行战略转移的共识。通过多年的努力,学校已经拥有了一支素质好、业务精、教风严、有创见的教师队伍。现有特级教师1人,特级教师后备人才2人,国家级骨干教师2人,省有突出贡献的中青年专家1人,省骨干教师8人,市区级学科带头人、骨干教师比例约占全校教师总人数的1/3;高级教师72人,一级教师58人;有8位教师具有硕士学位, 31人参加研究生课程进修并结业; 6人在省评优课比赛中名列前茅,20多人在市、区级评优课比赛中获一等奖。


近年来,学校教育教学质量逐步攀升,学生综合素质普遍提高,学校声誉日益彰显,同等入学成绩考上本科的比例及高分率连续多年列本地区同类学校之首,学校连年获高中教学质量评估一等奖,2003年,有6名同学被新加坡国立大学、清华大学录取。学科竞赛捷报频传,近年来,有200多位学生获国家级、省级学科竞赛奖,其中2003年,作文大赛、化学奥赛列全省第一,7门学科奥赛有5门名列本地区第一,其中化学奥赛26人获省一、二等奖,1人获全国化学奥赛金牌;生物奥赛22人获省一、二等奖,其中1人获得全国一等奖,英语、计算机竞赛也名列常州市前茅。学校相继被评为全国读书育人特色学校、“空军飞行学员早期培训基地”先进单位、江苏省文明单位、江苏省德育先进学校、江苏省教科研先进集体、江苏省心理实验学校、江苏省教育现代化学校、江苏省OEH多媒体教育网络实验学校、江苏省体育后备人才试点学校、江苏省实施体卫两个条例优秀学校、江苏省园林式单位,常州市现代教育技术工作先进集体、常州市 “体教结合先进单位”、常州市“教育技术装备与管理先进集体”、常州市学习型先进单位等。


Brief Introduction of Jiangsu Wujin Senior Middle School

Jiangsu Wujin Senior Middle School, established in 1946,is located in Wujin District, Changzhou city near the former residence of the famous Chinese democrat, Li Gongpu. Known as a provincial key middle school as well as a national model school, it has a total enrollment of 3000 teachers and students. The school owns advanced teaching and living facilities. Each teacher is equipped with a laptop computer, which helps them conduct the class more efficiently. The library, which is a provincial model one, houses a total of over 130,000 books. The science center is regarded as first class in China and all the labs are of the top standard. The campus is decorated with various green trees and beautiful flowers, contributing a peaceful and pleasant environment. It is a typical garden school.

The school possesses a team of talented teachers with rich teaching experience, high academic level as well as certain creativity. Eight of them have received master?s degree; thirty-one have completed the courses for post-graduates. Sixty-six percent of the teachers constitute the backbone of the teaching ? one special grade teacher, one provincial specialist , three reserve special grade teachers, two national key teachers, eight provincial key teachers and many other leading teachers of different level. Most of them have been praised and awarded in various teaching competitions by either the province or the city.

The school always advocates the teaching reforms and research, requiring all the teachers to keep their teaching ideas up to date. In recent years, teachers have achieved a great deal in undertaking various research programmes, such as the four national study projects, the four provincial and five city ones. The school makes full use of its superior facilities and rich talent resources to form its unique characteristics, which are based on the following three themes. ?Living style and future development? is the theme in moral education. We encourage all students to have an ideal and great expectation by cultivating their strong creative personality, ?Close contact with foreign and local cultures? is the second theme, which enables the students to take great interest in learning English and form a strong sense of cross-culture communication. The school is known for its excellence in English teaching. ?Scientific progress and living environment ? is the third theme in pursuit of science education. The school goes all out to provide the students with any possible opportunity in learning science. The school has made great achievements in athletes and pilot candidates training programmes. In the past few years, the teaching quality has greatly been improved. The percentage of the university enrollment is higher than any other local school. Over 100 students have won prizes in various competitions. From our previous achievements, the school has secured the first place for years in teaching evaluation performed by the education department of the city. The following prizes are awarded to the school for its excellent work:

Advanced Unit in Reading Education; Provincial Civilized Unit; Advanced School in Moral Education; Advanced School in Scientific Research; Provincial Psychology Experimental School, Provincial OEH Multi-media school; An Experimental School for Future Athletes; Training Base for Pilot Candidates; Advanced Unit in Study; Advanced Unit in Modern Education Equipment ?etc.

To build the school into a modern , advanced one with international vision and unique school-based curriculum characteristics is our general objective. The school will keep up its endeavor for top standard and quality to compose a new chapter of brilliance and honor for the 21st century.





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