词条 | 我如花似玉的儿子 |
释义 | 片名:我如花似玉的儿子英文片名:My Fair Son 剧情梗概:小睿很小就离开我,寄养在爷爷家里,18岁才回到我的身旁。他沉默寡言,对我爱理不理,对自己的容颜却关心备至——他的确象一朵花一样美丽娇妍。我惶惑着,不知把他当儿子,还是当女儿。 他喜欢的人是小博。小博是我的助手。我把小博辞退。我想成为他生活中最重要的男人。我失败了。小睿再次离开我,这一次,是永远。 Synopsis Xiao Ray left me when he was very little. Before he came back to me at 18, he had stayed with his grandfather. Xiao Ray was rather quiet. Although he did not really care about me, he did care for his looks. He was indeed fair as a blossom. He puzzled me. I was not sure if I should treat him as a son, or a daughter. The man he loved was Xiao Bo, who was then my assistant. Retiring Xiao Bo from my company, I wanted to be the most important man in Xiao Ray’s life. I failed, however. Xiao Ray left me again. And this time, forever. 导演/编剧 Director/Script 崔子恩 Cui Zi’en 摄影 Cinematographer 杨 瑾 Yang Jin 录音Sound 冯 喆 Feng Zhe 音乐 Music 王桂峰 Wang Guifeng 剪辑 Editor 祖宁宁 Zu Ningning 英文字幕 Translation 赵锡彦 Shi-yan Chao 演出 Cast 王俊睿 Wang Junrui 王维明 Wang Weiming 于 博 Yu Bo 王桂峰 Wang Guifeng 李自强 Li Ziqiang 制片人Producer 刘淑景 Liu Shujing 王维明 Wang Weiming 制作 Produced by CUIZI FILM STUDIO China,2007 Colour,Video,92min English subtitles PAL Digital BETACAM SP/PAL BETACAM SP/DVCAM 类型:剧情 地区:中国 语言:汉语普通话 导演介绍崔子恩,小说家,电影批评家,电影编剧、导演,现任北京电影学院理论研究室副教授。1987年毕业于中国社会科学院研究生院,获文学硕士学位。毕业后在北影电影文学系任讲师,1991年在课堂上公布了自己的同性恋身份,被认定为大陆第一个公开身份者。 |
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