

词条 翁杰敏

翁杰敏,男,1964年3 月17日出生,华东师范大学生命医学研究所副所长,生物化学学科教授,主要研究方向:表观遗传学,细胞核受体和肿瘤 。翁杰敏和妻子李纪文是华东师范大学生命科学学院生命医学研究所的双职工,两人长期坚守教育科研岗位,自 1989 年赴美国留学至 2007 年,在生物医学领域取得了一定的成绩。回国后夫妇两人到我校工作,,在生活中夫妇两人更是携手共进,以身作则教育子女尊老爱幼,共建了一个温馨幸福的家庭。


1980.9-1984.7 武汉大学生物系 大学本科

1984.9-1987.7 中科院上海细胞生物学研究所 硕士

1984.9-1994.3 The University of Vermont, USA 博士

1994.3-1997.7 National Institute of Health, USA 博士后

1997.8-2003.4 Assistant Professor, The Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology,

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA

2003.4-2007.4 Associate Professor, The Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology,

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA

2007.4- 华东师范大学生命科学学院,生物医学研究所教授



(1) 表观遗传学

(2) 核激素受体的基因表达调控机制

(3) 细胞核激素受体与肿瘤



b. 组蛋白密码识别蛋白的鉴定和分子机制



e. 雄性激素受体共激活蛋白(coactivators)在前列腺癌中的作用。

f.共阻抑蛋白N-CoR/SMRT 复合体的作用机制和生理和病理功能


(选自65篇SCI 文章)

1. Chen, H.B., Wong, J., Jiang, K. and Bao, J.S. 1990. A new method for the synthesis of a structural gene. Nucleic Acid Research 18, 871-878.

2. Wong, J., Liu, F., and Bateman. E. 1992. Isolation of genomic DNA encoding transcription factor TFIID from Acanthamoeba castellanii:: characterization of the promoter. Nucleic Acids Res. 20, 4817-4826.

3. Radebaugh, C.A., Matthews, J. L., Geiss, G. K., Liu, F., Wong, J., Bateman, E., Camier, S., Sentenac, A. and Paule, M. R. 1994. TATA-box binding protein (TBP) is a constituent of the polymerase I-specific transcription initiation factor TIF-IB (SL1) bound to the rRNA promoter and shows differential sensitivity to TBP-directed reagents in polymerase I, II, and III transcription factors. Mol. Cell. Biol. 14, 597-605.

4. Wong, J. and Bateman, E. 1994. TBP-DNA interactions in the minor groove discriminate between A:T and T:A base pairs. Nucleic Acids Res. 22, 1890-1896.

5. Ranjan, M., Wong, J. and Shi, Y-B. 1994. Transcriptional repression of Xenopus TR gene is mediated by a thyroid hormone response element located near the start site. J. Biol. Chem. 269, 24699-24705.

6. Wong, J., Shi, Y-B. and Wolffe, A.P. 1995. A role of nucleosome assembly in the transcriptional regulation of Xenopus TRA gene by thyroid hormone receptor. Gene & Development. 9, 2696-2711.

7. Wong, J. and Shi, Y-B. 1995. Coordinated regulation of and transcriptional activation by Xenopus thyroid hormone and retinoid X receptors. J. Biol. Chem. 270, 18479-18483.

8. Wong, J., Shi, Y-B., and Wolffe, A.P. 1997. Determinants of chromatin disruption and transcriptional regulation instigated by the thyroid hormone receptor: hormone-regulated chromatin disruption is not sufficient for transcriptional activation. EMBO J. 16(11): 3158-3171.

9. Wong, J., Li, Q., Levi, B-Z., Shi, Y-B., and Wolffe, A.P. 1997. Structural and functional features of a specific nucleosome containing a recognition element for the thyroid hormone receptor. EMBO J. 16(23): 7130-7145.

10. Wong, J., Patterton, D., Imhof, A., Guschin, D., Shi, Y-B., and Wolffe AP. 1998. Distinct requirements for chromatin assembly in transcriptional repression by thyroid hormone receptor and histone deacetylase. EMBO J. 17(2): 520-534.

12. Wong J., Liang, V.C., Sachs, L.M., and Shi, Y.B. 1998. Transcription from the thyroid hormone-dependent promoter of the Xenopus laevis thyroid hormone receptor betaA gene requires a novel upstream element and the initiator, but not a TATA Box. J Biol Chem 273:14186-93.

13. Xue, Y., Wong, J., Moreno, G.T., Young, M.A., Cote, J., and Wang, W. 1998. NURD, a novel complex with both ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling and histone deacetylase activities. Molecular Cell 2: 851-861.

14. Lanz, R. B., Mckenna, N.J., Onate, S.A., Albrecht, U., Wong, J., Tsai, S.Y., Tsai, M-J. and O’Malley B.W. 1999. A steroid receptor coactivator, SRA, functions as an RNA and is present in an SRC-1 complex. Cell 97: 17-27.

15. Liu, Z., Wong, J., Tsai, S.Y., Tsai, M-J and O’Malley B.W. 1999. Steroid receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1) enhances ligand-dependent and receptor-dependent cell free transcription of chromatin. PNAS 96: 9485-9490.

16. Li, J., O’Malley B.W and Wong J. 2000. p300 requires its HAT activity and SRC-1 interaction motif to facilitate TR activation in chromatin. Mol. Cell. Biol. 20: 2031-2042.

17. Li, J,. Wang, J; Wang, J; Nawaz, Z; Liu, J., Jun, Q., and Wong, J. 2000. Both corepressor proteins SMRT and N-CoR exist in large protein complexes containing HDAC3. EMBO J. 19(16): 4342-4350.

18. Wang, H., Huang, Z., Xia, L., Feng, Q., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Strahl, BD., Briggs, SD., Allis, CD., Wong, J., Tempst, p and Zhang, Y. 2001. Methylation of Histone H4 at Arginine 3 Facilitates Transcriptional Activation by Nuclear Hormone Receptor. Science 293: 853-857.

19. Liu, Z., Wong, J., Tsai, S.Y., Tsai, M-J and O’Malley B.W. 2001. Sequential recruitment of steroid receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1) and p300 enhances progesterone receptor-dependent initiation and reinitiation of transcription from chromatin. PNAS 98: 12426-12431.

20. Huang, Z., Li, J. and Wong, J. 2002. Androgen receptor possesses an intrinsic-hormone-independent trans-activation activity. Molecular Endocrinology. 16: 924-937.

21. Liu Z, Auboeuf D, Wong J, Chen JD, Tsai SY, Tsai MJ, O''Malley BW. 2002. Coactivator/corepressor ratios modulate PR-mediated transcription by the selective receptor modulator RU486. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 99(12):7940-4.

22. Li, J; Lin, Q; Wade, P., Wang, W and Wong, J. 2002. Specific targeting and constitutive association of histone deacetylase complexes during transcriptional repression. Genes & Development 16: 687-692.

24. Li, J., Lin, Q., Yoon, H-G., Huang, Z., Strahl, B.D., Allis, C.D., and Wong, J. 2002. The involvement of multiple histone methylation in transcriptional regulation by thyroid hormone receptor. Mol Cell Biol 22 (16): 5688-5697.

25. Wong J. 2002. Transcriptional regulation by thyroid hormone receptor in chromatin. Thyroid hormone receptors: Methods in Molecular Biology edited by Aria Baniahmad, p177-194.

26. Osborne CK, Bardou V, Hopp TA, Chamness GC, Hilsenbeck SG, Fuqua SA, Wong J, Schiff R, Allred DC and Clark GM. 2003. Overexpression of the Estrogen Receptor Coactivator AIB1 (SRC3) and the HER-2/neu Oncogene are Both Necessary for the Tamoxifen-Resistance in ER-Positive Primary Breast Cancers. J Natl Cancer Insti. 95(5):353-61.

27. Yoon HG, Chan DW, Huang ZQ, Li J, Fondell JD, Qin J and Wong J. 2003. Purification and Functional Characterization of the Human N-CoR Complex: the Roles of HDAC3 and two WD-40 Repeat Subunits TBL1 and TBLR1. EMBO J 22(6):1336-1346.

28. Huang ZQ, Li J, Sachs LM, Cole PA and Wong J. 2003. A Role for Cofactor-Cofactor and Cofactor-Histone Interaction in Targeting of CBP/p300, SWI/SNF and Mediator for transcription. EMBO J 22(9):2146-2155.

29. Yoon HG, Chan DW, Reynolds AB, Qin J and Wong J. 2003. Kaiso targets the N-CoR corepressor complex for DNA methylation mediated repression. Molecular Cell 12, 723-734.

30. Paul R. Thompson, Dongxia Wang, Ling Wang, Marcella Fulco, Natalia Pediconi, DianZheng Zhang, Woojin An, Qingyuan Ge, Robert G. Roeder, Wong J, Massimo Levrero, Vittorio Sartorelli, Robert J. Cotter, Philip A. Cole. 2004. Regulation of the p300 HAT Domain via a Novel Activation Loop. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 11(4): 308-15.

31. Wu RC, Qin J, Yi P, Wong J, Tsai SY, Tsai MJ, O''Malley BW. 2004. Selective Phosphorylations of the SRC-3/AIB1 Coactivator Integrate Genomic Reponses to Multiple Cellular Signaling Pathways. Molecular Cell.15(6):937-49.

32. Yoon HG, Choi Y, Cole PA and Wong J. 2005 Reading and Function of a histone code involved in targeting corepressor complexes for repression. Mol Cell Biol;25(1):324-335.

33. Stewart MD, Li J and Wong J. 2005 Relationship between H3 lysine 9 methylation, transcription repression and heterochromatin protein 1 recruitment. Mol Cell Biol;25(7):2525-38.

34. Zhang D, Yoon HG and Wong J. 2005. JMJD2A is a novel N-CoR-interacting protein and is involved in repression of the human transcription factor achaete scute-like homologue 2 (ASCL2/Hash2). Mol Cell Biol;25(15):6404-14.

35. Burd CJ, Petre CE, Morey LM, Wang Y, Revelo MP, Haiman CA, Lu S, Fenoglio-Preiser CM, Li J, Knudsen ES, Wong J and Knudsen KE. 2006 Cyclin D1b variant influences prostate cancer growth through aberrant androgen receptor regulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A; 103:2190-5.

36. Yoon, H. G., and Wong J. 2006. The corepressors silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone receptor and nuclear receptor corepressor are involved in agonist- and antagonist-regulated transcription by androgen receptor. Mol Endocrinol 20:1048-60.

37. Stewart D, Tomita A, Shi YB, Wong J. 2006. Chromatin immunoprecipitation for studying transcriptional regulation in Xenopus oocytes and tadpoles. Methods Mol Biol. 322:165-81.

38. Klose, R. Yamane JK, Bae Y, Zhang D, Erdjument-Bromage H, Tempst P, Wong J and Zhang Y. 2006. The transcriptional repressor JHDM3A demethylates trimethyl histone H3 lysine 9 and lysine 36. Nature 442:312-316.

39. Li, J., Fu J, Toumazou C, Yoon HG, and Wong J. 2006. A role of the amino-terminal (N) and carboxyl-terminal (C) interaction in binding of androgen receptor to chromatin. Mol Endocrinol 20:776-85.

40. Yamane, K., Toumazou C, Tsukada YI, Erdjument-Bromage H, Tempst P, Wong J and Zhang Y. 2006. JHDM2A, a JmjC-Containing H3K9 Demethylase, Facilitates Transcription Activation by Androgen Receptor. Cell 125:483-95.

41. Stewart, M. D., J. Sommerville, and J. Wong. 2006. Dynamic regulation of histone modifications in Xenopus oocytes through histone exchange. Mol Cell Biol 26:6890-901.

42. Fu, J., Yoon, HG., Qin, J. and Wong J. 2007. Regulation of P-TEFb Elongation Complex Activity by CDK9 Acetylation. Mol Cell Biol. 27(13):4641-51.


1997 National Research Service Award.

1996 Excellent Poster Award in Gordon Research Conference on "Hormone Action"

1997 The 1997 NIH Excellent Research Award.

1997 Excellent Poster Award in Gordon Research Conference on "Hormone Action"

2001 The 2001 Richard E. Weitzman Memorial Award from Endocrine Society

2004 2004 MCB Research Excellence Award.





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