

词条 维多利亚奖章

维多利亚奖章(Victoria Medal )


1902年由英国皇家地理学会(Royal Geographical Society)正式设立,以纪念在位时赞助学会工作的英国女王维多利亚(Queen Vietoria)。奖章用于奖励在地理学的科研工作中作出卓越贡献的人("for conspicuous merit in research in geography" ),是英国皇家地理学会的最高荣誉奖章,也是国际地理学上的最高奖章之一。



2009: Professor Philip Rees, for research on population geography and demography

2008: Professor Linda McDowell, for research in socio-economic and feminist geography

2007: Professor Peter Jackson, for research on social geography

2006: Professor Jim Rose, for contributions to quaternary research

2005: Professor Ray Hudson, for research on regional and industrial change in the UK and wider Europe

2004: Professor Michael Watts, for research on political economy, culture and power

2003: Professor Nigel Thrift

2002: Professor Angela Gurnell

2001: Professor Peter Dicken

2000: Professor Des Walling

1998: Professor Ian Simmons

1996: Professor Ronald Abler, for his contribution to human geography and enhancement of links between British and American geography

1995: Dr Helen Wallis

1994: Professor Doreen Massey

1992: Professor John Goddard

1990: Professor Ron Johnston

1989: Professor David Simonett

1988: Professor Brian Berry

1987: Professor Emeritus Chauncy Harris

1986: Professor Ren Mei'e (任美锷,中国地理学家)

1984: Professor Richard Hartshorne

1980: Professor Jean Gottman

1979: Professor Tor Hagerstrand

1975: Professor Emeritus C.O.Sauer

1973: Professor E.Estyn Evans

1970: Dr Raleigh Ashlin Skelton

1963: Professor H.C.Darby

1962: Professor Karl Troll

1957: Professor S.W.Wooldridge

1948: Professor Frank Debenham

1946: Professor H.J.Fleure, for distinguished service in the advancement of geographical education and valuable researches into the human aspects of geography

1938: Arthur Hinks

1917: John Keltie

1905: John George Bartholomew

c1903: Sven Hedin

1869: Mary Somerville



1986年5月31日,任美锷教授赴英国伦敦接受英国皇家地理学会授予的维多利亚奖章。1986年6月2日,在英国伦敦海德公园演讲厅,任美锷教授获得英国皇家地理学会颁发的英国维多利亚奖章,表彰了他在岩溶和海岸的研究方面作出了创造性的贡献。皇家地理学会会长乔治·毕肖普爵士郑重宣布: “今年的维多利亚奖章授予中国南京大学任美锷教授。这是由于他对海洋知识和岩溶地貌学所作的贡献。……任教授是从英国皇家地理学会获得奖章的第一位中国人。”任美锷激动地致答词:“……非常感谢你们授予我维多利亚奖章。我特别高兴的是刚才主席先生所讲的,我是接受这种奖章的第一位中国人……”一时间眼睛湿润了。






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