

词条 韦广红

韦广红 女,复旦大学物理系教授。奖励:荣获“教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(2008)迄今为止,共发表学术论文30余篇,他引240余次。曾参加在中国、美国、加拿大、法国、意大利举行的国际会议10余次,并做邀请报告和口头报告。





9/2005-11/2009:复旦大学物理系副教授,2008 年1月起为博士生导师












自2004年起应邀为Journal of American Chemical Society,PLOS Computational Biology,Biophysical Journal,Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Biochemistry, Langmuir,Proteins,Frontiers in Bioscience,Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter,and Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica(物理化学学报)等国际和国内学术期刊审稿。







利用分子动力学模拟(Molecular Dynamics Simulation)与简化蛋白质模型和全原子蛋白质模型相结合的方法来研究:

1. 蛋白质多肽的折叠和聚集研究(Protein/peptide folding and aggregation)

2.蛋白质和细胞膜的相互作用机理研究( Peptide-membrane interactions)

3. 蛋白质和纳米颗粒的相互作用机理研究(Protein-nanoparticle interactions)




(cided more than 220times)

1、Weixin Xu, Guanghong Wei, Lushan Wang, Xian Zhao, Yuguang Mu. Cholesterol regulates pore formation in lipid bilayer induced by hIAPP fragments: a coarse-grained molecular dynamics study. Journal of Physical Chemistry B(revised)

2、Rozita Laghaei, Normand Mousseau, and Guanghong Wei. The Effect of Disulfide Bond on the Monomeric Structure of Human Amylin Studied by Combined Hamiltonian and Temperature Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Journal of Physical Chemistry B114: 7071-7077 (2010)

3.、Guanghong Wei, Andrew Jewett, and Joan-Emma Shea. Structural diversity of dimers of the Alzheimer Amyloid-beta (25-35) peptide and polymorphism of the resulting fibrils. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics12: 3622-3629 (2010).

4、Huiyu Li, Yin Luo, Philippe Derreumaux, and Guanghong Wei*. Effects of the RGTFEGKF Inhibitor on the Structures of the Transmembrane Fragment 70-86 of Glycophorin A: An All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry B114: 1004-1009 (2010).

5、Zhaoming Fu, Yin Luo, Philippe Derreumaux, and Guanghong Wei*. Induced β-barrel formation of the Alzheimer's Aβ25-35 oligomers on carbon nanotube surfaces: implication for amyloid fibril inhibition.Biophysical Journal97: 1795-1803 (2009).

6、Yan Lu, Philippe Derreumaux, Zhi Guo, Normand Mousseau, and Guanghong Wei*. Thermodynamics and dynamics of amyloid peptide oligomerization are sequence dependent. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics75: 954-963 (2009).

7、Yuxiang Mo, Yan Lu, Guanghong Wei*and Philippe Derreumaux. Structural diversity of the soluble trimers of the human amylin(20-29) peptide revealed by molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Chemical Physics130: 125101 (2009).

8、Chungwen Liang, Philippe Derreumaux, Normand Mousseau, and Guanghong Wei*. The β-strand-loop-β-strand conformation is marginally populated in β2-microglobulin (20-41) peptide in solution as revealed by replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations. Biophysical Journal95: 510-517 (2008).

9、Wei Song, Guanghong Wei*, Normand Mousseau, and Philippe Derreumaux. Self-assembly of the β2-microglobulin NHVTLSQ peptide using coarse-grained protein model reveals β-barrel species. Journal of Physical Chemistry B112: 4410-4418 (2008).

10、Guanghong Wei*, Wei Song, Philippe Derreumaux, and Normand Mousseau. Self-assembly of amyloid-forming peptides using molecular dynamics simulations.< Frontiers in Bioscience13: 5681-5692 (2008).

11、Chungwen Liang, Philippe Derreumaux, Guanghong Wei*. Structure and aggregation mechanism of β2-microglobulin(83-99) peptides studied by molecular dynamics simulations. Biophysical Journal93: 3353-3362 (2007).

12、Guanghong Wei, Normand Mousseau, and Philippe Derreumaux. Computational simulations of the early steps of protein aggregation. Prion1: 3-8 (2007).

13、Guanghong Wei, Joan-Emma Shea. Solvent effects on the structure of Alzheimer’s amyloid-β(25-35) peptide. Biophysical Journal91: 1638-1647 (2006).

14、Guanghong Wei, Normand Mousseau, and Philippe Derreumaux. Sampling the self-assembly pathways of KFFE hexamers. Biophysical Journal87: 3648-3656 (2004).

15、Guanghong Wei, Normand Mousseau, and Philippe Derreumaux. Simulating the early steps of aggregation of amyloid-forming peptide KFFE. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter16: S5047-S5054 (2004).

16、Sebastien Santini, Guanghong Wei, Normand Mousseau, Philippe Derreumaux. Pathway complexity of Alzheimer's β-amyloid Aβ16-22 peptide assembly. Structure12: 1245-1255 (2004).

17、Philippe Derreumaux, Guanghong Wei, Sebastien Santini, Normand Mousseau. Early steps of amyloid-petide oligomerisation explored by simulations. Neurobiology of Aging25: S143 (2004).

18、Sebastien Santini, Guanghong Wei, Normand Mousseau, Philippe Derreumaux. Exploring the folding and aggregation mechanisms of amyloid-forming peptides by computer simulations. Amyloid and Amyloidosis, ISBN: 0849335345, Publisher: CRC Pr I Llc, p379-381, 2004.

19、Guanghong Wei, Normand Mousseau, and Philippe Derreumaux. Complex folding pathways in a simple beta-hairpin. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics56: 464-474 (2004).

20、Sebastien Santini, Guanghong Wei, Normand Mousseau, Philippe Derreumaux. Exploring the folding pathways of proteins through energy landscape sampling: application to Alzheimer's β-amyloid Peptide. Internet Electron. J. Mol. Des. 2: 564 (2003).

21、Philippe Derreumaux ,Guanghong Wei, Normand Mousseau. Protein Folding Simulations using the Activation-Relaxation Technique. Proceedings of the International Conference of computational methods in Sciences and Engineering 2003 (ICCMSE 2003), T.E. Simos editor, World Scientific, p. 678-681 (2003).

22、Guanghong Wei, Philippe Derreumaux, Normand Mousseau. Sampling the complex energy landscape of a simple beta-hairpin. Journal of Chemical Physics119: 6403 (2003).

23、Guanghong Wei, Normand Mousseau, Philippe Derreumaux. Exploring the energy landscape of proteins: A characterization of the activation-relaxation technique. Journal of Chemical Physics117: 11379 (2002).

24、Guanghong Wei, Jian Zi, Kaiming Zhang and Xide Xie. Lattice dynamics of wurtzite semiconductors GaN and AlN. Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition), 7: 841 (1998).

25、Y.G. Weng, Z.X. Yang, G.H. Wei, X.Q. Dai, S.Y. Wei, and T. Zhang. Ion neutralization on composite catalysts. Phys. Rev. B, 58: 10953 (1998).

26、Guanghong Wei, Jian Zi, Kaiming Zhang and Xide Xie. Lattice dynamics of GaN/AlN superlattices. J. Appl. Phys.82: 622 (1997).

27、Guanghong Wei, Jian Zi, Kaiming Zhang and Xide Xie. Zone-centre optical phonons in wurtzite GaN and AlN. J. Appl. Phys.82: 4693 (1997).

28、Jian Zi, Xin Wan, Guanghong Wei, Kaiming Zhang and Xide Xie. Lattice dynamics of Zinc-blende GaN and AlN: I. Bulk phonons. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 8: 6323 (1996).

29、Jian Zi, Guanghong Wei, Kaiming Zhang and Xide Xie. Lattice dynamics of Zinc-blende GaN and AlN: II. Superlattice phonons. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 8: 6329 (1996).

30、Z.X. Yang, G.H. Wei, X.Q. Dai, T. Zhang and M. Wang. Effect of impurity on ion neutralization. Phys. Rev. B, 52: 8483 (1995).

31、Z.X. Yang, G.H. Wei, X.Q. Dai, T. Zhang and M. Wang. Long-range effects on the ion neutralization process. Phys. Rev. B, 52: 10800 (1995).

32、G.H. Wei, Z.X.Yang, X.Q. Dai, T. Zhang and M. Wang. Ion neutralization at an Si- or Ge-type semiconductor surface. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 6: 4991 (1994).

33、G.H. Wei, Z.X.Yang, X.Q. Dai, S.Y. Wei, T. Zhang and M. Wang. Ion neutralization near a disordered binary alloy surface. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 6: 8133 (1994).

34、G.H. Wei, Z.X.Yang, S.Y. Wei, X.Q. Dai, T. Zhang and M. Wang. Ion neutralization at an ionic crystal surface. Surf. Sci., 317: 269 (1994).

35、G.H. Wei, Z.X.Yang, X.Q. Dai, S.Y. Wei, T. Zhang and M.Wang. Charge transfer during reflection of ions from disordered binary alloy. Phys. Lett. A, 193: 293 (1994).


(一) 学术会议(2004年以后)

1. Workshop on Water at Biological Interfaces. Oct. 27-28, 2008, Hangzhou, China. ‘Free energy landscape of trans- and cis-K3 peptides in explicit water’(Invited Talk).

2. International Conference of Computational Protein Structure and Mechanics. Sept. 12-13, 2008, Shanghai, China. ‘Folding and aggregation of b2-microglobulin fragment studied by MD simulations’(Invited Talk).

3. Workshop on Molecular Structure and Dynamics of Interfacial Water, 14-18 Dec., 2007, Shanghai, China. ‘Peptide aggregation studied by MD simulations in explicit water’(Invited Talk).

4. The 6th International Conference of Condensed Matter Theory and Computational Materials. 14-18 July, 2007, Zhengzhou, China. ‘Computational Studies of the Early Steps of Peptide Aggregation’(Invited Talk).

5. The 5th International Conference of Condensed Matter Theory and Computational Materials. 10-15 July, 2006, Lanzhou, China. ‘Peptide aggregation studied by all-atom MD simulations’(Invited Talk).

6. Workshop on Protein Aggregation. 22-24 May 2006, Lyon, France. ‘Structural characterization of dimeric states of the Alzheimer amyloidβ(25-35) peptide studied by replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent: implication for the protofibril structure’(Invited Talk).

7. Workshop on flexibility in biomolecules, Tempe, Arizona, 15-18 May, 2005. “Exploration of the conformational space of the Alzheimer’s amyloid-β(25-35) peptide in water and in HFIP/water cosolvent through replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations.

8. A workshop in honor of professor Mike Thorpe’s 60th birthday: flexibility in complex materials: glasses, amorphous and proteins, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada, 7-10 August, 2004. "Simulating the early steps of aggregation of amyloid-forming peptide KFFE” (Talk).

9. The 9th International Conference on “Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders”, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 17-22 July, 2004.“Early steps of amyloid-peptide oligomerisation explored by simulations” (Poster).

10. RQMP scientific meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 29 June, 2004.“Early steps of amyloid-peptide oligomerisation explored by simulations” (Poster).

11. Second comparative and integrative bioinformatics meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 4, 2004.“Sampling the self-assembly pathways of KFFE hexamers” (Talk).

12. American Physical Society Meeting of 2004 in Montreal, Canada, 22-26 March, 2004.“Exploring the assembly pathways of tetrapeptide oligomers by the activation-relaxation technique” (Talk).

(二) 学术报告(2004年以后)

1. Seminar at Laboratoire de Biochimie Theorique, CNRS, IBPC, Paris, France 9 Apr., 2009. ‘Computational studies of peptide folding, aggregation, peptide-carbon nanotube interactions’.

2. Seminar at Department of Physics, University of Montreal, Canada, 9 Feb., 2009. ‘Peptide folding, aggregation, and the interactions with nanoparticles: a molecular dynamics study’.

3. Seminar in CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology in Shanghai, China, 27 Oct. 2007. ‘Computational studies of peptide folding and aggregation’.

4. Seminar in Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Oct. 29, 2007 ‘Computational studies of peptide self-assembly’.

5. Sminar at Laboratoire de Biochimie Theorique, CNRS, IBPC, Paris, France, 18 May, 2006. ‘Structural characterization of dimeric states of the Alzheimer amyloid β(25-35) peptide studied by replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent: implication for the protofibril structure’.

6. Seminar at Department of Physics, California State University at Northridge,USA, 27 April, 2005. “Understanding folding and aggregation of amyloid-forming peptides by computer simulations”.





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