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释义 | 基本情况籍贯:甘肃省天祝藏族自治县 学历:大学本科 学位:文学学士 毕业院校:华东师范大学中文系 职位:藏文化专家 西北民族大学教授 藏人文化网CEO,编辑策划了《爱心中爆发的智慧书系》多种藏传佛教的书籍 人生经历90年代诗歌和写作1985年在西南民院就读预科; 1986年入华东师范大学中文系,任夏雨诗社社长,上海市大学生诗人联合会理事长; 1990年3月被选拔参加上海作家协会举办的第三届青年作家(诗人)创作班,赴崇明岛,舟山群岛等地体验生活一个月; 1990年6月被分配至西北民族学院党委宣传部校刊编辑室工作; 1994年9—12月,在中国社会科学院研究生院作家班进修结业; 1996年,第四届国际《格萨尔》会议在西北民族学院召开,负责宣传工作的具体策划实施,以及电视片解说词、简报、新闻发布会、专刊及社会新闻媒体等稿件的撰写及编辑; 1997年在奇正藏药集团青海市场部,任广告策划部主任,四州一地总经理;策划《奇正藏文化知识手册》,由董事长亲自作序后,作为员工必备下发; 策划、主编的《藏族当代诗人诗选(汉文卷)》,是藏族历史上第一本收录最全的藏族诗人用汉语创作的诗歌选集。1997年5月由青海人民出版社出版,1999年2月该书获甘肃省首届“五个一工程”优秀图书奖; 1997年与藏族文学期刊《章恰尔》合作,提供其历史上第一个广告(奇正藏药)项目; 1997年12月,参与写作关于西藏历史的全景式通俗读物《藏域春秋》(上下册),1998年1月青海人民出版社出版; 1998年调至《西北民族学院学报(哲社版)》任编辑; 1999年策划成立西藏妙音工作室。以“朝觐心灵的圣地”为理念,开始策划、编辑、出版拍摄《爱心中爆发的智慧书系》、《圣地梵音》等藏族文化的书籍、音像品; 2000年图书出版和网站2000年11月,被邀请参加由中国藏学研究中心和四川藏学所主办的“西部大开发与西藏和其他藏区的现代化研讨会”; 2001年,应邀为云南香格里拉藏药集团公司做藏文化系列策划; 2002年6月,诗集《梦幻之旅》由民族出版社出版; 2003年,个人诗集《梦幻之旅》获甘肃省人民政府第四届敦煌文艺文学类一等奖; 2004年4月20日,在兰州创办开通藏人文化网; 2004年8月,在清华大学“畅销书策划与营销”高级研修班学习并取得结业证书; 2004年11月以藏人文化网创办人身份被邀请赴美国三一学院和哈佛大学参加国际会议。 2005年2月,创办藏族历史上第一个中文博客“藏人文化博客”和第一个网上交友征婚的“雪域情缘”网。 2005年,和藏族作曲家更嘎才旦合作历时数年主编而成的藏族作曲家作品集《唐古拉风——藏族当代流行金曲集》出版; 2006年12月16日,在兰州创办NGO组织甘肃省藏人文化发展促进会; 2007年1月5日,和藏人文化网总编辑才旺瑙乳做客新浪,接受关于藏人文化网及藏族文化的访谈; 2007年出版和万玛才旦联合撰写的莲花生大师传记《大师在西藏》; 2007年在成都创办整合五省藏区旅游资源的藏地旅游网; 2007年应邀多次赴云南迪庆藏族自治州,为其策划2008年度第六届康巴艺术节大型活动; 2009年4月20日,在成都创办融汇网上购物和交友功能的“藏地生活服务休闲社区”布达拉网。 2009年出版历时数年时间编著而成的藏族文化知识基本读物《藏族文化常识300题》; 2009年年底,为方便用户搜索使用涉藏网站,创办藏网大全; 2010年,应邀担任中国海外藏族协会(洛杉矶)副秘书长。 主要成就Name: Wangxiu Caidan (Wangchuk Tseden) Position: Professor&Editor,Northwest University for Nationalities Member,Gansu Province Youth Federation Honorable Principal,Tiantang Middle School,Tianzhu Tibetan Automous Region,Gansu Province Vice Chairman,Tibetan Cultural Deveopment&Promotion Association Education : Study in Chinese Literature Department of East China Normal University in Shanghai in 1986-1990: served as Director of Summer Poetry Society, Chairman of Shanghai Federation of Students poet; Graduate School of Chinese Academy of writers in education graduation class for four months in 1994; Granted the certficate for "planning and marketing best-selling book" advanced training classes at Tsinghua University in August 2004 Career : Worked in Northwest Institute for Nationalities Party Propaganda Department magazine editorial office in 1990-1998; Worked as a Director of Avertising in Market Department of Qinghai Tibetan Medicine Group of Qizhen Corporation Set up Tibetan Sound Studio in 1999 and started to design, edit, publish series book of "wisdom from the outbreak of love," "Holy Mountains Afar" and other books on Tibetan culture and audio-visual products until now; Editor in "Northwest University (Philosophy and Social Science)" as editor from 1998 until now; Founded Tibetan Cultural Network in April 20, 2004 Founded "Tibetan Culture Blog" and a Snowland Online Friend Network on Feb 2005. Founder and vicechairman the Tibetan Cultural NGO Organization Development Association on December 16, 2006 ; Founded a travel Tibet resources net in 2007 Founded online shopping linking with network on April 20, 2009 The end of 2009, as a user searches using the Tibet website, the founder of Tibet Network Daquan Other Experiences and Social Works: selected to participate in the Third Shanghai Writers Association young writer (poet) writing classes, and visit Chongming Island, Zhoushan Islands for one month in 1990; planning the implementation of specific publicity and television commentary, briefings, press conferences, magazine and social nIn reported and edited for the Fourth International "Gesar" conference held at Northwest University for Nationalities in 1996; Supported Tibetan literary journal “Zhangqiaer” with the first ad of Qizheng Tibetan Medicine in its history in 1997 attended Western Development and the Modernization of Tibet and other Tibetan Areas Workshop organized by China Tibetology Research Center in partership with the Sichuan Tibetology of Sichuan University in November 2000 worked for Marketing Development for Tibetan Culture Tibetan Medicine Corporation in Shangri-la,Yunnan Province in 2001. Published collection of poems "Dream Tour" in the Nationalities Publishing House in June 2002 and awared Fourth Dunhuang Art Literary Prize of Gansu Province, Visting scholar visit 8 cities and attended international conference in Trinity College and Harvard University on November 2004 interviewd by Sina with Tsewang Norbu, older brother about Tibetcul and Tibetan culture on January 5, 2007; Planned and designed for exhibition for Khampa Cultural Festival in Shangri-la in 2009 Invited as Deputy Secretary General of China Overseas Tibetan Association (Los Angeles) in 2010 Publication: Planned, edited and published "Selected Poems of Modern Tibetan poet ," which is the first most comprehensive Tibetan poet poetry anthology in Chinese in Qinghai People's Publishing House in 97It was awared "one of the five" Outstanding Book Award in Gansu Province in 1999; Partcipated in book writing of the history of "hidden field Spring and Autumn" (upper and lower volumes), and published in Qinghai People's Publishing House in January 1998 ; co-editor of composers from the Tibetan Collection "Tanggula wind - the Tibetan collection of contemporary popular songs," and published in 2005; joint wrote and published "Masters in Tibet"biography of Guru Padmasambhava with Wanma Caidan in 2007 Complied and published a book of "300 Questions of Knowleage about Tibetan culture" in 2009 |
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