

词条 王笃金


从事高分子材料结构-性能关系研究和聚烯烃合金材料制备技术开发,并在侧链支化高分子的结构转变、长链烷烃的受限结晶和仿生矿化等交叉领域开展研究。将基础研究成果与石油化工技术需求相结合,获得了较好的经济和社会效益。发表学术论文160余篇,被引用约1200次,H因子18。撰写《高分子材料的反应加工》一书的一章,翻译《高分子物理学》一书的一章。授权中国发明专利24项,申请欧洲专利2项、美国专利1项。获北京市科技进步一等奖2项、中国石油技术创新三等奖1 项、中国分析测试协会科学技术一等奖2项。担任连续三届工程塑料国际学术研讨会组委会主席,香山科学会议第289 次国际学术讨论会执行主席,中国化学会高分子学科委员会常务副主任,《高分子学报》和《中国塑料》杂志编委,Chinese Journal of Polymer Science副主编。


【1】Crystallization behavior of binary even-even n-alkane mixtures in microcapsules: effect of composition and confined geometry on solid-solid phase separation. Dongsheng Fu, Yufeng Liu, Yunlan Su,* Guoming Liu, Dujin Wang*. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2011,115,4632-4638

【2】Solid-Solid Phase Transition of n-Alkanes in Multiple Nanoscale Confinement. Kai Jiang, Baoquan Xie, Dongsheng Fu, Faliang Luo, Guoming Liu,Yunlan Su*,and Dujin Wang. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2010,114,1388–1392.

【3】Preparation of Nearly Monodisperse Microcapsules with Controlled Morphology by In-situ Polymerization of a Shell Layer. Guoming Liu, Baoquan Xie, Dongsheng Fu, Yang Wang, Qiang Fu, and Dujin Wang*.Journal of Materials Chemsitry, 2009, 19, 6605-6609.

【4】Phase structure and crystallization behavior of polypropylene in-reactor alloys: insights from both inter- and intra-molecular compositional heterogeneity. Haijin Zhu, Benjamin Monrabal, Charles C. Han, Dujin Wang*. Macromolecules, 2008, 41(3): 826-833.

【5】Hydrogen-bonded thermostable liquid crystalline complex formed by biodegradable polymer and amphiphilic molecules. Tao Yu, Yong Zhou, Ying Zhao, Kaipeng Liu, Erqiang Chen, Dujin Wang*, and Fosong Wang*. Macromolecules, 2008, 41: 3175-3180.

【6】Effect of main-chain rigidity on the phase transitional behavior of comb like polymers. Haifeng Shi,* Ying Zhao, Shichun Jiang, Joerg Rottstegge, John H. Xin, Dujin Wang,* and Duanfu Xu.Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 3198-3203.

【7】Crystallization behaviors of n-nonadecane in confined space: observation of metastable phase induced by surface freezing. Baoquan Xie, Haifeng Shi, Shichun Jiang, Ying Zhao, Charles C. Han, Duanfu Xu, Dujin Wang*. Journal of Physical Chemistry-B, 110(29): 14279-14282 (2006) .

【8】Spectroscopic investigation on the polymorphism and side group location of ethylene copolymers. Zhiqiang Su, Ying Zhao, Yizhuang Xu, Xiuqin Zhang, Shannong Zhu, Dujin Wang*, Jinguang Wu, Charles C. Han, Duanfu Xu*. Macromolecules, 37: 3249-3256 (2004).

【9】Phase transition and conformational variation of N-alkylated branched polyethyleneimine comb-like polymer. Haifeng Shi, Ying Zhao, Xiuqin Zhang, Shichun Jiang, Dujin Wang*, Charles C. Han, Duanfu Xu, Macromolecules, 37: 9933-9940, (2004).





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