

词条 王先友


王先友,男,1962年出生,中共党员,湘潭大学国际交流处处长/国际交流学院院长,化学学院教授、博士生导师,南京航空航天大学材料科学与技术学院兼职博士生导师,National Autonomous University of Mexico(UNAM),兼职教授,《电池》、《电镀与涂饰》杂志编委,国家“863”新材料领域通信评审专家,科技部国际合作项目评价专家,湖南省高校省级学科带头人培养对象,第四届湖南省“十佳”青年科技创新奖获得者,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。

近年来,带领课题组成员实现了湘潭大学国防项目零的突破,主持承担了国家自然科学基金项目、“十五”国家科技攻关计划项目、教育部重点项目、中国博士后基金项目、湖南省重点攻关项目、湖南省自然科学基金重点和面上项目、湖南省教育厅重点项目、湖南省教委优秀青年基金项目及横向合作项目等10多个项目的研究工作。主持完成的省重点攻关项目“覆钴氢氧化镍生产技术”,经省科技厅组织专家鉴定认为达国际先进水平(湘科鉴字2001第038号)。获天津市自然科学二等奖(2003年度)1项,湘潭市科技进步二等奖1项(2004年度),湖南省科技进步三等奖1项(2004年度)。湖南省自然科学优秀论文二等奖1项(2004年),湘潭市自然科学优秀论文一等奖1项(2003年)。承担的研究课程《应用电化学》被评为2005年湖南省研究教育重点精品课程。所指导的研究生连续4年获校长优秀奖,1人获校长特等奖;指导学生参加第六届湖南省大学生“挑战杯”竞赛获特等奖和第九届全国大学生“挑战杯”竞赛获二等奖。参与讲授的本科生《大学化学基础》被评为2006年国家精品课程,获“非化学、化工类专业化学课程的教学改革和实践” 2006年湖南省教学成果一等奖(参与)。







2000年在Technion-Israel Institute of Technology博士后研究

2001年在Technical University of Valencia, Spain访问教授

2003年National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)访问教授










1. 具有纳米结构的多相氢氧化镍制备方法.01131636.5

2. 一种制备超铁(VI)电池电极材料的方法.ZL01131635.7

3. 齿轮电镀锌-铁合金及其黑色钝化工艺.00113304.7

4. 一种碱性电池正极材料的制备方法.971331.9

5. 钠离子电池及其制备方法.200410046836.1

6. 有镍基复合镀层的二次电池极片基材.200420068162

7. 一种穿孔镀镍钢带及其制造方法.200410045047


9. 一种锂二次电池氟化铋正极材料的制备方法.200710192680.1



《锂离子电池》 中南大学出版社 2002


 1. 基于化学交换能量的锂二次电池新型正极材料的制备及甚性能研究 2006.

 2. XXXXXX 2005.

 3. 钠离子电池正极材料的制备及其性能研究 2005.

 4. 高性能MH-Ni电池电极材料的制备及应用研究 .

 5. 钠离子电池氟磷酸盐正极材料的研究 2004.

 6. 锂离子电池新型正极材料—高性能层状锰酸锂的制备及性能研究 2004.

 7. 锂离子电池新型正极材料—高性能层状锰酸锂的制备及性能研究 2004.

 8. 高性能层状锰酸锂的制备及性能研究 2005.

 9. 钠离子电池氟磷酸盐正极材料的研究 2005.

 10. 钠离子新型正极材料的制备及性能研究 2003.

 11. 电动汽车及电动自行车用动力电池高性能电极材料的研究 .

 12. 高功率锂离子动力电池的开发 2007.


 1. Electrochemical characteristics of nickel hydroxide modified by electroless cobalt. Int.J.Hydrogen Energy. 1998, 23(10), 873

 2. Surface modification and electrochemical studies of spherical nickel hydroxide. J.Power Sources. 1998, 72221

 3. The effect of electroless cobalt plating upon characteristics of nickel hydroxide electrode for rechargeable alkaline batteries. TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA. 1998, 8(4), 666

 4. Impedance studies of the nickel hydroxide electrode deposited by cobalt. Int.J.Hydrogen Energy. 1999, 24(10), 973

 5. Cyclic voltammetric studies of pasted nickel hydroxide microencapsulated by cobalt. J.Appl.Electrochem. 1998, 28(12), 1377

 6. Physical and electrochemical characteristics of aluminum-substituted nickel hydroxide. J.Appl.Electrochem. 1999, 29(7), 853

 7. Effect of state of charge on impedance spectrum of sealed Ni/MH cells. J.Alloys and Compounds. 1999, 293-295788

 8. Phase relations in the Nd–Al–Si system at 5000C. J.Alloys and Compounds. 2001, 325190-193

 9. Studies of the performance of nanostructured multiphase nickel hydroxide. J. Power Sources. 2003, 115153-160

 10. Studies on the oxygen reduction catalyst for zinc-air battery electrode. J. Power Sources. 2003, 124278-284

 11. Oxygen catalytic evolution reaction on nickel hydroxide electrode modified by electroless cobalt coating. Int.J.Hydrogen Energy. 2004, 29967-972

 12. Sol–gel template synthesis of highly ordered MnO2 nanowire arrays. J. Power Sources. 2005, 140(1), 211-215

 13. Electrochemical study of nanostructured multiphase nickel hydroxide. Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical System. 2005, 8101-108

 14. Rapid activation of MmNi5−xMx based MH alloy through Pd nanoparticle impregnation. J. Power Sources. 2006, 155470-474

 15. Studies on preparation and performances of carbon aerogel electrodes for the application of supercapacitor. J. of Power Sources. 2006, 158784-788

 16. Synthesis and characterization of high tap-density layered Li[Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3]O2 cathode material via hydroxide co-precipitation. J. of Power Sources. 2006, 158654-658

 17. The preparation of NaV1−xCrxPO4F cathode materials for sodium-ion battery. J. of Power Sources. 2006, 160698-703

 18. Synthesis and electrochemical properties of layered Li[Ni0.333Co0.333Mn0.293Al0.04]O2−zFz cathode materials prepared by the sol–gel method. J. of Power Sources. 2006, 160657-661

 19. A new type of MnO2·xH2O/CRF composite electrode for supercapacitors. J. of Power Sources. 2006, 1601501-1505

 20. Characterization and performance of hydrous manganese oxide prepared by electrochemical method and its application for supercapacitors . Electrochimica Acta. 2006, 521758-1762

 21. Effects of synthesis conditions on the structural and electrochemical properties of layered Li[Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3]O2 cathode material via the hydroxide co-precipitation method LIB SCITECH. Journal of Power Sources. 2006, 161601-605

 22. Nickel hydroxide/activated carbon composite electrodes for electrochemical capacitor. Journal of Power Sources. 2007, 164425-429

 23. Preparation and characterization of RuO2·xH2O/carbon aerogel composites for supercapacitors. J Appl Electrochem . 2007, 371129-1135

 24. Structure and electrochemical properties of carbon aerogels synthesized at ambient temperatures as supercapacitors. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2008, 354(1), 19-24

 25. Electrochemical Behavior of Li3V2(PO4)3/C composite cathode material for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Materials Letters. 2008, 62(10-11), 1646-1648

 26. Preparation of NaV1-xAlxPO4F cathode materials for application of sodium-ion battery. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 2008, 18346-350

 27. Studies of impedance and state of sealed nickel-metal hydride (MH) batteries. Inter. Symposium on Metal Hydrogen Systems. 1998,

 28. Study of performance of spherical multiphase nickel hydroxide. Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments. 2001,

 29. A surface study of the black chromate conversion film on the zinc-iron alloy deposit. Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments. 2001, 421

 30. Surface morphology and phase structure investigation of zinc and zinc-iron deposits electrodeposited from sulfate solution. Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments. 2001, 432

 31. Synthesis and Electrochemical Study of nanostructural multiphase nickel hydroxide, Electrochemistry communication. International Conference of Solar Energy and Batteries Materials. 2002,

 32. Oxygen Evolution Reaction on Nickel Hydroxide Electrode Modified by Electroless Cobalt Coating. International Conference of Solar Energy and Batteries Materials. 2002,





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