

词条 王汝成


1983年毕业于南京大学地质系,1988年法国图鲁滋Paul Sabatier大学获博士学位,1998年南京大学教授,1999年南京大学博士生导师,2000年获国家杰出青年基金,2001年教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授。现任南京大学地球科学与工程学院院长。担任中国矿物岩石地球化学学会副秘书长、《矿物学报》、《岩石矿物学杂志》编委、《科学通报》特邀编辑。















[1] Wang R.C., Fontan F., Monchoux P., 1987, Interrelations et evolution comparee de la cassiterite et des niobo-tantalates dans les differents facies du granite de Beauvoir (Massif d’Echassieres). Geol. France, No. 2-3, 237-245.

[2] Wang R.C., Fontan F., Monchoux P., Rossi Ph., 1992, Recherche des phases porteuses du beryllium dans le granite de Beauvoir (Allier) par analyses chimiques de fractions densimetriques. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, Tome 314, Serie II, 671-674.

[3] Wang R.C., Fontan F., Monchoux P., 1992, Mineraux dissemines comme indicateurs du caractere pegmatitique du granite de Beauvoir, Massif d'Echassieres, Allier, France. The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol.30, Part 2, 763-770.

[4] Wang R.C., Fontan F., Xu S.J., Chen X.M., Monchoux P., 1996, Hafnian zircon from the apical part of the Suzhou granite. The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol.34, Part 5, 1001-1010.

[5] Xu S.J., Wang R.C., et al., 1996, U-Pb, Rb-Sr isotopic chronology of Jinning granites in the Songpan-Ganze orogenic belt and its tectonic significances. Science in China (Series D), Vol.39, No.6, 576-586.

[6] Wang R.C., Fontan F., Xu S.J., Chen X.M., Monchoux P., 1997, The association of columbite, tantalite and tapiolite in the Suzhou granite, China. The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol.35, Part 3, 699-706.

[7] Xu S.J., Shen W.Z, Wang R.C. et al., 1998, U-Pb dating of zircon grains from the ore-bearing plagioclase amphibole in the Dashuigou Te deposit. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.43, No.17, 1486-1489.

[8] Liu C.S., Lin H.F., Xiao X.L., Shen W.Z., Wang D.Z., Huang X.L., Wang R.C., 1999, An F-rich, Sn-bearing volcanic-intrusive complex in Yanbei, South China. Economic Geology, Vol. 94, 325-342.

[9] Huang X.L., Wang R.C., et al., 1999, The P2O5 content of feldspars from the Yashan granites, Jiangxi Province, South China. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 44, No.13, 1245-1248.

[10] Wang R.C., Xu S.J., Xu S.T., 2000, First occurrence of preiswerkite in the Dabie UHP metamorphic belt. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.45, No.8, 748-750.

[11] XU S.T., Liu Y.C, Su W., Wang R.C., Jiang L.L, Wu W.P., 2000, The discovery of eclogite in the North Dabie Mountains and petrographic study. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.45, No.3, 273-278.

[12] Wang RC, Zhao GT, Lu JJ, et al., 2000, Chemistry of Hf-rich zircons from the Laoshan I- and A-type granites, Eastern China. Mineralogical Magazine, Vol.64, No.5, 867-877.

[13] Wang RC, Zhao GT, Wang DZ, et al., 2000, Differentiation and accumulation of fluids in A-type granites: Evidence from accessory mineral study. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.45, No.17, 1609-1613.

[14] Xia QK, Chen DG, Carpenter S, Zhi XC, Wang RC, Cheng H, 2000, Hydrogen diffusion in clinopyroxene: dehydration experiments. Science in China (Series D-Earth Sciences), Vol.43, No.6, 561-568.

[15] Wang R.C., et al., 2001, Accessory mineral record of magma-fluid interaction in the Laoshan I- and A-type granitic complex, Eastern China. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (Part A), Vol.26, No. 9-10, pp.835-849.

[16] Min M.Z., Luo X.Z., Mao S.L., Wang Z.Q., Wang R.C. et al., 2001, An excellent fossil wood texture with primary uranium minerals at a sandstone-hosted roll-type uranium deposit, NW China. Ore geology Review, Vol. 17, pp.233-239.

[17] Ling H.F., Shen W.Z., Wang R.C., Xu S.J., 2001, Geochemical Characteristics and Genesis of Neoproterozoic Granitoids in the Northwestern Margin of the Yangtze Block. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (A), Vol.26, No.9-10, pp.805-819.

[18] Su W., You Z.D., Wang R.C., Liu X.W., 2001, Quartz and clinoenstatite exsolutions in clinopyroxene of garnet-pyroxenolite from the North Dabie Mountains, eastern China. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 46, No.17, pp.1482-1485.

[19] Liang X.R., Wei G.J., Shao L, Li XH, Wang RC, 2001, Records of Toba eruptions in the South China Sea - Chemical characteristics of the glass shards from ODP 1143A. Science in China (Series D-Earth Sciences), 44 (10): 871-878.

[20] Huang X.L., Wang R.C., Chen X.M., Hu H., Liu C.S., 2002, Vertical variation in the mineralogy of the Yichun topaz-lepidolite granite, Jiangxi province, Southern China. The Canadian Mineralogist, 40(4):1047-1068.

[21] Cao Z.M., Zheng J.B., Li Y.G., Ren J.G., Xu S.J., Wang R.C., Shoji T., Kaned H., Kabayashi S., 2002, Geologic and geochemical features of the volatile-rich ore fluid and its tracing and dating in the Xuebaoding Beryl-Scheelite Vein Deposit, China. Science in China (Series D-Earth Sciences), 45 (8): 719-729.

[22] Huang X.L., Xu Y.G., Wang R.C., Chen X.M., 2002, The Nushan granulite xenoliths from Anhui province, China: mineralogical characteristics, the lower crustal geotherm and their implications for genesis. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 18(3): 383-391.

[23] Wang R.C., Fontan F., Chen X.M., Hu H., Liu C.S., Xu S.J., de Parseval P., 2003, Accessory minerals in the Xihuashan Y-enriched granitic complex, Southern China: a record of magmatic and hydrothermal stages of evolution. The Canadian Mineralogist, 41(3): 727-748.





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