

词条 王荣明




长期从事航空航天材料、纳米材料等先进材料的微结构与性能的相互关系研究,近年来主要从事磁性纳米材料的可控合成、微结构和特性研究。承担国家自然科学基金、高等学校博士点基金、国防科技预研基金、国家科技支撑计划重大课题、973、863等20多项科研课题的研究工作;在Phys. Rev. Lett.、Nano Lett .、Adv. Mater.、J. Mater. Chem.、Appl. Phys. Lett.、Nanoscale、J. Phys. Chem.、New J. Phys等刊物发表SCI论文100余篇,EI论文近百篇,被SCI论文他引2500多次,论文引用H因子为29;合著2部,申请国家发明专利8项。曾获教育部自然科学一等奖、航空科学技术奖二等奖、国防科学技术奖三等奖等科技奖励6项。兼任Progress in Natural Science: Materials International、Journal of Nanoscience Letters、Journal of Physics & Astronomy等国际学术期刊国际编委,以及中国电子显微学会电子光学与仪器专业委员会副主任、中国材料研究学会青年委员会理事、中国金属学会材料科学分会理事等。

教学情况 :


1. 《基础物理学》,本科生基础课,北京市精品课。

2. 《固体微结构及衍射物理学》,研究生学位课,北京航空航天大学精品课 。

3. 《物理学科综合课》,博士生学位课。

4. 《物理与核科学前沿》,研究生全校公选课。

5. 《专业物理实验》,本科生基础课。





1. 低维功能纳米材料(磁性、核壳结构等)的可控合成、微结构和特性研究,在运用多种现代先进电子显微术,多层次开展材料的微结构及其与合成条件、特性的相互关系研究方面具有特色和优势。

2. 针对微纳结构、器件及应用研究中的关键问题,开展基于粒子束(电子束、离子束等)的微纳测控新方法和新装置研究。


1. 国家自然科学基金:铁系纳米粒子组装体系的微结构和磁性质关系研究

2. 国家自然科学基金:核壳双金属纳米粒子的可控制备、原子结构和物性研究

3. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金:核壳双金属纳米粒子的可控制备、原子结构和物性研究

4. 北京市自然科学基金:核壳结构金属纳米材料的可控制备、原子排列和特性研究




(1) Liu Wei, Ning Wang, Rongming Wang*, Shishir Kumar, Georg S. Duesberg, Hongzhou Zhang*, Kai Sun, Atom-resolved evidence of anisotropic growth in ZnS nanotetrapods, Nano Letters, 11 (7) (2011) 2983-2988.

(2) Qian Sun, Zhen Ren, Rongming Wang*, Ning Wang*, Xia Cao*, Platinum Catalyzed Growth of NiPt Hollow Spheres with an Ultrathin Shell, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (6) (2011) 1925-1930 (Cover, Hot Article).

(3) Heng Li, Jingxia Wang*, Zelin Pan,a Liying Cui,a Liang Xu, Rongming Wang*, Yanlin Song* and Lei Jiang, Amplifying Fluorescence Sensing Based on Inverse Opal Photonic Crystal toward Trace TNT Detection, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (6) (2011) 1730-1735.

(4) Weimeng Chen, Wei Liu, Chinping Chen*, Rongming Wang*, Qingrong Feng, Single-crystal MgB2 hexagonal microprisms via hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition, CrystEngComm, 13 (2011) 3959-3961 (Hot Article).

(5) Heng Li, Jingxia Wang, Feng Liu, Yanlin Song* and Rongming Wang*, Fluorescence Enhancement by Heterostructure Colloidal Photonic Crystals with Dual Stopbands, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 356 (2011) 63-68.

(6) Qian Sun, Zhen Ren, Rongming Wang*, Weimeng Chen, Chinping Chen, Magnetite hollow spheres: solution synthesis, phase formation and magnetic property, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 13 (1) (2011) 213-220.

(7) Rongming Wang*, Pengwei Li, Synthesis and One-Dimensional Self-Assembly of Aligned Ni Nanochains under Magnetic Fields, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, (2011) DOI:10.1166/jnn.2011.3986.

(8) Dan Zhou, Rongming Wang*, Markus Boese, and Hongzhou Zhang*, Synthesis and Self-assembly of Ultrathin -Nickel Hydroxide Nanodisks via a Wet-chemistry Method, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, (2011) DOI:10.1166/jnn.2011.4013.

(9) Sufen Zhao, Qian Sun, Rongming Wang*, Yunan Han*, Growth and Micromagnetic Simulation of Magnetite Nanoparticles, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 54 (7) (2011) 1208-1212 (Cover).

(10) Hailong Wang, Rongming Wang*, Yugang Wang, Guangshan Tian, Quantum phase transition in Quarter-Filled Nanoclusters of Manganite Induced by Element Substitution at B site, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 54 (7) (2011) 1277-1282.

(11) Hao Dong, Xiaolin Shu*, Rongming Wang*, Point Defects in L10 FePt studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations based on an Analytic Bond-Order Potential, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, (2011) doi: 10.1007/s11433-011-4354-5.

(12) Ping Xu, Wei Cai and Rongming Wang*, Scanning Near-field Acoustic Microscope and its Application, SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences (Science in China Series E) 54(1) (2011) 126-130.

(13) Li Heng, Wang Jingxia, Wang Rongming*, Song Yanlin*, Optical Manipulation and Application by Three Dimensional Colloidal Photonic Crystals, Progress in Chemistry, 23 (6) (2011) 19-27.


(14) Heng Li, Jingxia Wang, Liang Xu, Rongming Wang*, Yanlin Song*, Daoben Zhu, Amplification of Fluorescent Contrast by Photonic Crystal in Rewritable Optical Storage, Advanced Materials, 22 (11) (2010) 1237-1241. (Selected by NPG Asia Materials as Research Highlight, doi:10.1038/asiamat.2010.49).

(15) Wei Liu, Rongming Wang*, Ning Wang*, From ZnS nanobelts to ZnO/ZnS heterostructures: microscopy analysis and their tunable optical properties, Applied Physics Letters, 97 (2010) 041916.

(16) Pengwei Li, Weimeng Chen, Wei Liu, Zi’an Li, Yimin Cui, Anping Huang, Rongming Wang*, Chinping Chen*, Thermodynamic Phase Formation of Morphology and Size Controlled Ni Nanochains by Temperature and Magnetic Field, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (2010) 7721-7726.

(17) Pengwei Li, Rongming Wang*, Weimeng Chen, Chinping Chen*, Xingyu Gao and A. T. S. Wee, Well-aligned Nickel Nanochains Synthesized by a Template-free Route, Nanoscale Research Letters, 5 (2010) 597-602.

(18) Pengwei Li, Yimin Cui, Gavin Behan, Hongzhou Zhang and Rongming Wang*, Room temperature synthesis and one-dimensional self-assembly of interlaced Ni nanodiscs under magnetic field, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 43 (2010) 275002.

(19) Pengwei Li, Ning Wang*, Rongming Wang*, Flower-Like Nickel Nanocrystals: Facile Synthesis, Shape Evolution, and their Magnetic Property, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 15 (2010) 2261-2265.

(20) Yimin Cui, Sheng Yin, Dandan Wang, Guozhong Xing, Seng Hwee Leng, Rongming Wang*, Electrical characteristics of Au and Ag Schottky contacts on Nb-1.0 wt.%-doped SrTiO3, Journal of Applied Physics, 108 (2010) 104506.

(21) Hu Luo, Ran Jing, Yimin Cui, Hailong Wang*, Rongming Wang*, Improvement of fabrication precision of focused ion beam by introducing simultaneous electron beam, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 20 (1) (2010) 111-115.

(22) Ning Wang, Xia Cao, Rongming Wang*, Synthesis of Mn3O4 Rings and their Magnetic Properties, Science of Advanced Materials, 2 (3) (2010) 428-431.

(23) Yimin Cui*, Rongming Wang, The changes of capacitance-loss and current-voltage characteristics of LaMnO3+/SrTiO3:Nb heterojunctions exposed to ambient air, Physics Letters A, 374(4) (2010) 625-627.

(24) Yuan Deng*, Zhiwei Zhang, Yao Wang, Meng Yang, Rongming Wang, Two-step synthesis of Bi2Te3-Te nanoarrays with sheet-rod multiple heterostructure, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 183 (11) (2010) 2631-2635.


(25) Rongming Wang*, Hongzhou Zhang, Michael Farle, Christian Kisielowski, Structural Stability of Icosahedral FePt Nanoparticles, Nanoscale, (2009), 1 (2009), 276-279..

(26) Rongming Wang*, Olga Dmitrieva, Michael Farle, Günter Dumpich, Mehmet Acet, Sergio Mejia-Rosales, Eduardo Perez-Tijerina, Miguel Jose Yacaman, Christian Kisielowski, FePt Icosahedra with Magnetic Cores and Catalytic Shells, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (11), (2009), 4395-4400.

(27) Heng Li, Yongqiang Wen, Pengwei Li, Rongming Wang, Gang Li, Ying Ma, Lianming Yang, Yanlin Song*, Qinglin Yang*, and Daoben Zhu, A high ON/OFF ratio organic film for photo- and electro-dual-mode recording, Applied Physics Letters, 94 (2009), 163309.

(28) Yimin Cui* and Rongming Wang, Superposed forward current–voltage characteristics in TbMnO3/n-Si and TbMnO3/p-Si heterostructures, Thin Solid Films, 517 (20), (2009), 5872-5875.


(29) R. M. Wang*, O. Dmitrieva, M. Farle*, G. Dumpich, H. Q. Ye, H. Poppa, R. Kilaas, C. Kisielowski*, Layer resolved structural relaxation at the surface of magnetic FePt icosahedral nanoparticles, Physical Review Letters, 100 (2008), 017205.

(30) Hua Zhang, Dongfeng Zhang*, Lin Guo*, Rui Zhang, Penggang Yin, and Rongming Wang*, One-Pot Assembly of Cu2O Chain-Like Hollow Structures, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8 (12) (2008) 6332-6337.

(31) Wei Zhou, Kun Zheng, Lin He, Rongming Wang, Lin Guo*, Chinping Chen*, Xiaodong Han*, and Ze Zhang, Ni/Ni3C Core-Shell Nanochains and Its Magnetic Properties: One-Step Synthesis at Low Temperature, Nano Letters, 8 (4) (2008) 1147-1152.

(32) Yimin Cui*, Rongming Wang, Liuwan Zhang, Delamination and magnetism softening of polycrystalline La0.9Ba0.1MnO3, Journal of Applied Physics, 103 (2008) 073907.

(33) Yimin Cui*, Liuwan Zhang, Rongming Wang, Guanlin Xie, Thickness-dependent rectifying behavior in heterojunctions of TbMnO3/Nb-1.0 wt.%-doped SrTiO3, Thin Solid Films, 516 (2008) 2292-2295.

(34) Ning Wang, Xia Cao, Lin He, Wei Zhang, Lin Guo*, Chinping Chen, Rongming Wang, Shihe Yang, One-pot synthesis of highly crystallized lambda-MnO2 nanodisks assembled from nanoparticles: Morphology evolutions and phase transitions, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112(2) (2008) 365-369.


(35) Yimin Cui*, Rongming Wang *, Backward rectifying and forward Schottky behavior at Au/Nb-1.0 wt.%-doped SrTiO3 interface, Applied Physics Letters, 91 (2007), 233513.

(36) H Z Zhang*, R M Wang, L P You, J Yu, H Chen, D P Yu and Y Chen, Boron carbide nanowires with uniform CNx coatings, New Journal of Physics, 9 (2007) 13.

(37) Yimin Cui*, Rongming Wang, Jianqiang Qian, Effect of cation addition on dielectric properties of TbMnO3, Physica B, 392 (2007) 147-150.

(38) Yimin Cui*, Liuwan Zhang, Rongming Wang, Quenching-promoted anomalous electromagnetic behaviors of polycrystalline La0.67Ba0.33MnO3 compound by hydrogen annealing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 428(1-2) (2007) 40-43.

(39) Yimin Cui, Liuwan Zhang, Rongming Wang and Jianqiang Qian, Investigation of metal contacts to Nb-1.0wt.%-doped SrTiO3, Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology, 138 (3): (2007), 214-218.

(40) Ning Wang, Lin Guo*, Lin He, Xia Cao, Chinping Chen, Rongming Wang, Shihe Yang, Facile Synthesis of Monodisperse Mn3O4 Tetragonal Nanoparticles and Their Large-Scale Assembly into Highly Regular Walls by a Simple Solution Route, Small, 3 (4) (2007) 606-610.


(41) Xiao Feng Zhang, Rongming Wang, Short-range order in nanoscale amorphous intergranular films in liquid-phase sintered silicon carbide, Applied Physics Letters, 89 (21) (2006) 211902.

(42) Yimin Cui, Wei Cai, Yuan Li, JianQiang Qian, Ping Xu, Rongming Wang *, Junen Yao, Liuwan Zhang, Microstructure-dependent dielectric properties of TbMnO3 in Au/TbMnO3/YBa2Cu3O7−x capacitors, Journal of Applied Physics, 100 (2006) 034101.

(43) Yimin Cui, Liuwan Zhang, Rongming Wang, Dielectric properties of polycrystalline MgB2, Physica C, 442 (2006) 29-32.

(44) Wang Qingxiao, You Liping, Zhang Xinzheng, Wang Rongming, Lv Yuzhen, Guo Lin, Single-crystal star-like zinc oxide: synthesis, characterization and growth mechanism, Rare Metals, 25 Spec. Issue, (2006) 193-199.

(45) Q. Han, Y.Y. Xu, Y.Y. Fu, H. Zhang,R.M. Wang, T.M. Wang, Z.Y. Chen, Defects and growing mechanisms of -Fe2O3 nanowires, Chemical Physics Letters, 431 (2006) 100-103.

(46) Yimin Cui, Liuwan Zhang, Guanlin Xie, Rongming Wang, Magnetic and transport and dielectric properties of polycrystalline TbMnO3, Solid State Communications, 138 (2006) 481-484.


(47) R. M. Wang, Y. F. Chen, Y. Y. Fu, H. Zhang, C. Kisielowski, Bicrystalline Hematite Nanowires, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109 (25) (2005) 12245-12249.

(48) Wang RM, Chen YF, Fu YY, Zhang H, Kisielowski C, Synthesis and microstructures of -Fe2O3 bicrystalline nanowires, Electron Microscopy of Molecular and Atom-Scale Mechanical Behavior, Chemistry And Structure, 839 (2005): 151-156.

(49) Yuzhen Lv, Chunping Li, Lin Guo, Qingxiao Wang, Rongming Wang *, Huibin Xu, Shihe Yang, Xicheng AI and Jianping Zhang, Nanostructured stars of ZnO microcrystals with intense stimulated emission, Applied Physics Letters, 87 (16), (2005) 163103.

(50) Dongning Yang, Rongming Wang, Maoshuai He, Jin Zhang, and Zhongfan Liu, Ribbon- and boardlike nanostructures of nickel hydroxide: Synthesis, characterization, and electrochemical properties, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109 (16) (2005) 7654-7658.

(51) Shuaiping Ge, Kaili Jiang, Xiaoxiang Lu, Yaofeng Chen, Rongming Wang, Shoushan Fan, Orientation-controlled growth of single-crystal silicon-nanowire arrays, Advanced Materials, 17 (1) (2005) 56-61.

(52) Dong-Feng Zhang, Ling-Dong Sun, Jia-Lu Yin, Chun-Hua Yan, and Rong-Ming Wang, Attachment-Driven Morphology Evolvement of Rectangular ZnO Nanowires, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109(18) (2005), 8786-8790.

(53) Y.J. Xing, Z.H. Xi, X.D. Zhang, J.H. Song,R.M. Wang, J. Xu, Z.Q. Xue, D.P. Yu, Thermal evaporation synthesis of zinc oxide nanowires, Applied Physics A-Materials, 80 (2005), 1527-1530.


(54)R.M. Wang, C.M. Liu, H.Z. Zhang, C.P. Chen, L. Guo, H.B. Xu, S.H. Yang, Porous Nanotubes of Co3O4: Synthesis, Characterization and Magnetic Properties, Applied Physics Letters, 85 (11) (2004), 2080-2082.

(55)R. M. Wang, H. Z. Zhang, Analytical TEM investigations on boron carbonitride nanotubes grown via chemical vapour deposition, New Journal of Physics, 6 (2004), 78.

(56) H. Z. Zhang,R. M. Wang *, Y. W. Zhu, Effect of adsorbates on field-electron emission from ZnO nanoneedle arrays, Journal of Applied Physics, 96 (1) (2004), 624-628.

(57) Y.F. Chen, R.M. Wang *, H.Z. Zhang, X.C. Sun, Z.S. Zhang, Y. J. Xing, D.P. Yu, TEM investigations on ZnO Nanobelts Synthesized via a Vapor Phase Growth, Micron, 35(6) (2004), 481-487.

(58) X. H. Luo,R. M. Wang *, X. P. Zhang, H. Z. Zhang, D. P. Yu, M. C. Luo, Microstructural and Compositional Characteristics of GaN Films Grown on Sputtered ZnO-coated Si (111), Micron, 35(6) (2004), 475-480.

(59) Chen-Min Liu, Lin Guo, Rong-Ming Wang *, Yuan Deng, Hui-Bin Xu and Shihe Yang, Magnetic nanochains of metal formed by assembly of small nanoparticles, Chemical Communications, 2004 (23), 2726-2727.

(60) Dongning Yang, Rongming Wang, Jin Zhang and Zhongfan Liu, Synthesis of Nickel Hydroxide Nanoribbons with a Novel Crystal Structure: a Solution Chemistry Approach, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108 (23) (2004) 7531-7533.

(61) Xihong Chen, Rongming Wang, Jun Xu, Dapeng Yu, TEM investigation on the growth mechanism of carbon nanotubes synthesized by hot-filament chemical vapor deposition, Micron, 35(6) (2004) 455-460.

(62) Lin Guo, Chenmin Liu, Rongming Wang, Huibin Xu, Ziyu Wu, and Shihe Yang, Large-scale synthesis of uniform nanotubes of a nickel complex by a solution chemical route, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126 (2004), 4530-4531.

(63) Cheng Mu, Yuxiang Yu, Rongming Wang, Kai Wu, Dongsheng Xu, Guolin Guo, Uniform metal nanotube arrays by multistep template replication and electrodeposition, Advanced Materials, 16 (17) (2004) 1550-1553.

(64) Xihong Chen, Jun Xu, R. M. Wang, Dapeng Yu, High-Quality Ultra-Fine GaN Nanowires Synthesized via Chemical Vapor Deposition, Advanced Materials, 16 (12) (2004), 952.

(65) Xuetong Zhang, Jin Zhang, Rongming Wang, Tao Zhu, Zhongfan Liu, Surfactant Directed Polypyrrole/CNT Nanocables: Synthesis, Characterization, and Enhanced Electrical Properties, ChemPhyChem, 5 (2004), 998-1002.

(66) Xuetong Zhang, Jin Zhang, Rongming Wang, Zhongfan Liu, Cationic Surfactant Directed Polyaniline/CNT Nanocables: Systhesis, Characterization, and Enhanced Electrical Properties, Carbon, 42 (8-9) (2004), 1455-1461.

(67) Dongning Yang, Jin Zhang, Rongming Wang, Zhongfan Liu, Solution phase synthesis of magnesium hydroxide sulfate hydrate nanoribbons, Nanotechnology, 15 (11) (2004) 1625-1627.

(68) H. Z. Zhang, X. C. Sun,R. M. Wang, and D. P. Yu, Growth and Formation Mechanism of c-oriented ZnO Nanorod Arrays deposited on Glass, Journal of Crystal Growth, 269(2-4) (2004), 464-471.

(69) Y. Wang, J. Xu, R.M. Wang, D.P. Yu, Electron microscopy investigation of gallium oxide micro/nanowire structures synthesized via vapor phase growth, Micron, 35(6) (2004), 447-453.

(70) Xuan Wang, Qingwen Li, Zhibo Liu, Jin Zhang, Zhongfan Liu, and Rongming Wang, Low-temperature growth and properties of ZnO nanowires, Applied Physics Letters, 84 (24) (2004), 4941-4943.

(71) Bojun Zuo, Yuan Wang, QL Wang, Nianzu Wu, Lidan Peng, Linlin Gui, Rongming Wang, and Dapeng Yu, An efficient ruthenium catalyst for selective hydrogenation of ortho-chloronitrobenzene prepared via assembling ruthenium and tin oxide nanoparticles, Journal of Catalysis, 222 (2) (2004), 493-498.

(72) Y.J. Xing, Z.H. Xi, X.D. Zhang, J.H. Song, R.M. Wang, J. Xu, Z.Q. Xue, D.P. Yu, Nanotubular Structures of Zinc Oxide, Solid State Communications, 129 (2004) 671-675.

(73) Xiaochen Sun, Hongzhou Zhang, Jun Xu, Qing Zhao, Rongming Wang, Dapeng Yu, Shape controllable synthesis of ZnO nanorod arrays via vapor, phase growth, Solid State Communications, 129 (2004) 803-807.


(74) R. M. Wang, Y. J. Xing, J. Xu, D. P. Yu, Fabrication and microstructure analysis on zinc oxide nanotubes, New Journal of Physics, 5 (2003), 115.

(75) R. M. Wang, A. Eliezer, E. M. Gutman, An Investigation on the Microstructure of an AM50 Magnesium Alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 355(1-2) (2003), 201-207.

(76)R. M. Wang, D. Eliezer, Influence of Hydrogenation on the Microstructure and Crystallization of Zr-Cu-Ni-Al-Y Metallic Glass, Philosophical Magazine, 83(22) (2003), 2545-2556.

(77) Y. Y. Fu, R. M. Wang, J. Xu, J. Chen, Y. Yan, A.V. Narlikar, H. Zhang, Synthesis of Large Arrays of Aligned -Fe2O3 Nanowires, Chemical Physics Letters, 379 (3-4) (2003), 373-379.

(78) Ye Zhang, Hongbo Jia, Rongming Wang, Chinping Chen, Xuhui Luo, and Dapeng Yu, Cheoljin Lee, Low-temperature growth and Raman scattering study of vertically aligned ZnO nanowires on Si substrate, Applied Physics Letters, 83 (22) (2003), 4631-4633.

(79) Xihong Chen, Jun Xu, R. M. Wang, Dapeng Yu, High Quality Ultra -Fine GaN Nanowires Synthesized via CVD, Advanced Materials, 15 (5) (2003), 419-421.

(80) Y. J. Xing, Z. H. Xi, Z. Q. Xue, X. D. Zhang, J. H. Song, R. M. Wang, J. Xu, Y. Song, S. L. Zhang, D. P. Yu, Optical Properties of the ZnO nanotubes synthesized via vapor phase growth, Applied Physics Letters, 83 (9) (2003), 1689-1691.

(81) B. Xiang, H. Z. Zhang, G. H. Li, F. H. Yang, F. H. Su, R. M. Wang, J. Xu, G. W. Lu, X. C. Sun, Q. Zhao, D. P. Yu, Green light emitting ZnSe nanowires fabricated via vapor phase growth, Applied Physics Letters, 82 (19) (2003), 3330-3332.

(82) Ye Zhang, Hongbo Jia, Xuhui Luo, Xihong Chen, Dapeng Yu, and Rongming Wang, Synthesis, Microstructure, and Growth Mechanism of Dendrite ZnO Nanowires, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B., (Communication), 107 (33) (2003), 8289-8293.

(83) Y. W. Zhu, H. Z. Zhang, X. C. Sun, S. Q. Feng, J. Xu, Q. Zhao, B. Xiang, R. M. Wang, D. P. Yu, Efficient Field Emission from ZnO Nanoneedle Arrays, Applied Physics Letters, 83 (1) (2003), 144-146.

(84) Y. Q. Chang, D. B. Wang, X. H. Luo, X. Y. Xu, L. Li, X. H. Chen, C. P. Chen, R. M. Wang, J. Xu, D. P. Yu, Synthesis, optical and magnetic properties of diluted magnetic semiconductor Zn1-xMnxO nanowires via vapor phase growth, Applied Physics Letters, 83 (19) (2003), 4020-4022.

(85) CHANG Yong-Qin, LUO Xu-Hui, XU Xiang-Yu, LI Lin, CHEN Jin-Ping, WANG Rong-Ming, YU Da-Peng, Synthesis, characterization and magnetic property measurements of Zn1-xMnxO nanoparticles via vapour phase growth, Chinese Physics Letters, 20 (11) (2003), 2058-2060.


(86) R. M. Wang, A. Eliezer, E. Gutman, Microstructures and Dislocations in the Stressed AZ91D Magnesium Alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 344(1-2) (2002), 279-287.

(87) R. M. Wang, Y.G. Song, Y F. Han, Effects of Rare Earth on the Microstructures and Properties of a Low Expansion Superalloy, Micron, 33(6) (2002), 575-580.

(88) QU Shi-yu, WANG Rong-ming, HAN Ya-fang, Microstructure of Nb/Nb5Si3 in-situ composites, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 12(4) (2002) 691-694.

(89) R. M. Wang, Y F. Han, D. Eliezer, Effects of Yttrium on the Microstructures and Interfaces in a Low Expansion Superalloy, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 14(3) (2001), 171-177.

(90) Qu, S. Y., Wang, R. M., Han, Y. F., The effect of heat-treatment on microstructures of Nb/Nb5Si3 in situ composite, Pricm 4: Forth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing, Vols I and II, (2001), 955-958.

(91) R. M. Wang, Y. G. Song, Y. F. Han,S. W. Zhang, Effect of Rare Earth Elements on the Microstructures and Properties of a Low Expansion Superalloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 311 (2000) 60-64.

(92)R. M. Wang, C. H. Tao, L. Chen, Y. F. Han,Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of NiAlCo-TiB2 Composites, Materials Letters, 38 (1) (1999), 54-57.

(93)R. M. Wang, C. H. Tao, Y. F. Han,M. G. Yan,HREM Study of the NiAlFe-TiB2 Composites Fabricated by Reaction Compocasting, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 265 (1999), 95-99.

(94) Wang Rongming, Song Yinggang, Zhang Shaowei, Li Chunzhi,Improvement and Micro-mechanism of a Low Expansion Superalloy, Rare Metals, 18(2), (1999), 123-128.

(95) C. H. Tao, Y. X. Lu, R. M. Wang, M. G. Yan, Mechanical behavior and strengthen-toughening mechanisms of NiAlFe matrix composites fabricated by reaction compocasting, Progress in Mechanical Behavior of Materials (ICM-8), Vol 3 - Advance Materials and Modeling of Mechanical Behaviors, Editors: Ellyin F, Provan JW, Victoria,Canada (1999), 868-873.

(96)R. M. Wang, C. Z. Li, D. H. Ping, M. G. Yan, Microanalytical Study of the Hexagonal Phase in an Yttrium-containing Low Expansion Superalloy, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 241 (1998), 83-89.

(97) R. M. Wang, C. H. Tao, C. Z. Li, M. G. Yan, A New Phase in TiB2-Reinforced Ni-Al-Fe Matrix Composite, Journal of Materials Science, 33 (1998), 1183-1187.

(98)R. M. Wang, M. K. Surappa, C. H. Tao, C. Z. Li, M. G. Yan, Microstructure and Interface Structure of SiC Particle Reinforced Al (6061) Metal-Matrix Composite, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 254 (1998) 219-226.

(99)R. M. Wang, Y. F. Han, C. Z. Li, S. W. Zhang, D. H. Ping, M. G. Yan,Precipitations in an Yttrium-containing Low Expansion Superalloy, Journal of Materials Science, 33(20) (1998) 5069-5077.

(100) Wang X. Z., Chen C. J., Liu A.W., Wang R. M., Ma K. J., Effective interband g factors in diluted magnetic semiconductor Cd1-xFexTe, Journal of Applied Physics, 80(8) (1996) 4421-4424.

(101) Chenjia Chen, Rongming Wang, Xuezhong Wang, Giant Faraday Rotation in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Cd1-XFexTe, Solid State Communications, 92(9) (1994), 725-729.





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