

词条 王勤波


王勤波,工学博士,湖南大学化学化工学院副教授,硕士生导师。1979年6月生,湖北天门人。1997年考入浙江大学化工系,2001年本科毕业并免试浙江大学化工系读研,2003年提前攻博,2006年5月通过博士论文答辩,6月获工学博士学位,并留校做博士后。2008年5月应邀赴美国芝加哥的BP全球研发总部进行短期学术与技术交流,6月底进入湖南大学化工系工作,加入郭灿城教授领导的仿生催化研究组。已在Chem.Eng.Sci、AIChE J.、Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.、J.Chem.Eng.Data等国内外知名刊物上发表论文三十余篇,其中SCI和EI论文20余篇。为Chem.Eng.Sci., AIChE J.、Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.、J.Chem.Eng.Data等国外化工知名期刊的审稿人。每年计划招收化学工程方向硕士生2~3名。




















(5)国际合作项目:Experiments and modeling on crystallization of TA and Impurities








1. Zhuofan Shi, Qinbo Wang*, Weiping Luo, Wei Deng, Cancheng Guo. Comment on: ‘‘Kinetic model of cyclohexane oxidation’’, by R. Pohorecki et al., Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 1285–1291. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2010, 65: 5051-5053.

2. Qinbo Wang*, Youwei Cheng*, Lijun Wang*, Xi Li*. Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics for the Liquid-phase Oxidation of meta-Xylene to meta-Phthalic Acid. AIChE J., 2008, 54: 2674-2688.

3. Qinbo Wang*, Youwei Cheng, Lijun Wang, Haibo Xu, Xi Li*. Isothermal Seeded Semi-continuous Reactive Crystallization of Crude Terephthalic Acid Crystals. Ind.Eng.Chem.Res., 2008, 47: 5861-5870.

4. Qinbo Wang*, Youwei Cheng, Haibo Xu, Lijun Wang, Xi Li*. Aging of Crude Terephthalic Acid Crystals at High Temperatures. Ind.Eng.Chem.Res., 2007, 46: 7367-7377.

5. Qinbo Wang*, Youwei Cheng, Lijun Wang, Xi Li*. Semi-continuous Studies on the Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics for the Liquid-phase Oxidation of p-Xylene to Terephthalic Acid. Ind.Eng.Chem.Res., 2007, 46: 8980-8992.

6. Qinbo Wang*, Linxi Hou, Youwei Cheng, Xi Li*. Solubilities of Benzoic Acid and Phthalic Acid in Acetic Acid + Water Solvent Mixtures. J.Chem.Eng Data, 2007, 52: 936-940.

7. Qinbo Wang*, Linxi Hou, Youwei Cheng, Xi Li*. Solubilities of Benzoic Acid and Phthalic Acid in Acetic Acid + Water Solvent Mixtures. J.Chem.Eng Data, 2007, 52: 936-940.

8. Qinbo Wang*, Xi Li*, Lijun Wang, Youwei Cheng, Gang Xie. Kinetics of p-xylene liquid-phase catalytic oxidation to terephthalic acid. Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.,, 2005, 44: 261-266.

9. Qinbo Wang*, Xi Li*, Lijun Wang, Youwei Cheng, Gang Xie. Effect of water content on the kinetics of p-xylene liquid-phase catalytic oxidation to terephthalic acid. Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.,, 2005, 44: 4518-4522.





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