

词条 王宝军






















中共衡水市委常委、常务副市长 王宝军




































[1] Wang Baojun, Shi Bin, Hilary I. Inyang. 2008. GIS-Based Quantitative Analysis of Orientation Anisotropy of Contaminant Barrier Particles Using Standard Deviational Ellipse,Soil and Sediment Contamination, 2008, 17(4) : 437-447.【SCI】【EI】

[2] Bao-jun Wang, Ke Li, Bin Shi, Guang-qin Wei. 2008. Test on application of distributed fiber optic sensing technique into soil slope monitoring,Landslides,DOI 10.1007/s10346-008-0139-y.【SCI】

[3] 王宝军, 施斌, 宋震. 2008. 基于GIS与虚拟现实的三维地质建模,岩石力学与工程学报, 增2(27):3553-3563.(Method of 3D Geological Model Based on GIS and VRML, Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2008, supp.2(27):3553-3563)【EI】

[4] 王宝军, 施斌, 蔡奕, 唐朝生.2008. 基于GIS的黏性土SEM图像三维可视化与孔隙度计算, 岩土力学, 29(1):251-255. (3D visualization and porosity computation of clay soil SEM image by GIS,Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2008, 29(1): 251-255)【EI】

[5] C.S Tang, B. Shi, C. Liu, L.Z. Zhao, B.J. Wang. 2008. Influencing factors of geometrical structure of surface shrinkage cracks in clayey soils,Engineering Geology, 2008, 101(3-4):204-217.【SCI】【EI】

[6] 刘春, 王宝军, 施斌, 唐朝生.2008. 基于数字图像识别的岩土体裂隙形态参数分析方法, 岩土工程学报,(9): 1384-1388.(The analysis method of Morphological parameters of rock and soil crack based on image processing and recognition, Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2008,(9): 1384-1388)【EI,一级】

[7] 施斌, 王宝军, 张巍, 徐洁. 2008. 汶川地震次生地质灾害分析与灾后调查, 高校地质学报, 2008, 14(3):387-394. (Survey and Analysis of Secondary Geological Hazards after Wenchuan Earthquake, Geological Journal China University, 2008,14(3):387-394)【核心】

[8] 唐朝生, 施斌, 王宝军. 2008. 基于SEM土体微观结构研究中的影响因素分析,岩土工程学报, 30(4): 560-565. (Factors affecting analysis of soil microstructure using SEM, Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2008, 30(4):560-565) 【EI,一级】

[9] 隋海波,施斌,张丹,王宝军,魏广庆,朴春德,基于BOTDR的锚杆拉拔试验研究,岩土工程学报,2008,30(5):755-759(BOTDR-based pull out tests on anchor bolts,Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2008,30(5):755-759.)【EI,一级】

[10] 隋海波, 施斌, 张丹, 王宝军, 魏广庆, 朴春德.2008. 地质和岩土工程光纤传感监测技术综述, 工程地质学报, 16(1): 135-143.(Review on fiber optic sensor-based monitoring techniques for geological and geotechnical engineering, Journal of Engineering Geology, 2008,16(1):135-143)【核心】

[11] 隋海波, 施斌, 张丹, 王宝军, 魏广庆, 朴春德. 2008. 边坡工程分布式光纤监测技术研究, 岩石力学与工程学报, 27(supp.2):3725-3731.(Study on Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor-based Monitoring for Slope Engineering, Chinese Jounal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2008, 27(supp.2):3719-3725)【EI】

[12] 朴春德, 施斌, 朱友群, 魏广庆, 王宝军. 2008. 钻孔灌注桩压缩变形BOTDR分布式检测, 水文地质工程地质(4): 80-83(Distributed monitoring of bored pile compression deformation based on BOTDR,Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology,2008(4):80-83) 【核心】

[13] 隋海波, 施斌, 张丹, 魏广庆, 朴春德, 王宝军. 2008. 基坑工程BOTDR分布式光纤监测技术研究, 防灾减灾工程学报, 28(2):184-191.(Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor-based Monitoring for Foundation Pit Engineering,Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering, 2008, 28(2):184-191) 【核心】

[14] 王宝军; 施斌; 唐朝生;基于GIS实现黏性土颗粒形态的三维分形研究,岩土工程学报, 2007,29(2):309-312.(Study on 3D fractal dimension of clayey soil by use of GIS,Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2007,29(2):309-312.)【EI,一级】

[15] 王小明; 王宝军; 施斌; 张大祥; GIS支持下工程勘察信息管理系统设计与实现,工程勘察, 2007(2):1-9.(Design of the Information Management System for Geotechnical Investigation and Surveying Based on GIS and Its Realization ,Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying, 2007(2):1-9.)【核心】

[16] 王小明; 王宝军; 施斌;基于GIS的可视化土质边坡稳定性分析系统研究,防灾减灾工程学报, 2007,27(3):363-376.(Research of the Visualization System for Soil Slope Stability Analysis Based on GIS,Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering, 2007,27(3):363-376.)【核心】

[17] 唐朝生,施斌,刘春,王宝军,高玮, 黏性土在不同温度下干缩裂缝的发展规律及形态学定量分析,岩土工程学报, 2007, 29(5):743-749.(Developing law and morphological analysis of shrinkage cracks of clayey soil under different temperatures,Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2007,29(5):743-749)【EI,一级】

[18] 唐朝生,施斌,刘春,王宝军,影响黏性土表面干缩裂缝结构形态的因素及定量分析, 水利学报, 2007, 38(10): 1185-1193 (Factors affecting the surface cracking in clay due to drying shrinkage, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2007,38(10): 1185-1193.) 【EI,一级】

[19] 陈峰军; 施斌; 黄河; 王宝军;生态土壤稳定剂对土质边坡稳定性影响的数值分析,防灾减灾工程学报,2007,27(3):302-306.(Numerical Analysis of Ecotype Soil Stabilizer Effect on Soil Slope Stability,Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering,2007,27(3):302-306.)【核心】

[20] 熊孝波,桂国庆,许建聪,王宝军,童立元,肖泽阳,可拓工程方法在地下工程岩爆预测中的应用, 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版),2007,8(6):695-701.( Application of extension method to p re diction of rockburst of underground engineering, Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology, 2007,8(6):695-701.) 【EI】

[21] 张巍,施斌,索文斌,蔡奕,王宝军,冻土瞬态温度场的分布式光纤监测方法及应用,岩土工程学报,2007,29(5):723-728.(Monitoring and application of distributed optical fiber sensors in transient temperature field of frozen soil,Chinese Jounal of Geotechnical Engineering,2007,29(5):723-728.)【EI,一级】

[22] Chao-Sheng Tang, Baojun Wang,Wei Gao,Bin Shi. Analysis of information management for large-scale bridge construction. The 10th IAEG Congress, Nottingham, United Kingdom, September 6-10, 2006. 【国际会议】

[23] Yi Cai, Bin Shi, Chaosheng Tang, Baojun Wang. Pilot study on the mechanical behaviour of soil with inclusion of polypropylene fibre and lime. The 10th IAEG Congress, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 6-10 September, 2006. 【国际会议】

[24] 索文斌; 王宝军; 施斌; 刘杰;基于GIS的大型工程分布式光纤传感监测系统研究,水文地质工程地质, 2005,32(4):88-92. (Research on large engineering monitoring system using distributed optical fiber sensor based on GIS,Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, 2005,32(4):88-92.)【核心】

[25] 姜洪涛; 王宝军;基于GIS的工程地质环境评价系统分析,防灾减灾工程学报,2005,25(4):451-457.(Analysis on the Assessment System of GIS-Based Engineering Geological Environment Journal of Disaster Pnevention and Mitigation Engineering,2005,25(4):451-457.)【核心】

[26] 孙伟晔; 王宝军; 施斌; 周汇光. GPS、GIS在公路网规划中的应用, 桂林工学院学报, 2005,25(2):169-172.(Application of GPS and GIS in Highway Network Planning, Journal of Guilin Institute of Technology, 2005,25(2):169-172.)【核心】

[27] 赵德君; 王宝军;任意地质图剖面生成的方法探讨,西部探矿工程,2005,106(3):91-92.(Discussion on Resulting Method of Arbitrary Geological Profile,West-china Exploration Engineering,2005,106(3):91-92.)

[28] 蔡奕; 施斌; 刘志彬; 唐朝生; 王宝军;团聚体大小对填筑土强度影响的试验研究,岩土工程学报,2005,27(12):1482-1486.(Experimental study on effect of aggregate size on strength of filled soils,Chinese Jounal of Geotechnical Engineering,2005,27(12):1482-1486.)【EI,一级】

[29] 王宝军; 施斌; 刘志彬; 蔡奕;基于GIS的黏性土微观结构的分形研究,岩土工程学报,2004,26(2):244-247(Fractal study on microstructure of clayey soil by GIS,Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2004,26(2):244-247)【EI,一级】

[30] 王宝军; 施斌; 周汇光; 蔡奕,GIS在边坡有限元数值分析前处理中的应用,高校地质学报,2004,10(1):128-133. (GIS and Pre-Process of Finite Element Method for Slope Stability Analysis ,Geological Journal of China Universities,2004,10(1):128-133.)【核心】

[31] 刘义怀; 王宝军; 吉林; 施斌; 蔡奕, 大型桥梁工程勘察信息管理剖析, 南京大学学报(自然科学版),2004,40(6),:769-776.(Analysis of Information Management for Engineering Investigation and Surveying of the Large-scale Bridges,Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Sciences), 2004,40(6):769-776.)【核心】

[32] 周汇光; 王宝军; 施斌; 基于GIS的大型桥梁工程勘察信息管理系统设计,桂林工学院学报, 2004,Vol24(2),pp:172-176.(GIS based design of information management system investigation for large bridge engineering,Journal of Guilin Institute of Technology,2004,24(2):172-176.)【核心】

[33] 刘志彬, 施斌, 王宝军, 2004. 改性膨胀土微观孔隙定量研究, 岩土工程学报, 26(4):526-530.(Quantitative research on micropores of modified expansive soils,Chinese Jounal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2004, 26(4):526-530)【EI,一级】

[34] 邵莉, 施斌, 王宝军, 祁长青,周汇光. 2004. 基于GIS确定性模型的土体边坡稳定性评估研究, 工程勘察,(2):1-7. (Study on Stability Evaluation of Soil Slope by Using GIS-based Deterministic Model, Geotechnical Investigation and Surveying, 2004(2):1-7)【核心】

[35] Cai Yi, Shi Bin, Jiang Hongtao, Wang Baojun, Zhou Huiguang, and Sun Weiyi,A study on information management and aided decision making system for large-scale engineering geological survey (in Italia 2004; 32nd international geological congress; abstract, Anonymous,),International Geological Congress, Abstracts = Congres Geologique International, Resumes (August 2004), 32, Part 1 482【国际会议】

[36] Liu Zhibin, ShiBin, Wang Baojun, Determination of the optimum magnification about soil SEM images for morphological fractal research, IS-Osaka 2004, Japan. 【国际会议】

[37] 王宝军,周汇光,孙伟晔,蔡奕,邵莉,滞洪区安全滞洪GIS管理剖析,水文地质工程地质,2003,Vol(4):46-49. (Application of GIS in safe flood detention zone, Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, 2003, Vol(4): 46-49)【核心】

[38] 王波, 施斌, 王宝军, 贾学天. 2003. 利用WEB GIS建立城市地下管线管理系统, 水文地质工程地质,(5):71-74. (Establishing urban underground pipeline management, Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, 2003, (5):71-74)【核心】

[39] 蔡奕, 王宝军, 施斌, 方海东. 2002. GIS环境下膨胀土胀缩等级的模糊数学判别, 工程勘察, 2:1-4.(Determination of Expansive Soil Grades Using Fuzzy method in GIS Environment, Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying, 2002, 2:1-4)【核心】

[40] 方海东, 刘义怀, 施斌, 吴振君, 王宝军. 2002. 三维地质建模及其工程应用,水文地质工程地质, 3:52-55. (3D geoscience modeling and its engineering application, Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, 2002, 3:52-55)【核心】

[41] Shi Bin, Hua Jianwei, Wang Baojun, Jiang Hongtao, Wu Zhishen Environmental Geotechnical Problems of Municipal Sanitary Landfills in the East-South of China, the 6th International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development, Seoul, Korea, July 2-5, 2002. 【国际会议】

[42] Bin Shi, Yi Cai, Baojun Wang, Hongtao Jiang and Li Shao, Determination of Expansive Soil Grades Using Fuzzy method in GIS Environment, Proc. Of 9th IAEG, South Africa, Sept, 2002【国际会议】

[43] 方海东, 施斌, 王宝军. 2001.GIS在环境岩土工程中应用的回顾与展望, 桂林工学院学报, (21)4:371-375.(Review and prospect of GIS application in environmental geotechnology, Journal of Guilin Institute of Technology, 2001,(21)4: 371-375) 【核心】

[44] Baojun Wang, Bin shi, Ling Zhang. 2001. Liquefaction Analysis by GIS Method, Proceedings of the third international conference on soft soil engineering, 6-8 Dec. Hong Kong: 165-168. 【ISTP】

[45] 张凌, 施斌, 王宝军. 2000. GIS环境中砂土液化评价方法, 水文地质工程地质, 5:15-16.(Evolution method of liquefaction in GIS environment, Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, 2000, 5:15-16) 【核心】

[46] 施斌, 姜洪涛, 王宝军, 张凌. 2000. 工程粘性土微观结构分析技术, 工程地质学报,增刊: 379-381. (Analysis technique of engineering clayey soil micrestructure, Journal of engineering geology, 2000, supp:379-381)【核心】

[47] Wang Baojun, Shi Bin, and Zhang Ling, The Fractal Dimensions of the Expansive Mudstone in the Process of Swelling and shrinking, Proceedings of the International Symposium on High Altitude & Sensitive Ecological Environmental Geotechnology,, Nanjing University Press, 2000,pp228-235. 【国际会议】

[48] 王宝军, 陈征宙, 李清波, 王勇强. 1999. 黄河小浪底斜坡变形的“反叠瓦”式构造机制研究, 高校地质学报, 5(1): 100-104. (Study of mechanisms of the “over-covered titles” structure in slope deformation of Xiao Langdi of Yellow river, Geological Journal China University, 1999, 5(1):100-104)【核心】

[49] B.Shi,Z.Wu,H.Inyang,J.Chen,B.Wang.1999. Preparation of soil specimens for SEM analysis using freeze-cut-drying, Bulletin of engineering geology and environment,58:1-7. 【核心】

[50] 张凌, 王宝军, 施斌. 1999. 土粒度分维的确定方法探讨,水文地质工程地质, (26)5:43-45. (Discussion of methods for soil grain size fractal, Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, 1999, (26)5:43-45)【核心】

[51] Shi B.,Jiang H.T., Zhang L. And Wang B.J., Microstructural Analysis Techniques for Engineering Clayey Soils, Proceedings of Second China-Japan Joint Symposium on recent Development of Theory and Practice in Geotechnology, Dec. 9-10,1999, pp361-372. 【国际会议】

[52] 王宝军,施斌,名胜古迹破坏的环境岩土工程研究,环境保护科学,沈阳,1997,23(5):33-35.

[53] 施斌,王宝军,宁文务.各向异性粘性土蠕变的微观力学模型,岩土工程学报,1997,(19)3:7-13. 【EI,一级】

[54] Shi Bin, Wang Baojun,Li Qi and Jiang Hongtao, Quantification of microstructure of fine grained soil, Proceedings of the 30th IGC, Vol.23-Engineering Geology,1997,pp277-284. 【国际会议】

[55] Li Shenglin, Shi Bin, Du Yanjun, Li Qi and Wang Baojun, On the internal factors for controlling the swelling-shrinkage of expansive soil, Proceedings of the 30th IGC, Vol.23-Engineering Geology,1997. 【国际会议】

[56] 施斌,李立,姜洪涛,王宝军,DIPIX 图像处理系统在土体微结构定量研究中的应用,南京大学学报(自然版),1996,(32)2:275-280. 【核心】

[57] Shi Bin, Wang Baojun, Jiang Hongtao. “Quantitative Appraisal on the Microstructure of Compacted Clayey Soils,” Chinese Science Bulletin, 1996,(41)11:925-929. 【SCI】

[58] 施斌,王宝军,姜洪涛. 击实粘性土微观结构特性的定量评价,科学通报,1996,(41)5:438-441. 【SCI】

[59] Shi Bin, Wang Baojun, and Jiang Hongtao,Quantitative analyses on the microstructures of compacted expansive soil (in 30th international geological congress; abstracts, Anonymous,),International Geological Congress, Abstracts--Congres Geologique Internationale, Resumes (1996), 30, Vol. 3 381【国际会议】

[60] Shi Bin, Li Qi, Salah Bishir, Wang Baojun, and Wang Youcheng,Environmental-geotechnical properties of soils contaminated by waste alkaline liquor from paper mills (in Environmental geotechnology; proceedings of the 3rd international symposium),Environmental Geotechnology. Proceedings of the ... International Symposium (1996), 3, Vol. 1 239-245【国际会议】

[61] Shi Bin et al, Treatment of Soft Foundation of Expressway to New Nanjing Airport, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Soft Soil Engineering, Nanjing, May 27-30, 1996. 【国际会议】

[62] ShiBin, Wang Baojun, Progress in Studies on the Engineering Geology of Expansive Soils in China, Proc. Of 30th International Geological Congress. Beijing, China, Aug.4-14,1996【国际会议】

[63] Shi Bin, LiQi, WangBaojun,On the International Factors for Controlling the Swelling-shrinkage soil, Proc. Of 30th International Geological Congress, Beijing, China, Aug.4-14,1996; 【国际会议】




出生于1986年。 2006年进入装饰行业。资深设计师、专业监理 紫名都人













男,1964年出生,医学博士,主任医师,硕士生导师,2006年任神经内科主任。内蒙古自治区神经病学会委员,内蒙古脑血管病研究所副所长,包头市神经病学会副主任委员,包头市康复学会副主任委员,包头市青年科技标兵。完成部、省、市级科研项目16项,获省、市级科技进步奖8项,先后在《中华神经科杂志》等杂志发表论文20余篇,1997年开始在国内神经科率先用功能磁共振研究脑梗死缺血半暗带,2004年用磁共振研究超早期脑出血的诊断,提出了偏瘫患者采用一站式磁共振诊断流程,为临床诊断提供了一个较好的方法。在自治区率先开展了神经康复治疗,先后在北京大学第三医院、中国康复中心和意大利罗马Santa lusia医院进修学习。现在的研究方向是脑血管病、神经康复、神经影像。拟招收以上专业的学生。





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