

词条 推开美国法律之门


作 者: (美)费曼 著丛 书 名: 出 版 社: 牛津大学出版社 ISBN:9787503683626 出版时间:2008-04-01 版 次:2 页 数:363 装 帧:平装 开 本:16开 所属分类:图书 > 法律 > 外国法律与港澳台法律




·《蔡康永的说话之道》58折抢购 >>·独唱团(韩寒主编,绝版热卖) >>


《推开美国法律之门》可以看作是一本美国法的微型百科全书,正如其副标题所写的:“你需要知道的美国法律体系的一切”,在此书中您都会找到答案。它为大学法学院的学生及每一个想更好地掌握法律问题的人提供了一个丰富的信息资源库——完整的、清晰的、生动的美国法律体系全貌。 本书不仅向你介绍法律知识,更重要的是,本书通过向你提出一些耐人思索的难题,或法官和律师处理的棘手案例,让你身临其境地了解立法的整个过程。读过此书之后,当再听到法律争议问题时,你会对其背景和问题的复杂性有更好的理解,而且对事实真相独立做出更正确的判断。面对生活中遇到的法律问题你也会有更充分的准备,无论是购置房产还是起诉他人以确保自己的权利等等,都会使读者从法律的角度思考问题。如果你是学生,无论读法律还是其它专业,本书能让你对所法律学科有一个全面了解,而通过其它方式则难以做到。


杰伊·M.费曼,美国路特格斯大学(Rutgers University)教授,合同法、侵权法、法理和法律教育等领域专家,著书5种,发表论文逾50篇,其中法律出版社引进并在中国出版《推开美国法律之门》(第1版和第2版)、《牛津法律术语小辞典》、《牛津财经术语小辞典》。



Preface 1 There Are No Secret Books:You Can Understand the Law 2 Constitutional Law and Constitutional Politics:Interpreting and Applying the Constitution What is Constitutional law Why do we need constitutional law How does the Supreme Court decide what the Constitution means? Where does the Supreme Court get the authority to interpret the constitution When can the Supreme Court hear Constitutional casses What Powers does constitutional law give to the rest of the federal governments? What powers do the states have under constitutional law 3 First Freedoms:Constitutional Rights What rights does constitutional law protect? What is due process? Does constitutional law requitr that everyon be treated equally How des the Constitution protect freedom of speech? What speech in not protected by the First Amendment? How does the Constitution protect freedom of religion? What other rights are protected by the Constitution? 4 Your Day in Court:the Litingation Process 5 Auto Accidents,Scalding Coffe,and Medical Malpractice:Personal Injuries and Tort Law 6 When Is a Deal a Deal?:Businesses,Consumers,and Contract Law 7 You Are What You Own:The Law of Property 8 From Insanity to In Cold Blood:Criminal Responsibility and Criminal Law 9 Protecting the Innocent,Freeing the Guilty:Criminal Procedure Conclusion Index of Legal Cases Index





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