词条 | 投影运算 |
释义 | 投影(Projection)运算 投影是指将对象转换为一种新形式的操作,该形式通常只包含那些将随后使用的属性。通过使用投影,您可以构建依据每个对象生成的新类型。您可以映射属性,并对该属性执行数学函数。还可以在不更改原始对象的情况下映射该对象。简单地说,便是在关系中选择某些属性列。 下面一节中列出了执行投影的标准查询运算符方法。 方法 方法名 说明 C# 查询表达式语法 Visual Basic 查询表达式语法 更多信息 Select 映射基于转换函数的值。 select Select Enumerable..::.Select Queryable..::.Select SelectMany 映射基于转换函数的值序列,然后将它们展平为一个序列。 使用多个 from 子句 使用多个 From 子句 Enumerable..::.SelectMany Queryable..::.SelectMany 查询表达式语法示例 Select 下面的示例使用 C# 中的 select 子句或 Visual Basic 中的 Select 子句来映射字符串列表中每个字符串的第一个字母。 Visual Basic 复制代码Dim words As New List(Of String)(New String() {"an", "apple", "a", "day"}) Dim query = From word In words _ Select word.Substring(0, 1) Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder() For Each letter As String In query sb.AppendLine(letter) Next ' Display the output. MsgBox(sb.ToString()) ' This code produces the following output: ' a ' a ' a ' d C# 复制代码List<string> words = new List<string>() { "an", "apple", "a", "day" }; var query = from word in words select word.Substring(0, 1); foreach (string s in query) Console.WriteLine(s); /* This code produces the following output: a a a d */ SelectMany 下面的示例使用多个 from 子句(在 C# 中)或 From 子句(在 Visual Basic 中)来映射字符串列表中每个字符串中的每个单词。 Visual Basic 复制代码Dim phrases As New List(Of String)(New String() {"an apple a day", "the quick brown fox"}) Dim query = From phrase In phrases _ From word In phrase.Split(" "c) _ Select word Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder() For Each str As String In query sb.AppendLine(str) Next ' Display the output. MsgBox(sb.ToString()) ' This code produces the following output: ' an ' apple ' a ' day ' the ' quick ' brown ' fox C# 复制代码List<string> phrases = new List<string>() { "an apple a day", "the quick brown fox" }; var query = from phrase in phrases from word in phrase.Split(' ') select word; foreach (string s in query) Console.WriteLine(s); /* This code produces the following output: an apple a day the quick brown fox */ Select 与 SelectMany Select() 和 SelectMany() 的工作都是依据源值生成一个或多个结果值。Select() 为每个源值生成一个结果值。因此,总体结果是一个与源集合具有相同元素数目的集合。与之相反,SelectMany() 将生成单一总体结果,其中包含来自每个源值的串联子集合。作为参数传递到 SelectMany() 的转换函数必须为每个源值返回一个可枚举值序列。然后,SelectMany() 将串联这些可枚举序列以创建一个大的序列。 下面两个插图演示了这两个方法的操作之间的概念性区别。在每种情况下,假定选择器(转换)函数从每个源值中选择一个由花卉数据组成的数组。 下图描述 Select() 如何返回一个与源集合具有相同元素数目的集合。 下图描述 SelectMany() 如何将中间数组序列串联为一个最终结果值,其中包含每个中间数组中的每个值。 代码示例 下面的示例比较 Select() 和 SelectMany() 的行为。代码将通过从源集合的每个花卉名称列表中提取前两项来创建一个“花束”。在此示例中,转换函数 Select<(Of <(TSource, TResult>)>)(IEnumerable<(Of <(TSource>)>), Func<(Of <(TSource, TResult>)>)) 使用的“单一值”本身就是一个值集合。这需要额外的 foreach(Visual Basic 中为 For Each)循环,以便枚举每个子序列中的每个字符串。 Visual Basic 复制代码Class Bouquet Public Flowers As List(Of String) End Class Sub SelectVsSelectMany() Dim bouquets As New List(Of Bouquet)(New Bouquet() { _ New Bouquet With {.Flowers = New List(Of String)(New String() {"sunflower", "daisy", "daffodil", "larkspur"})}, _ New Bouquet With {.Flowers = New List(Of String)(New String() {"tulip", "rose", "orchid"})}, _ New Bouquet With {.Flowers = New List(Of String)(New String() {"gladiolis", "lily", "snapdragon", "aster", "protea"})}, _ New Bouquet With {.Flowers = New List(Of String)(New String() {"larkspur", "lilac", "iris", "dahlia"})}}) Dim output As New System.Text.StringBuilder ' Select() Dim query1 = bouquets.Select(Function(b) b.Flowers) output.AppendLine("Using Select():") For Each flowerList In query1 For Each str As String In flowerList output.AppendLine(str) Next Next ' SelectMany() Dim query2 = bouquets.SelectMany(Function(b) b.Flowers) output.AppendLine(vbCrLf & "Using SelectMany():") For Each str As String In query2 output.AppendLine(str) Next ' Display the output MsgBox(output.ToString()) ' This code produces the following output: ' ' Using Select(): ' sunflower ' daisy ' daffodil ' larkspur ' tulip ' rose ' orchid ' gladiolis ' lily ' snapdragon ' aster ' protea ' larkspur ' lilac ' iris ' dahlia ' Using SelectMany() ' sunflower ' daisy ' daffodil ' larkspur ' tulip ' rose ' orchid ' gladiolis ' lily ' snapdragon ' aster ' protea ' larkspur ' lilac ' iris ' dahlia End Sub C# 复制代码class Bouquet { public List<string> Flowers { get; set; } } static void SelectVsSelectMany() { List<Bouquet> bouquets = new List<Bouquet>() { new Bouquet { Flowers = new List<string> { "sunflower", "daisy", "daffodil", "larkspur" }}, new Bouquet{ Flowers = new List<string> { "tulip", "rose", "orchid" }}, new Bouquet{ Flowers = new List<string> { "gladiolis", "lily", "snapdragon", "aster", "protea" }}, new Bouquet{ Flowers = new List<string> { "larkspur", "lilac", "iris", "dahlia" }} }; // *********** Select *********** IEnumerable<List<string>> query1 = bouquets.Select(bq => bq.Flowers); // ********* SelectMany ********* IEnumerable<string> query2 = bouquets.SelectMany(bq => bq.Flowers); Console.WriteLine("Results by using Select():"); // Note the extra foreach loop here. foreach (IEnumerable<String> collection in query1) foreach (string item in collection) Console.WriteLine(item); Console.WriteLine("\Results by using SelectMany():"); foreach (string item in query2) Console.WriteLine(item); /* This code produces the following output: Results by using Select(): sunflower daisy daffodil larkspur tulip rose orchid gladiolis lily snapdragon aster protea larkspur lilac iris dahlia Results by using SelectMany(): sunflower daisy daffodil larkspur tulip rose orchid gladiolis lily snapdragon aster protea larkspur lilac iris dahlia */ } |
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