

词条 统一有关海上救助的若干法律规则的公约

本公约于1910年9月23日在布鲁塞尔召开的第三届海洋法外交会议上通过,1931年3月1日生效。 本条例适用于海上航行,也适用于内河航行。对于遇难的海船、船上财物和客货运费的救助,以及海船和内河船舶相互之间的救助,不论属于任何一种,也不论发生在何种水域,都适用本条例。






第一条 救助服务适用于海上航行,也适用于内河航行


第二条 报酬




第三条 阻止


第四条 拖轮


第五条 同一船舶所有人的船舶


第六条 报酬金额




第七条 对协议的修改



第八条 报酬的依据




第九条 获救人员



第十条 诉讼时效




第十一条 应当施与的救助



第十二条 应提议制定法律



第十三条 公共组织等不受影响


第十四条 军用船舶等


第十五条 各项规定的适用


1. 非缔约国:对于非属缔约国的利害关系人,每一缔约国可在互惠条件下适用本公约的规定。

2. 国内法的适用:如所有利害关系人与受理案件的法院属于同一国家,则应适用国内法,而不适用本公约。

3. 关于第十一条的限制:第十一条的规定,只在缔约国所属船舶之间适用。但这并不妨碍任何国内法对此作出更为广泛的规定。

第十六条 将来的会议



第十七条 接纳非加入国


第十八条 批准 关于签字的官方

通知 本公约须经批准




第十九条 退出






Whole document

Article 1

Assistance and salvage of seagoing vessels in danger, of any things on

board, of freight and passage money, and also services of the same nature

rendered by seagoing vessels to vessels of inland navigation or

vice-versa, are subject to the following provisions, without any

distinction being drawn between these two kinds of service (viz.,

assistance and salvage), and in whatever waters the services have been


Article 2

Every act of assistance or salvage of which has had a useful result

gives a right to equitable remuneration.

No remuneration is due if the services rendered have no beneficial


In no case shall the sum to be paid exceed the value of the property


Article 3

Persons who have taken part in salvage operations notwithstanding the

express and reasonable prohibition on the part of the vessel to which the

services were rendered, have no right to any remuneration.

Article 4

A tug has no right to remuneration for assistance to or salvage of the

vessel she is towing or of the vessel's cargo, except where she has

rendered exceptional services which cannot be considered as rendered in

fulfilment of the contract of towage.

Article 5

Remuneration is due notwithstanding that the salvage services has been

rendered by or to vessels belonging to the same owner.

Article 6

The amount of remuneration is fixed by agreement between the parties,

and, failing agreement, by the court.

The proportion in which the remuneration is to be distributed amongst

the salvors is fixed in the same manner.

The apportionment of the remuneration amongst the owner, master and

other persons in the service of each salving vessel shall be determined by

the law of the vessel's flag.

Article 7

Every agreement as to assistance or salvage entered into at the moment

and under the influence of danger may, at the request of either party, be

annulled, or modified by the court, if it considers that the conditions

agreed upon are not equitable.

In all cases, when it is proved that the consent of one of the parties

is vitiated by fraud or concealment, or when the remuneration is, in

proportion to the services rendered, in an excessive degree too large or

too small, the agreement may be annulled or modified by the court at the

request of the party affected.

Article 8

The remuneration is fixed by the court according to the circumstances

of each case, on the basis of the following considerations: (a) firstly,

the measure of success obtained, the efforts and deserts of the salvors,

the danger run by the salved vessel, by her passengers, crew and cargo, by

the salvors, and by the salving vessel; the time expended, the expenses

incurred and losses suffered, and the risks of liability and other risks

run by the salvors, and also the value of the property exposed to such

risks, due regard being had to the special appropriation (if any) of the

salvors' vessel for salvage purposes; (b) secondly, the value of the

property salved.

The same provisions apply for the purpose of fixing the apportionment

provided for by the second paragraph of Article 6.

The court may deprive the salvors of all remuneration, or may award a

reduced remuneration, if it appears that the salvors have by their fault

rendered the salvage or assistance necessary or have been guilty of theft,

fraudulent concealment, or other acts of fraud.

Article 9

No remuneration is due from persons whose lives are saved, but nothing

in this Article shall affect the provisions of the national laws on this


Salvors of human life, who have taken part in the services rendered on

the occasion of the accident giving rise to salvage or assistance, are

entitled to a fair share of the remuneration awarded to the salvors of the

vessel, her cargo, and accessories.

Article 10

A salvage action is barred after an interval of two years from the day

on which the operations of assistance or salvage terminate.

The grounds upon which the said period of limitation may be suspended

or interrupted are determined by the law of the court where the case is


The High Contracting Parties reserve to themselves the right to

provide, by legislation in their respective countries, that the said

period shall be extended in cases where it has not been possible to arrest

the vessel assisted or salved in the territorial waters of the State in

which the plaintiff has his domicile or principal place of business.

Article 11

Every master is bound, so far as he can do so without serious danger

to his vessel, her crew and her passengers, to render assistance to

everybody, even though an enemy, found at sea in danger of being lost.

The owner of a vessel incurs no liability by reason of contravention

of the above provision.

Article 12

The High Contracting Parties, whose legislation does not forbid

infringements of the preceding Article, bind themselves to take or to

propose to their respective Legislatures the measures necessary for the

prevention of such infringements.

The High Contracting Parties will communicate to one another as soon

as possible the laws or regulations which have already been or may be

hereafter promulgated in their States for giving effect to the above


Article 13

This Convention does not affect the provisions of national laws or

international treaties as regards the organization of services of

assistance and salvage by or under the control of public authorities, nor,

in particular, does it affect such laws or treaties on the subject of the

salvage of fishing gear.

Article 14

This Convention does not apply to ships of war or to Government ships

appropriated exclusively to a public service.

Article 15

The provisions of this Convention shall be applied as regards all

persons interested when either the assisting or salving vessel or the

vessel assisted or salved belongs to a State of the High Contracting

Parties, as well as in any other cases for which the national laws


Provided always that--

1. As regards persons interested who belong to a non-contracting State

the application of the above provisions may be made by each of the

contracting States conditional upon reciprocity.

2. Where all the persons interested belong to the same State as the

court trying the case, the provisions of the national law and not of the

Convention are applicable.

3. Without prejudice to any wider provisions of any national laws.

Article 11 only applies as between vessels belonging to the States of the

High Contracting Parties.

Article 16

Any one of the High Contracting Parties shall have the right, three

years after this Convention comes into force, to call for a fresh

Conference with a view to possible amendments, and particularly with a

view to extend, if possible, the sphere of its application.

Any Power exercising this right must notify its intention to the other

Powers, through the Belgian Government, which will make arrangements for

convening the Conference within six months.

Article 17

States which have not signed the present Convention are allowed to

accede to it at their request. Such accession shall be notified through

the diplomatic channel to the Belgian Government, and by the latter to

each of the Governments of the other Contracting Parties, it shall become

effective one month after the despatch of such notification by the Belgian


Article 18

The present Convention shall be ratified.

After an interval of at most one year from the date on which the

Convention is signed, the Belgian Government shall place itself in

communication with the Governments of the High Contracting Parties which

have declared themselves prepared to ratify the Convention, with a view to

decide whether it should be put into force.

The ratifications shall, if so decided, be deposited forthwith at

Brussels and the Convention shall come into force a month after such


The Protocol shall remain open another year in favour of the States

represented at the Brussels Conference. After this interval they can only

accede to it in conformity with the provisions of Article 17.

Article 19

In the case of one or other of the High Contracting Parties denouncing

this Convention, such denunciation shall not take effect until a year

after the day on which it has been notified to the Belgian Government, and

the Convention shall remain in force as between the other Contracting


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the plenipotentiaries of the respective High

Contracting Parties have signed this Convention and have affixed thereto

their seals.

DONE AT BRUSSELS, in a single copy, September 23, 1910.





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