

词条 田劲东











田劲东 博士,男,河北人,教授。1995年7月毕业于天津大学精密仪器工程系,电子精密机械专业,并同时获得技术经济学双学位。1998年2月在该校精密仪器与光电子工程学院攻读研究生并取得光学工程硕士学位。1998年3月考取天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院博士研究生,并与2001年1月获光学工程博士学位。2001年2月-2002年11月在香港科技大学机械工程系做博士后。2003年1月进入深圳大学工作,2003年12月晋升副研究员,2007年12月晋升为教授。








X. Peng, J. Tian, Three-dimensional Multi-Resolution Imaging and Modeling, in Book: New Developments in Laser and Electro-Optics Research, Chapter 4, edited by William T. Arkin, Nova Science Publisher, USA, 2007.


J. Tian, Xiang Peng, Xiaobo Zhao, A generalized temporal phase unwrapping algorithm for three-dimensional profilometry, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 46(4): 336-342 (2008)。

J. Tian, Yabin Ding, Xiang Peng, Self-calibration of a fringe projection system using epipolar constraint, Optics & Laser Technology, 44(3): 538-544 (2008)。

J. Tian, X. Peng and X. B. Zhao, A pitch-variation moiré fringes method of temporal phase unwrapping profilometry, OPTOELECTRONICS LETTERS, 3(3), 215-218 (2007)。

J. Tian,X. B. Zhao and X. Peng, All-solid-state microscopic interferometer with frequency-variation and phase-shifting capability, OPTOELECTRONICS LETTERS, 3(2), 123-126 (2007)。

丁雅斌,彭翔,田劲东,赵卫军,李阿蒙,赵晓波:一种三维数字成像系统的多视点姿态估计方法,光学学报, 27(3), 451-456 (2007)。

J. Tian and X. Peng, Three-dimensional vision from a multisensing mechanism, APPLIED OPTICS, 45(13), 3003-3008 (2006)。

丁雅斌, 彭翔, 田劲东, 武斌, 基于点阵编码的三维主动视觉标定, 光子学报, 35(11), 1774-1779 (2006)。

高鹏东,彭翔,田劲东,刘则毅:三维人脸建模中面部特征轮廓线的提取,系统仿真学报, 18(8), 2105-2108 (2006)。

田劲东,彭翔:一种复合编码的三维数字成像方法,中国激光, 33(2), 161-165 (2006)。

J. Tian and X. Peng, 3-D digital imaging based on shifted point-array encoding, APPLIED OPTICS, 44(26), 5491-5496 (2005)。

X. Peng, J. Tian, P. Zhang, L. Wei, W. Qiu, E. Li, D. Zhang: 3D vision with dual-acousto-optic deflections encoding. OPTICS LETTERS, 30(15), 1965-1967 (2005)。

田劲东,彭翔:位错点阵投影的三维数字成像,光学学报,25(9), 1319-1323 (2005)

于斌,彭翔,田劲东,牛憨笨,硬X射线同轴相衬成像的相位恢复,物理学报, 54(5), 2034-2037 (2005)。

于斌,彭翔,田劲东,牛憨笨,刁麓弘,李华,硬X射线同轴相衬成像相位恢复的模拟研究,中国科学(G辑)35(3), 233-240 (2005)。

J. Tian, et al, “Eliminating Background Noise Effect in Micro-Resolution Particle Image Velocimetry,” APPLIED OPTICS , 41(32), 6849~6857 (2002)。

田劲东 等,一种用于机群系统的双环光互连网络性能分析,计算机研究与发展, 38(11), 1354-1359 (2001)。

J. Tian, et al, “Using Wavelength Routing in the Optical Interconnection Computer Network”, Transactions of Tianjin University, 2(10), 107-111 (2000)。

田劲东 等,Linux操作系统下并行光互连链路驱动软件的研究,高技术通讯,10(12), 12~16 (2000)

井文才,田劲东 等,“机群系统中的高速光互连网络接口卡的设计”,光电子·激光,11(1), 7-10 (2000)。

田劲东 等,“基于波长路由的光互连系统”,激光与光电子学进展,405, 225~228 (1999)。

周革,田劲东 等,“激光粒度仪中光能测量值的双参数补偿方法”,光电子·激光,9(1), 32~34 (1998)。


Jindong Tian, Xiaobo Zhao, Xiaoli Liu, Xiang Peng. Three-dimensional imaging with acousto-optic fringe projector and piecewise temporal phase unwrapping. Proceeding of SPIE, Optics&Photonics07, edited by James H. Burge, Oliver W. Faehnle, Ray Williamson, Vol. 6671, 66711B, (2007)。

Wang Xiaodong, Peng Xiang, Tian Jindong. Three-dimensional digital imaging based on temporal phase unwrapping with parallel DSP, Proceeding of SPIE, Vol. 6723, 67232X, (2007)。

Jindong Tian, Xiang PENG, Yu Bin, Wu Bin, Peng ZHANG, Linbin WEI, Wenjie QIU: Multi-resolution 3-D imaging with temporal sequential fringe projector. Proc. SPIE vol. 5638, (2005) pp.589-596.(EI收录)

Xiang Peng, Jindong Tian, Peng Zhang, Libin Wei, Wenjie Qiu, Enbang Li, Dawei Zhang: Dynamic 3-D profilometry with dual-acousto-optic fringe projection (invited paper)。 Proc. SPIE vol. 5638, (2005) pp.456-463.(EI收录)

H.-H. Qiu, Jindong Tian, et al, “Characterization of Laser Induced Microbubbles and Fluid Flows Using PIV and PDA”, The 7th Asian Symposium on Visualization, will be held on 26 - 30 May 2003, Singapore .

Jindong Tian, et al, “Enhancement PIV Algorithm for Measurements in Micro Multiphase Flows”, 10th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, ISBN 4-906497-82-9, F0365, August 26-29, 2002 at Kyoto , Japan .

Zhou Ge, Tian Jindong, “Application of optical interconnection link to multi-PCs system”, Proceedings of SPIE. v 4470 2001. 91-98. EI 02437156001.

Zhou Ge, Tian Jindong, et al, “Applied Study of Optical Interconnection Link in Computer Cluster”, Optical Interconnection for Telecommunication and Data Communications, SPIE, Nov. 2000, 138~142. (Invited Paper) EI 01385580890

Jing Wencai, Tian Jindong, et al, Design and Analysis of Communication Protocol for TSOINet, Optical Interconnection for Telecommunication and Data Communications, SPIE, Nov. 2000, 143~147. EI 01385580891

Tian Jindong, et al, “The Applied analysis of wavelength used as routing protocol in the optical interconnection”,Optoelectronic Interconnects VII, SPIE, 2000.1, p264~271. EI 00305208701

Jing Wencai, Tian Jindong, et al, “Design of scalable optical interconnection network using wavelength division multiplexing”, Optoelectronic Interconnects VII, SPIE, 2000.1, p178~187. EI 00305208692

田劲东 等,“光互连技术在机群系统互连网络中的应用”,《 99‘全国光电子器件也集成技术会议》,p302~307.

井文才,周革,田劲东 等,“用于机群系统的光互连链路设计与实现”《99’全国光电子器件也集成技术会议》, p308~312.

Tian Jindong, et al, “Laser Measurement Instrument for the Textile Fibers Diameter Distribution”, Asia_pasific Symposium on Instrument, 1997, p75~78.








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