

词条 田捷


田捷,工学博士,中国科学院自动化研究所研究员,西安电子科技大学特聘教授、生命科学技术学院院长,IEEE Fellow(2010年起),IAMBE Fellow(2012年起),中国科学院研究生院教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2002年),中科院“百人计划”入选者(2007年),教育部“长江学者”奖励计划特聘教授(2006年),国家“百千万人才工程”国家级人选,全国优秀科技工作者(2011年),两项国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)首席科学家(2006,2011),2011年中国科学院院士增选有效候选人,中国自动化学会常务理事兼中国自动化学会模式识别与机器智能专业会员会主任,中国生物物理学会分子影像学专业委员会主任(首届),国家自然科学基金委信息学部第六、第七届,生命科学部第十二届,医学科学部第十三届学科评议专家组成员,国家自然科学基金委信息科学部第五届专家咨询委员会委员,第四军医大学、北京交通大学、华中科技大学、北京师范大学、东北大学、北京工业大学等学校的兼职教授与兼职博导。


主要从事医学影像分析与生物特征识别方向的研究与应用工作。已在国内外学术杂志与学术会议上发表论文百余篇、专著多部,并自1992年起,田捷博士被美国著名的数学评论杂志《Mathematical Review》聘为特约评论员,2010年起当选国际电气电子工程师协会IEEE Fellow,2012年起当选国际医学与生物工程院IAMBE Fellow,同时也是《自动化学报》(2010)、《中华核医学与分子影像杂志》(2011)副主编,《International Journal of Biometrical Imaging》、《Journal of X-ray Science and Technology》、《Frontiers of Computer Science in China》、《计算机学报》、《软件学报》、《中国科学.F辑》、《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》与《模式识别与人工智能》等杂志的编委。



田捷博士在中科院研究生院主讲过的课程有《模式识别与智能系统》、《医学影像与分子影像》等课程, 并由此获得1999年度中科院优秀教师奖。 他指导过的研究生分别获得国家教委百篇优秀博士论文奖(医学图像处理)和中科院院长奖学金特别优秀奖、优秀奖和刘永龄奖。 田捷博士还是华中科技大学、东北大学、北京师范大学等校兼职教授,西安电子科技大学的特聘教授。






中国科学院自动化研究所研究员, 博士生导师,中国科学院研究生院教授。中国自动化学会常务理事兼中国自动化学会模式识别与机器智能专业会员会主任;中国生物物理学会分子影像学专业委员会主任(首届),北京市分子影像重点实验室主任。


1. 《光学分子影像技术及其应用》(田捷、杨鑫、秦承虎等编著,获华夏英才基金资助)科学出版社,2010年

2. 《生物特征识别理论与应用》(田捷、杨鑫等著)清华大学出版社,2009年(第二版)

3. 《医学影像算法设计与平台构建》(田捷、薛健、戴亚康),清华大学出版社,2007年((第二版,入选普通高等教育“十一五”国家级教材规划)

4. 《生物特征识别技术理论与应用》(田捷、杨鑫),电子工业出版社, 2005年(第一版)

5. 《集成化医学影像算法平台理论与实践》(田捷、赵明昌、何晖光),清华大学出版社,2004年(第一版)

6. 《医学影像处理与分析》(田捷、包尚联、周明全),电子工业出版社,2003年9月




1. Fei Yang, Qingde Li, Dehui Xiang, Yong Cao and Jie Tian*. A Versatile Optical Model for Hybrid Rendering of Volume Data, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Accepted, 2011. (SCI IF: 1.922)

2. Xinjian Chen*, Ulas Bagci and Jie Tian. 3D Automatic Anatomy Segmentation Based on Iterative Graph-Cut-ASM, Medical Physics, Accepted, 2011.(SCI IF: 3.070)

3. Dehui Xiang, Jie Tian*, Fei Yang, Qi Yang, Xiang Zhang, Qingde Li, and Xin Liu. Skeleton Cuts - An Efficient Segmentation Method for Volume Rendering, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol.17, No.9, pp.1295-1306, 2011. (SCI IF: 1.922)

4. Chenghu Qin,Jianghong Zhong,Zhenhua Hu, Xin Yang, and Jie Tian*. Recent Advances in Cerenkov Luminescence and Tomography Imaging. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, DOI:10.1109/JSTQE.2011.2161757, in press, 2011. (SCI IF: 3.458)

5. Jianghong Zhong, Chenghu Qin, Xin Yang, Zhe Chen, Xiang Yang, and Jie Tian*. Fast Specific Tomography Imaging via Cerenkov Emission. Molecular Imaging and Biology, in press, 2011. (SCI IF: 3.139)

6. Kai Liu, Jie Tian*, Chenghu Qin, Xin Yang, Shouping Zhu, Dong Han, and Ping Wu. Tomographic bioluminescence imaging reconstruction via a dynamically-sparse regularized global method in mouse models, Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol.16, No.4, pp.046016, 2011. (SCI IF: 3.188)

7. Jianghong Zhong, Jie Tian*, Xin Yang, and Chenghu Qin. Whole-Body Cerenkov Luminescence Tomography with the Finite Element SP3 Method, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 1728-1735, 2011. (SCI IF: 2.374)

8. Xibo Ma, Zhaofei Liu, Xin Yang, Shouping Zhu, Qiujuan Gao, Kai Liu, Chenghu Qin, Bo Zhang, Dong Han, Fan Wang*, and Jie Tian*. Dual modality monitoring of tumor response to cyclophosphamide in mice with combined bioluminescence imaging and small-animal PET. Molecular Imaging, Vol.10, No.4, pp.278-283, 2011. (SCI IF: 3.169)

9. Chongguang Zhong, Lijun Bai, Ruwei Dai, Ting Xue, Hu Wang, Yuanyuan Feng, Zhenyu Liu, Youbo You, Shangjie Chen, Jie Tian*. Modulatory effects of acupuncture on resting-state networks: an fMRI study combining ICA and multivariate Granger causality analysis. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Accepted, 2011. (SCI IF: 2.77)

10. von Deneen KM, Wei Q, Tian J, Liu Y*. Obesity in China: What are the Causes?, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2011.04.15, PMID: 21492081. (SCI IF: 4.414).

11. Zhang Y, von Deneen KM, Tian J, Gold MS, Liu Y*. Food Addiction and Neuroimaging, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2011.04.15, PMID: 21492080. (SCI IF: 4.414)

12. Yuanyuan Feng, Lijun Bai, Wensheng Zhang*, Ting Xue, Yanshuang Ren, Chongguang Zhong, Hu Wang, Youbo You, Zhenyu Liu, Jianping Dai, Yijun Liu, Jie Tian*. Investigation of Acupoint Specificity by Multivariate Granger Causality Analysis from fMRI data, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,Vol.34(1),pp.31-42,2011.(SCI IF: 2.747)

13. Ting Xue, Lijun Bai, Shangjie Chen, Chongguang Zhong, Yuanyuan Feng, Hu Wang, Zhenyu Liu, Youbo You, Fangyuan Cui, Yanshuang Ren, Jie Tian*, Yijun Liu. Neural specificity of acupuncture stimulation from support vector machine classification analysis. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 29(7): 943-950, 2011. (SCI IF: 2.042)

14. Yi Zhang, Kai Yuan, Peng Liu, Lu Zhuo,Wei Qin,Liyan Zhao, Jixin Liu, Karen M von Deneen, Neslson J Klahr, Mark S Gold, Yijun Liu. Distinct Resting-State Brain Activities in Heroin-Dependent Individuals. Brain Research, Vol.1402, pp.46-53, 2011. (SCI IF: 2.623)

15. Yuanyuan Feng, Lijun Bai, Yanshuang Ren, Hu Wang, Zhenyu Liu, Wensheng Zhang*, and Jie Tian. Investigation of the large-scale functional brain networks modulated by acupuncture. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol.29, No.7, pp 958-965, 2011. (SCI IF: 2.042)

16. Jiangang Liu, Jun Li, Cory A. Rieth, David E. Huber, Jie Tian*, and Kang Lee. A dynamic causal modeling analysis of the effective connectivities underlying top-down letter processing, Neuropsychologia, Vol.49, No.5, pp.1177-1186,2011. (SCI IF: 3.949)

17. Jizheng Zhao, Jiangang Liu, Jun Li, Jimin Liang, Lu Feng, Lin Ai, Kang Lee, and Jie Tian*. Intrinsically organized network for word processing during the resting state. Neuroscience Letters, Vol.487, No.1, pp. 27-31, 2010. (SCI IF:2.055)

18. Lijun Bai, Jie Tian*, Chongguang Zhong, Ting Xue, Youbo you, Zhenyu Liu, Peng Chen, Qiyong Gong, Lin Ai, Wei Qin, and Jianping Dai, Yijun Liu*. Acupuncture modulates temporal neural responses in wide brain networks: evidence from fMRI study. Molecular Pain, Vol.6, pp. 73, 2010. (SCI IF: 4.148)

19. Lijun Bai, Hao Yan, Jie Tian*, and Linling Li. Neural specificity of acupuncture stimulation at PC6: evidence from an fMRI study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol.31, pp.71-77, 2010. (SCI IF: 2.747)

20. Wu Li, Jiangtao Liu, Frank Skidmore, Yijun Liu, Jie Tian*, Kuncheng Li. White Matter Microstructure Changes in the Thalamus in Parkinson Disease with Depression: A Diffusion Tensor MR Imaging Study. American Journal of Neuroradiology, Vol.31, No.10, pp.1861-1866, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.464)

21. Hui Zhang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Yingshi Sun, Jiangang Liu, Wu Li, and Jie Tian*. A Weighted-RV Method to Detect Fine-Scale Functional Connectivity during Resting State, NeuroImage, Vol.54, No.4, pp.2885-2898, 2011. (SCI IF: 5.932)

22. Chenghu Qin, Shouping Zhu, and Jie Tian*, New optical molecular imaging systems, Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Vol.11, No.6, pp. 620-627, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.455)

23. Jian Zheng, Jie Tian*, Kexin Deng, Xiaoqian Dai, and Min Xu. Salient Feature Region : a New Method for Retinal Image Registration. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol.15, No.2, pp.221-232, 2011. (SCI IF: 1.707)

24. Dong Han, Jie Tian*, Shouping Zhu, Jinchao Feng, Chenghu Qin, Bo Zhang, and Xin Yang. A fast reconstruction algorithm for fluorescence molecular tomography with sparsity regularization. Optics Express, Vol.18, No.8, pp.8630-8646, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)

25. Kai Liu, Yujie Lv, Jie Tian*, Chenhu Qin, Xin Yang, Shouping Zhu, and Dong Han, Evaluation of the simplified spherical harmonics approximation in bioluminescence tomography through heterogeneous mouse models, Optics Express, Vol.18, No.20, pp.20988-21002, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)

26. Yakang Dai, Jie Tian*, Jian Zheng, and Guorui Yan, Real-time visualized freehand 3D ultrasound reconstruction based on GPU, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol.14, No.6, pp.1338-1345, 2010. (SCI IF: 1.707)

27. Jiangang Liu, Jun Li, Hongchuan Zhang, Cory A Rieth, David E Huber, Kang Lee, and Jie Tian*. Neural correlates of top-down letter processing. Neuropsychologia, Vol.48, No.2, pp.636-641, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.949)

28. Kai Liu, Jie Tian*, Xin Yang, Yujie Lv, Chenghu Qin, Shouping Zhu, and Xing Zhang. A fast bioluminescent source localization method based on generalized graph cuts with mouse model validations. Optics Express, Vol.18, No.4, pp.3732-3745, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)

29. Jian Chen, Jie Tian*, Noah Lee, Jian Zheng, R. Theodore Smith, and Andrew F. Laine. A partial intensity invariant feature descriptor for multimodal retinal image registration. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.57, No.7, pp.1707-1718, 2010. (SCI IF:1.782)

30. Xing Zhang, Jie Tian*, Kexin Deng, Yongfang Wu, and Xiuli Li. Automatic Liver Segmentation Using a Statistical Shape Model with Optimal Surface Detection. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.57, No.10, pp.2622-2626, 2010. (SCI IF: 1.782)

31. Bo Zhang, Xiang Yang, Fei Yang, Xin Yang, Chenghu Qin, Dong Han, Xibo Ma, Kai Liu, and Jie Tian*, The CUBLAS and CULA based GPU acceleration of adaptive finite element framework for bioluminescence tomography, Optics Express, Vol.18, No.19, pp.20201-20214, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)

32. Xueli Chen, Xinbo Gao, Duofang Chen, Xiaopeng Ma, Xiaohui Zhao, Man Shen, Xiangsi Li, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Jorge Ripoll, and Jie Tian*, 3D reconstruction of light flux distribution on arbitrary surfaces from 2D multi-photographic images, Optics Express, Vol.18, No.19, pp.19876-19893, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)

33. Junting Liu, Duofang Chen, Xiangsi Li, Xiaopeng Ma, Haichao Chen, Weiwei Fan, Fu Wang, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Feng Cao, and Jie Tian*. In vivo quantitative reconstruction studies of bioluminescence tomography: effects of peak wavelength shift and model deviation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.57, No.10, pp.2579-2582, 2010. (SCI IF:1.782)

34. Jixin Liu, Wei Qin, Qian Guo, Jinbo Sun, Kai Yuan, Peng Liu, Yi Zhang, Karen M. von Deneen, Yijun Liu, and Jie Tian*. Distinct brain networks for time-varied characteristics of acupuncture. Neuroscience Letters, Vol.468, No.3, pp.353-358, 2010. (SCI IF:2.055)

35. Guorui Yan, Jie Tian*, Shouping Zhu, Chenghu Qin, Yakang Dai, Fei Yang, Di Dong, and Ping Wu. Fast Katsevich Algorithm Based on GPU for Helical Cone-Beam Computed Tomography. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol.14, No.4, pp.1053-1061, 2010. (SCI IF: 1.707)

36. Linling Li, Wei Qin, Lijun Bai, and Jie Tian*. Exploring vision-related acupuncture point specificity with multi-voxel pattern analysis. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol.28, No.3, pp.380-387, 2010. (SCI IF:2.042)

37. Nunu Ren, Jimin Liang, Xiaochao Qu, Jianfeng Li, Bingjia Lu, and Jie Tian*. GPU-based Monte Carlo simulation for light propagation in complex heterogeneous tissues. Optics Express, Vol.18, No.7, pp.6811-6823, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)

38. Bo Zhang, Xin Yang, Chenghu Qin, Dan Liu, Shouping Zhu, Jinchao Feng, Li Sun, Kai Liu, Dong Han, Xibo Ma, Xing Zhang, Jianghong Zhong, Xiuli Li, Xiang Yang, and Jie Tian*. A trust region method in adaptive finite element framework for bioluminescence tomography. Optics Express, Vol.18, No.7, pp.6477-6491, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)

39. Kai Yuan, Wei Qin, Minghao Dong, Jixin Liu, Peng Liu, Yi Zhang, Jinbo Sun, Wei Wang, Yarong Wang, Qiang Li, Weichuan Yang, and Jie Tian*. Combining spatial and temporal information to explore resting-state networks changes in abstinent heroin-dependent individuals. Neuroscience letters, Vol.475, No.1, pp.20-24, 2010. (SCI IF: 2.055)

40. Jun Li, Jiangang Liu, Jimin Liang, Hongchuan Zhang, Jizheng Zhao, Cory A. Rieth, David E. Huber, Wu Li, Guangming Shi, Lin Ai, Jie Tian*, and Kang Lee. Effective connectivities of cortical regions for top-down face processing: A dynamic causal modeling study. Brain Research, Vol.1340, pp.40-51, 2010. (SCI IF: 2.623)

41. Kai Yuan, Wei Qin, Jixin Liu, Qian Guo, Minghao Dong, Jinbo Sun, Yi Zhang, Peng Liu, Wei Wang, Yarong Wang, Qiang Li, Weichuan Yang, Karen M von Deneen, Mark S Gold, Yijun Liu, and Jie Tian*. Altered small-world brain functional networks and duration of heroin use in male abstinent heroin-dependent individuals. Neuroscience Letters, Vol.477, No.1, pp.37-42, 2010. (SCI IF:2.055)

42. Jizheng Zhao, Jiangang Liu, Jun Li, Jimin Liang, Lu Feng, and Jie Tian*. Inversion effect in the visual processing of Chinese character: an fMRI study. Neuroscience Letters, Vol.478, No.2, pp.107–111, 2010. (SCI IF:2.055)

43. Junting Liu, Yabin Wang, Xiaochao Qu, Xiangsi Li, Xiaopeng Ma, Runqiang Han, Zhenhua Hu, Xueli Chen, Dongdong Sun, Rongqing Zhang, Duofang Chen, Dan Chen, Xiaoyuan Chen, Jimin Liang, Feng Cao, and Jie Tian*. In vivo quantitative bioluminescence tomography using heterogeneous and homogeneous mouse models. Optics Express, Vol.18, No.12, pp.13102-13113, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)

44. Dong Han, Jie Tian*, Kai Liu, Jinchao Feng, Bo Zhang, Xibo Ma, and Chenghu Qin. Sparsity-promoting tomographic fluorescence imaging with simplified spherical harmonics approximation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.57, No.10, 2010. (SCI IF: 1.782)

45. Peng Liu, Guangyu Zhou, Yi Zhang, Minghao Dong, Wei Qin, Kai Yuan, Jinbo Sun, Jixin Liu, Jimin Liang, Karen M. von Deneen, Yijun Liu, and Jie Tian*. The hybrid GLM-ICA investigation on the neural mechanism of acupoint ST36: an fMRI study. Neuroscience Letters, Vol.479, No.3, pp.267-271, 2010. (SCI IF: 2.055)

46. Heyu Huang, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Xiaowei He, Xueli Chen, Da'an Yang, and Jie Tian*. A multi-phase level set framework for source reconstruction in bioluminescence tomography. Journal of Computational Physics, Vol.229, No.13, pp.5246-5256, 2010. (SCI IF: 2.345)

47. Yanshuang Ren, Lijun Bai, Yuanyuan Feng, Jie Tian*, and Kuncheng Li*, Investigation of acupoint specificity by functional connectivity analysis based on graph theory, Neuroscience Letters, Vol.482, No.1, pp.95-100, 2010. (SCI IF: 2.055)

48. Kai Yuan, Wei Qin, Minghao Dong, Jixin Liu, Jinbo Sun, Peng Liu, Yi Zhang, Wei Wang, Yarong Wang, Qiang Li, Liyan Zhao, Karen M. von Deneen, Yijun Liu, Mark S.Gold, and Jie Tian*, Gray matter deficits and resting-state abnormalities in abstinent heroin-dependent individuals, Neuroscience Letters, Vol.482, No.1, pp.101-105, 2010. (SCI IF:2.055)

49. Chenghu Qin, Jie Tian*, Xin Yang, Jinchao Feng, Kai Liu, Junting Liu, Guorui Yan, Shouping Zhu, and Min Xu. Adaptive improved element free Galerkin method for quasi- or multi-spectral bioluminescence tomography. Optics Express, Vol.17, Issue 24, pp.21925-21934, 2009. (SCI IF: 3.278)

50. Jinchao Feng, Kebin Jia, Chenghu Qin, Guorui Yan, Shouping Zhu, Xing Zhang, Junting Liu, and Jie Tian*. Three-dimensional Bioluminescence Tomography based on Bayesian Approach. Optics Express, Vol.17, No.19, pp.16834-16848, 2009. (SCI IF: 3.278)

51. Xueli Chen, Xinbo Gao, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Lin Wang, Da'an Yang, Anikitos Garofalakis, Jorge Ripoll, and Jie Tian*. A study of photon propagation in free-space based on hybrid radiosity-radiance theorem. Optics Express, Vol.17, No.18, pp.16266-16280, 2009. (SCI IF: 3.278)

52. Runqiang Han, Jimin Liang, Xiaochao Qu, Yanbin Hou, Nunu Ren, Jingjing Mao, and Jie Tian*. A source reconstruction algorithm based on adaptive hp-FEM for bioluminescence tomography. Optics Express, Vol.17, No.17, pp.14481-14494, 2009. (SCI IF: 3.278)

53. Yujie Lu, Ali Douraghy, Hidevaldo B. Machado, David Stout, Jie Tian, Harvey Herschman, and Arion F. Chatziioannou. Spectrally-resolved bioluminescence tomography with the third-order simplified spherical harmonics approximation. Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol.59, No.21, pp.6477-6493, 2009. (SCI IF: 2.781)

54. Yujie Lu, Xiaoqun Zhang, Ali Douraghy, David Stout, Jie Tian, Tony F. Chan and Arion F. Chatziioannou. Source Reconstruction for spectrally-resolved bioluminescence tomography with sparse a priori information. Optics Express, Vol.17, No.10, pp.8062-8080, 2009. (SCI IF: 3.278)

55. Lijun Bai, Wei Qin, Jie Tian*, Minghao Dong, Xiaohong Pan, Peng Chen, Jianping Dai, Wanhai Yang, and Yijun Liu. Acupuncture Modulates Spontaneous Activities in the Anticorrelated Resting Brain Networks. Brain Research, Vol.1279, pp.37-49, 2009. (SCI IF:2.57)

56. Hui Zhang, Jie Tian*, Jianggang Liu, Jun Li, Jizheng Zhao, and Kang Lee, Intrinsically organized network for face perception during the resting state. Neuroscience Letters, Vol.454, No.1, pp.1-5, 2009. (SCI IF: 1.925)

57. Qingde Li, Jie Tian. 2D Piecewise Algebraic Splines for Implicit Modeling, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol.28, No.2, pp.1-13, 2009. (SCI IF: 3.619)

58. Lijun Bai, Wei Qin, Jie Tian*, Peng Liu, Linling Li, Peng Chen, Jianping Dai, Jason G. Craggs, Karen M. von Deneen, and Yijun Liu. Time-varied characteristics of acupuncture effects in fMRI studies. Human Brain Mapping, Vol.30, No.11, pp. 3445-3460, 2009. (SCI IF: 6.25)

59. Peng Liu, Wei Qin, Yi Zhang, Jie Tian*, Lijun Bai, Guangyu Zhou, Jixin Liu, Peng Chen, Jianping Dai. Combining spatial and temporal information to explore function-guide action of acupuncture using fMRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol.30, No.1, pp.41 - 46, 2009. (SCI IF: 2.770)

60. Wei Qin, Jie Tian,Lijun Bai,Xiaohong Pan,Lin Yang,Peng Chen, Jianping Dai,Lin Ai,Baixiao Zhao,Qiyong Gong,Wei Wang,Karen M von Deneen and Yijun Liu.FMRI Connectivity analysis of acupuncture effects on an amygdala-associated brain network . Molecular Pain, Vol.4. No.55, pp.1-17, 2008. (SCI IF: 3.705)

61. Chenghu Qin, Jie Tian, Xin Yang, Kai Liu, Guorui Yan, Jinchao Feng, Yujie Lv, Min Xu, Galerkin-based meshless methods for photon transport in the biological tissue, Optics Express, Vol.16, No. 25, pp.20317-20333, 2008. (SCI IF: 3.880)

62. Jinchao Feng, kebin Jia, Guorui Yan, Shouping Zhu, Chenghu Qin, Yujie Lv and Jie Tian. An optimal permissible source region strategy for multispectral bioluminescence tomography, Optics Express, Vol. 16, No. 20, pp.5640-15654, 2008. (SCI IF: 3.880)

63. Jie Tian,Jian Xue,Yakang Dai,Jian Chen,Jian Zheng, A Novel Software Platform for Medical Image Processing and Analyzing, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Volume 12, Issue 6, Nov. 2008 pp. 800-812(SCI IF: 1.939)

64. Yujie Lv, Jie Tian*, Wenxiang Cong, Ge Wang, Wei Yang, Chenghu Qin and Min Xu, Spectrally resolved bioluminescence tomography with adaptive finite element analysis: methodology and simulation, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2007, Vol.52, No.15, pp.4497-4512. (SCI IF: 2.528)

65. Yujie Lv, Jie Tian*, Wenxiang Cong, Ge Wang, Jie Luo, Wei Yang, and Hui Li, A Multilevel Adaptive Finite Element Algorithm for Bioluminescence Tomography, Optics Express, 2006, Vol.14, No.18, pp.8211-8223 (SCI IF: 4.009)

66. Wu Li, Jie Tian*, Enzhong Li, and Jianping Dai, Robust Unsupervised Segmentation of Infarct Lesion from Diffusion Tensor MR Images Using Multiscale Statistical Classification and Partial Volume Voxel Reclassification. NeuroImage, Augest 2004, Vol.23, No.4, pp.1507-1518 (SCI IF: 4.869)


1. Kai Cao, Jie Tian, et. al., A Novel Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Large-Distorted Fingerprint Matching, Pattern Recognition, 2011. (SCI IF: 2.554)

2. Changhong Chen, Jimin Liang*, Heng Zhao, Haihong Hu, and Jie Tian, Factorial HMM and Parallel HMM for Gait Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, Vol.39, No.1, pp. 114-123, 2009.(SCI IF=1.375)

3. Changhong Chen, Jimin Liang*, Heng Zhao, Haihong Hu, Jie Tian. Frame difference energy image for gait recognition with incomplete silhouettes, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2009.(SCI IF=1.559)

4. Xiaoguang He, Jie Tian*, Liang Li, Yuliang He and Xin Yang, Modeling and Analysis of Local Comprehensive Minutia Relation for Fingerprint Matching, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics -- Part B: Cybernetics, 4, Oct. 2007, Vol.37, No.5, pp.1204-1211(SCI IF=2.361)

5. Yuliang He, Jie Tian*, Liang Li and Xin Yang, Fingerprint Matching Based on Global Comprehensive Similarity, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, June 2006,Vol.28, No.6, pp.850-862(SCI IF=5.96)

6. Xinjian Chen, Jie Tian*, and Xin Yang,An Algorithm for Distorted Fingerprint Matching Based on Local Triangle Features Set,IEEE Transactions on Information, Forensics and Security, June,2006, Vol.1, No.2, pp.169-177(SCI IF=2.23)

7. Xinjian Chen, Jie Tian*, and Xin Yang, A New Algorithm for Distorted Fingerprints Matching Based on Normalized Fuzzy Similarity Measure, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, March 2006, Vol.15, No.3, pp.767-776 (SCI IF=3.315)

8. Jiangang Cheng, Jie Tian*, Fingerprint Enhancement with Dyadic Scale-Space, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2004, Vol.25, No.11, pp.1273-1284 (SCI IF=1.559)

9. Yilong Yin, Jie Tian, Xiukun Yang, Ridge Distance Estimation in Fingerprint Images: Algorithm and Performance Evaluation, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, EURASIP JASP, Apil 2004, No.4, pp.495-502 (SCI IF=1.055)

10. Xinjian Chen, Jie Tian*, Jianggang Cheng, Xin Yang, Segmentation of Fingerprint Images Using Linear Classifier, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, EURASIP JASP, April 2004, No.4, pp.480-494 (SCI IF=1.055)

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