词条 | 天然野生灵芝 |
释义 | 纯正天然野生灵芝为多孔菌科植物灵芝或紫芝的子实体。灵芝全角略似伞状,由菌盖及菌柄组成。菌盖为肩的半圆形、圆形或肾形。伞背部黄褐色,有环状棱纹和辐射状纹;伞腹面类白色至淡棕色,有许多小孔,为菌管的开口,菌管内有多数担孢子。菌柄多侧生,稍作「之」字形弯曲,亦为黄褐色。全体均为本栓质,轻。紫芝与灵芝相似,但呈深紫色、菌柄有中竹扛及侧生。淡,温。归心、脾、肺、肾经。 主要功能1. 养心安神,补益气血:用于心气虚或心血虚之失眠、多梦、健忘、呆滞、惊悸怔忡,一切虚、血虚证均可酌用本品。 2. 止咳化痰,纳气平喘﹕治虚证之咳嗽、气喘。 现代还用于治疗高脂血症、高血压、冠心病、心律紊乱、白细胞减少症、肝炎等。 药用价值(1)治急性病毒性肝炎,比传统的“护肝”药物疗效好。此外,还用于治疗萎缩性胃炎,恶性肿瘤等。 (2)治慢性支气管炎:服用灵芝片,日3次,每次1片(含量相当于生药0.5克),或用灵芝酊(20%浓度),日3次,每次10毫升(每日量相当于生药6克),一般15~30天开始见效。 (3)治支气管哮喘:小儿患者每日肌肉注射1~2毫升(每毫升含0.5~1克生药),连续注射1个月左右。 (4)治白细胞减少症。曾治疗因化学、物理、药物及慢性病等各种因素引起的白细胞减少症52例,近期有效率为84.6%,白细胞总数平均提高至1028/立方毫米。10~20天为一个疗程。 (5)治疗心律失常:在用灵芝治疗冠心病的过程中,发现在冠心病改善的同时,伴随的心律失常也随着好转和消失,于是采用灵芝注射液治疗各种心律失常,取得一定的效果。 (6)治疗冠心病:对心绞痛、心前区胀闷,或紧压感的缓解率约为72%,对心悸、气促等症状的好转率约为65%,半数以上患者服药期间反映:食欲、睡眠、精神好转,降低血甘油三酯有较好疗效。 医药药理1. 镇静、镇痛。 2. 能使小鼠的耐寒及耐缺气能力增加。 3. 可使家兔的血压缓慢、持久下降。 4. 保护小鼠肝脏,有降谷丙转氨酶作用。 5. 有降血糖作用。 6. 镇咳、?痰。 服法﹕每天2次,每次1-2粒,用开水或蜜糖水送服。 成份﹕100%灵芝粉 注意﹕外感发烧应暂停服用,孕妇禁用。 贮蔵﹕密封防潮,置于阴凉干燥处保存,远离儿童。 规格﹕每盒50粒胶囊装和100粒胶囊装 英文说明China Wild Lingzhi is the sporophore of Ganoderma Lucidum (Leyss. ex Fr.) Karst. or G. japonicum (Fr.) Lloyd, family Polyporaceae. Umbrella like fungi composed of pileu and stipe. Pileu flat semicircular, circular of reniform. Dorsal surface yellow-brown, with annular ridges and radial veins, ventral surface nearly white to brownish, with many small pores in which there are numerous basidiospores. Stipe mostly laterally located curved in zigzag way, yellow-brown. Corky in texture, light in weight. G. japonicum similar to the former, but deep purple in colour, stipe laterally or mesially located. Both are bland in taste, warm in nature, and attributive to heart, spleen, lung, liver and kidney channels.Indication: 1. Tranquilize the mind, enrich vital energy and blood: For deficiency of heart energy or heart-blood manifested as insomnia, dreaminess, amnesia, dullness, frightening and severe palpitation; also used for all types of vital energy deficiency syndrome and blood-deficiency syndrome. 2. Eliminate pohlegm, relieve cough and dyspnea: For deficiency-syndrome with cough and dyspnea. Recently also used for hyperlipemia, hypertension, coronary heart diseases, arrhythmia, leukocytopenia and hepatitis. Pharmacological Action: 1. Sedative and analgesic. 2. Increasing the tolerance of cold and anoxia in experimental mice. 3. Exerting mild and prolonged hypotensive effect in rabbits. 4. Protecting the liver of mouse from impairment and decreasing the level of SGPT (serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase). 5. Decreasing the level of blood sugar. 6. Antitussive and expectorant. Dosage: Twice a day, 2 capsules each dose. To be taken with lukewarm water. Ingredients: 100% Lingzhi Powder Packing: 50 Capsules and 100 Capsules 产品编号﹕WT028 50粒胶囊装 售价︰180元 (港币/人民币) (网上订购) 产品编号﹕WT066 100粒胶囊装 售价︰350元 (港币/人民币) (网上订购) |
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