词条 | 天津市天变变压器有限公司 |
释义 | 天津市天变变压器有限公司(原天津市变压器总厂)是国家二级企业,是机械工业部变压器行业110kV级以下电力变压器的定点生产企业(35KV油浸式电力变压器)。公司技术力量雄厚,制造工艺先进,设备优良,检测手段齐全,具有完善的质量保证体系。形成了一整套完整、先进、配套的生产能力。保证了变压器高标准、高水平、高效率地生产。从国外已引进的先进设备有:瑞士箔式绕线机、德国乔格公司硅钢片自动剪切线、美国天杰公司绕线机、德国来宝公司变压法真空干燥设备等。 主要产品有:100kV及以下油浸式电力配电变压器、35kV油浸式电力变压器,全密封变压器,非晶合金变压器,组合式变压器及一些特殊用途产品为:隔离变压器,电炉变压器,接地变压器,整流变压器,消弧线圈等。 完整的质量体系,先进的工艺装备合和雄厚的技术力量使本公司的产品质量得到可靠的保证。 我公司产品畅销国内,远销国外,深受国内外好评。 我公司产品已出口至尼泊尔、约旦、孟加拉、巴基斯坦、印度尼西亚、罗马尼亚、泰国、伊朗、也门、苏丹、美国。 欢迎国内外客户同我公司开展业务往来,我公司将竭诚为广大客户服务。 Tianjin Tianbian Transformer Co.,Ltd used to be Tianjin Transformer Works. As a national second-class enterprise,it's designated to produce the transformer up to 110kV by Ministry of Machinery.With advanced technology,strong processing ability,fine equipment,modernized checking devices and perfect quality control system,first-class transformers can be manufactured here.The imported advanced machines are as follows:Swiss foil winding machine,Cut-to-length line for silicon steel sheet from Georg company of Germany,Winding machine from T-J international corp.U.S.A Vacuumbaking stove from table L-B Company of Germany. The products we're producing are as follows:oil-immersed power and distribution transformer up to 110kV,completely sealed transformers,amorphous metal transformers,combination type transformers,and some special transformers like isolation transformer,over transformers,earth transformers,rectifier transformers and arc-extinguishing coils. Our reliable products are based on perfect quality control system,advanced equipment and considerable expertise. Our company have been widely saled to our country and aboard,deeply prided by customers. Welcome to our works and to order, we will kindly service for you, thank you. We have export our company to follow country: Nepal、Jordan、Bangladesh、Pakistan、Indonisia、Romania、Thailand、Iran、Sudan、U.S.A、Yeman. |
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