词条 | 天津康桥心理咨询中心 |
释义 | 康 桥 简 介天津康桥心理咨询中心创办于2003年,系我市首家专业从事心理咨询服务,集心理咨询、心理治疗、心理咨询师培训督导、心理学研究为一体的正规心理咨询机构。以提供最专业的咨询服务为目标,以国内的著名心理学专家及资深心理咨询师为后盾,并与我国著名院校南开大学社会心理学系有着密切的合作关系,同步开发相关心理学及心理行业管理方面的软件。 经过多年的发展和不断的突破,康桥为广大咨询者及企业、社区、学校提供最专业的心理咨询服务,成绩显著。咨询范围涵盖婚恋、家庭情感、青少年心理、人际关系、工作压力、生涯规划、亲子教育、抑郁焦虑等方面。康桥凝聚了一支优秀的心理专家团队,团队中的每一位专家,具有高尚的职业道德,先进的咨询理念,过硬的咨询技术,真诚为每一位来访者提供专业心理支持,排除心理压力,摆脱各种身心失衡现象。目前,康桥在企业EAP(员工心理帮助计划)服务方面也取得了不小的成绩,帮助合作企业有效提高员工生活质量和工作绩效,使员工和企业都能够得到最佳的收益。目前,康桥已发展成为津门最受欢迎,同行业中资历最深,从业人员学历最高,技术最先进、最权威的专业的心理咨询机构之一。 康桥除坐拥河西梅江总部咨询中心外,率先在天津滨海开发区设立分支机构,为滨海开发区的来访者提供了咨询方便,滨海中心致力于提供最专业的VIP个性化私人心理顾问、企业EAP(员工心理帮助计划)、婚姻咨询、青少年心理健康辅导、抑郁强迫等咨询服务。滨海中心秉承康桥心理咨询一贯的高品质服务理念,强大的心理咨询专家团队将为每一位来访者提供最真诚专业的心理咨询服务。 About Cambridge Counseling Center Cambridge Counseling Center, founded in 2003, is the first professional and formal psychological counseling service institution in Tianjin. Associating with psychological research, psychological counseling, psychotherapy and psychological counselor training, the Cambridge Counseling Center which always provides the most professional service by the renowned psychologist and senior psychologist have established closed working relationship with Tianjin"s famous psychological research institutions. Aiming at supplying professional services, the center"s philosophy is not only to be guided by deeply academic research ,but to consider spreading and promoting mental health knowledge as her own responsibility. After years of perseverance and breakthroughs, Cambridge Counseling Center have got great achievements by providing professional counseling services and various training activities to enterprises, communities, schools and the majority of individual. The fields of the center"s services include adolescent psychology consultation, parent-child relationship, marriage, family emotions, relationships, work stress, career planning, depression, anxiety and other areas. There is an outstanding team of psychological experts who have high professional ethics, advanced consulting concept, excellent technical advice and provide sincere psychological support in Cambridge Counseling Center. And our principle of service is understanding you, respecting you, helping you and keeping the secret for you. Combining with consistently professional and high quality service, Cambridge Counseling Center will glad to offer the most sincere counseling services for every visitor. 网 站 介 绍天津心理咨询网,是天津市首家心理咨询专业网站,开设于2003年10月。是由天津市首家心理咨询公司——天津康桥心理咨询有限公司(TIANJIN CAMBRIDGE COUNSELING Co.,Ltd)与南开大学社会心理学系共同运营的,天津康桥心理咨询有限公司的企业网站,同时也是南开大学社会心理学系的实践平台,主要从事心理咨询、行为训练、心理测验及相关软件的开发应用和推广。为社会心理学的理论和实践开拓一方崭新的领域和空间------这是我们努力奋斗的目标。 天津心理咨询网是你心灵的安全栖息地,更是你美好心路历程的起始站。让我们来帮助你,伴随你走入明媚的阳光…… 天津心理咨询网,以国内著名心理学专家为坚强的后盾,把最新科研成果应用于实践,为众多被心理问题所困扰的人们解除心灵深处的“千千结”。 高度的文明和紧张的节奏,使我们每天都承受着莫大的心理压力,当你感到心理高度紧张、压抑、寂寞、无助、焦躁不安时,不妨到天津心理咨询网来。在这 【网站英文介绍】 Tianjin psychological counseling network, opened in October 2003, is the first professional counseling site in the local. It is operated by both TIANJIN CAMBRIDGE COUNSELING Co., Ltd, the first psychological counseling company in Tianjin, and the department of social psychology, Nan-Kai University. Engaging in counseling, behavior training, psychological testing and promoting related psychological testing software The network is not only the corporate website of Cambridge psychological counseling company, but also the practice platform of the teachers’ and the students’ at Nan-Kai University. Her goal is to open up a new areas and space for the theory’s expansion and development practice of social psychology. Tianjin psychological counseling network, having a powerful backing from the renowned psychology experts in china and putting the latest scientific research into practice, have helped too many people plagued by psychological problems out of their confusions. Enjoying the high level of civilization and intensive life rhythm, we are under great psychological pressures today. You can be here to open your heart by the way which you like when you have a high degree of psychological tension, depression, loneliness, helplessness or a restless feeling. Tianjin psychological counseling network, the safety habitat of your tied soul, the starting point of your colorful spiritual, could help you to enjoy your sunshine tomorrow. |
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