

词条 天狐娱乐

Shanghai Fox Entertainment(上海天狐娱乐公司)是亚洲最被圈内人士看好的Large record集团之一、而在中国肃立的威望也是未来的必要。除China Records总公司外、Days of Fox在未来几年Days of Fox将宣誓努力发展与全球五大唱片并名。


不少圈内预言家认为,Days of Fox是神秘切让人疑惑的大型娱乐圈操作集团,Days of Fox自成立以来都不太张扬、低调的狐狸作风引起圈内的好奇。果然,DaysofFox在前段日子对圈内发布的Days of Fox未来五年发展计划中提到了将在09年初正式将Days of original cover Fox

Network(天狐原创翻唱网)推上线。并肃立天狐四大品牌、分别是(明星音乐家族、 天

狐原创音乐交流会、天狐网络歌手争霸赛和天狐星工厂)。细数多年已来,从环球、华纳、BMG和EMI 等

Large record的崛起路线大有不同,SONY MUSIC 则领先的将眼光投向中国音乐市场。有专业人士认为 ,

Days of Fox在金融危机时期宣布推出天狐网及增资10倍投资Music行业其目的是要在Music行业称霸。

Fox-day record in Shanghai归属天狐国际旗下、08年Days of Fox收购了Shanghai Classic图书公司和上


百家娱乐公司达成合作协议。之后Days of Fox斥资互联网、将建设一个音乐分享平台,定名为“Days of ori

ginal cover Fox Network(天狐原创翻唱网)”、独自架设多台独立服务器,Days Fox Network(天狐网)


Fox-day international传媒总裁heyong(何勇)曾在上海复旦大学演讲时称,哈日哈韩时代将会过去,

Chinese music及China Records行业的大市场全被娱乐圈潜规则所影响。受到网络歌曲免费下载和MP3的高

调入市导致近年来China Records集团屡屡受挫,在面对各行歌手疯狂发行单曲的凌乱音乐时代,China


位实在是对其他歌手的不尊重行为。SP的权威性质或许创造了新的歌手谋生平台,各大 Records相互进入

腐败时代,各种谋生手段相继而出... ...

21世纪崛起速度最快的 Record

(音像制品制作,出版,发行)Days of Fox,全娱乐系列包装推广及打造




Fox Group(天狐集团)成行业中的后起之秀。发掘人才,培养人才和留住人才是Days foxCEO(总裁)

对公司内部结构的基本定位。从此,Days Fox便走上传奇的发展道路。08年7月Days Fox 定位性的收购

了On singing culture传媒和States United States Music唱片,08年8月收购了Shanghai Classic图书发展




Days Fox 让我Show、Music由我主宰,是Days Fox 系列活动中不变的标语。对Records

行业来讲,21世纪特别是08年,是对任何企业都不利的一个冰冷的季节,Days Fox


小的挑战。而面临的挑战并未给予Days Fox多大的压力,反致使多家表演艺术团及一些演

出机构归纳入Days Fox旗下。相对于已经成型及拥有多年来大牌明星的Old record,Days


星的到场及入住Days Fox进行娱乐秀通告。然而Days Fox更看重的不是已经成名和成名许

久的老气之星了。Days Fox娱乐艺人经纪“anan”啊楠的想法则是花最大的力气,最多的心

思,动用最大的资源和资金来打造属于Days Fox旗下的一线明星团队。这一想法也很顺利


Days of Fox Entertainment Forum

Days of Fox Entertainment Forum(天狐娱乐论坛),华人乐坛最拥有权威性的交流社区!






钢琴专区、吉他专区、乐器交流、 精品乐曲、古典风格、

流行抒情、R&B.RAP、HIP HOP、宫调风格、明星演出、




唱片公司目光。原创作品买卖、推荐、宣传、推广、试听、Days of Fox Entertainment Forum


找演唱会会信息及唱片公司资料等,论坛都应有尽有。Days of FoxEntertainment Forum



『Shanghai of China's five major record labels Days Fox』

2008年12月1日,Fox-day record上海总公司通过韩SME官网发布一则娱乐圈十大潜规则的相关软文该软文


,Shanghai-dayinternational record companies Fox相关负责人也表示将


来救援总共7家面临倒闭的中Small record company。同时也强烈谴责那些




Days of Fox 群星歌友会由天狐举办的群星歌友会已在09年4月份已成功的举办多场

。据悉;Days of Fox 将在09年举办100多场,大型的演唱会。这一盛大的群星歌友会启


认为,Days of Fox 的发展以最前端,以新型的创新和举办让更多的圈内艺人也随之牵

引Days of Fox 。


Days of Fox Entertainment

Shanghai Fox Entertainment (Shanghai Days Fox Entertainment) is Asia's most promisingby insiders

Largerecord collection One, which stood in China is very high prestige. In addition to outside China

Records Corporation, Days of Fox in the next few Almost in the top five record labels and with the gl

obal name. Manycircles that the prophet, Days of Fox is the mysterious large-scale cutting people e

ntertain doubts Operation of the Group of circles, since the establishment of day Fox are not too una

ssuming, low-key style fox circlecuriosity aroused. Sure enough, Days of Fox on the circle in the prec

eding days Days of Fox released the next five-year development plan referred to in early 2009 forma

lly Days of original cover Fox Network (Fox-day network of original cover) onto the line. And stood fou

r-day Fox brands, respectively (Star Music Fun family day exchange fox original music, singer-day Ch

ampionship Fox network and Fox Star Factory days). List over the years has come from the world, W

arner, BMG and EMI, etc. Large record is very different from the rise of the road, SONY MUSIC is lead

ing to look Into the Chinese music market. There are professionals who believe that,Days of Fox in th

e financial crisis during the Fox network announced the launch day and voted 10 times to increase M

usic industry-funded and its aim is to dominate in the Music industry.

Fox-day record in Shanghai Fox International's ownership of days, 2008 Days

of Fox acquired Shanghai Classic Books Takako Company and the

Shanghai Cultural Publishing House, the two companies over the same

period withthe days of Fox's attribution. And has secured a number of

entertainment magazines published weekly Right. After hundreds of

entertainment and the Shanghai Cooperation Agreement reached. Days

of Fox to spend after the Internet, to build a music-sharing Platform,

known as "Days of original cover Fox Network (Fox-day network of original

cover),"more than set up its own independent service , And not on the

line given in the Days Fox Network (Fox network days)crownon the Asia's

largest portal name.

Fox-day international media, President heyong (Yong) had a speech at Fudan Universit

y in Shanghai, said Han har era Kazakhstan The past, Chinese music and the China Records

industries were the largest market for the entertainment business potential impact of the rules.

Free songsby the network MP3 downloads and led to the high-profileChina Records Group in

recent years repeatedlyfrustrated in the face of the single line of singer crazy issued Ling

Chaos music era, China Records industriesneed to straighten out the traditional development

model, but also hope that the major radio and television music Ranking False means to correct

list, bought the top bit is a singer of other acts of disrespect. Perhaps the authority of the nature

of SP to create a new singer To make a living platform for mutual accessto major corruption

Records era, a variety of means of livelihood have been out of ... ...

21 fastest rise Record

(Audio-visual production, publishing, distribution) days of the Fox Group,

the entire entertainment series packaging topromote and create new exc

avation on the integrated star Training. The arts in 2008from Shanghai

Yong Man (He Yong) to spend theformation. Unique experience and exc

ellent behindthe scenes The elite team, with the result Days

Fox Group (Fox-day group) into an up and comer in the industry. To explore

and training talents and Retain talent is Days foxCEO (president) of the interna

structure of the company's fundamental position. Since then, Days Fox will em

bark on the legendary Development. July 2008 Days Fox positioning of the ar

quisition of On singing culture mediaand the States United States Music records,

in August 2008 acquisition of Shanghai Classic Books Takako DevelopmentCo.

, Ltd. and Shanghai Culture Publishing House, at the same time And the Shang

hai area reached more than 170 entertainment-agencycooperation to share resources. South Korea

in late October with the establishment of strategic partnership record YEA Partnership in November -

12, respectively, on 47 cities across the country set up an office. The establishment has beenless than

a year and in China One of the five major record labels.

business to the first intersection

Days Fox Let me Show, Music is the key for me is a

series of activities in Days Fox slogan unchanged

. Records in terms of industry, The 21st century,

especially in 2008 and is detrimental to any busines

s are a cold season, DaysFox Group has just set up on the run into a hundred 难遇years of financial

crisis, although for the entertainment business is not damaged, but it is also not a small wave of chal

lenges. And not given the challenges facing How much pressure Days Fox, anti-resulting in more than

performance art troupe, and some bodies into the performance's DaysFox. Compared with the alread

y Shape and has a big star over the years the Old record, Days Fox has its own development model

and the survival of the concept of innovation. Days Fox may be invited to or even arranged a lot of k

ings and the star of the scene days later and admitted Days Fox entertainment show circular. Howev

er Days Fox More important than fame and fame has long been老气Star. Days Fox Entertainment Ar

tists Agency "anan" ah-nan idea is to spend The largest effort, the most thought, the greatest use ofr

esources and funds to build Days Fox's fall line-Star team. This The idea is also very well recognized

. A result, intends to sign a group of South Korean Days Fox did not stop to lose artists, direct out.

Fox-day forum

Days of Fox Entertainment Forum, the Chinese have the

most authoritative music sharing

community! Forum sections include:

Official notice, the complainant suggested that original music,

cover music, singing distortion revision, Accompanied by supply and demand,

the sale of works of creative exchange, appreciation of music and lyrics,

midi notes, The search for production, new reports, entertainment gossip,

mapping the world, and fans get together Artist exchanges, family communication,

family PK games, music, life, fashion magazine, Area piano, guitar area, music

al instruments, exchange, quality music, classical style, Lyric pop, R & B. RAP, HIP HOP, p

alace-style tune, star performances, Artists Agency, the activities of information, record co

mpanies, Also for a number of new stars from the area in particular section opened. Days

are days of Fox Entertainment Forum fox original network exchange center. Forum features a full, classi

fied the large number of firms to attract the music of the singer And record company attentio

n. The sale of original works, recommended, publicity, promotion, Audition, Days of Fox Entertainment

Forum is undoubtedly your best choice. Artists looking for agents and brokers artists can go to find

and publish the relevant section Information. Will find information and concert information, such as rec

ord companies, the Forum are available. Days of Fox Entertainment Forum - work together with you to

build the largest Chinese-language forum for the music community!

Shanghai Days Fox

1 December, 2008, Fox-day record of Shanghai Han SME Corporation issued

an official network ofthe top ten entertainment business rules related to potential

soft-text The article claimed that the world will enter the latest crossecord times,

and said the entertainment business in some of the darkest unspoken rules,

Shanghai-day international record companies Fox also said that the relevant person

in charge will lead and help the company in Shanghaiecord part of the winter, and

Will provide behind-the-scenes experience and funding to rescue a total of seven face

closurein the Small record company. At the same time, that is also strongly condemn

those who For allies and rivals for the peer-ecord the interests of the company in order

to constantly create new rules to the potential impact of adverse environmental ecord

industry practices.





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