

词条 谈和平










指导硕士生29人(已毕业19人),有1人获黑龙江省优秀硕士学位论文。指导博士生16人(已毕业10人),有3人获哈工大优秀博士学位论文奖,1人获2004年度全国百篇优秀博士学位论文奖,1人获2005年度全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名奖;获航天部、航天工业总公司、国家教委科技进步二等奖各一项。研究结果在J. Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer,AIAA J. Thermophysics and Heat Transfer,ASME J. Heat Transfer,Int. J. Thermal Sciences,Numerical Heat Transfer,Rev. Phys. Appl.(法国应用物理杂志),红外与毫米波学报,工程热物理学报,宇航学报,航空学报,太阳能学报等国内外核心期刊上发表论文200余篇,被SCI收录71篇,EI收录108篇。发表的论文被国内外同行他引280余篇次,其中SCI他引131余次,国外专著他引24篇次,他引的作者分布:美国、英国、德国、法国、意大利、俄罗斯、加拿大、印度、韩国、伊朗、日本、突尼斯、波兰、中国、香港等。



1. Tan HP,Lallemand M,Transient radiative-conductive heat transfer in flat glasses submitted to temperature,flux and mixed boundary conditions,Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer,1989,32(5):795-810.( SCI、EI收录,SCI他引29次,国外其它他引2次)

2. Tan HP,Maestre B,Lallemand M,Transient and steady-state combined heat transfer in semi-transparent materials subjectied to a pulse or a step irradiation,ASME J. Heat Transfer,1991,113(1):166-173.(SCI、EI收录,SCI他引10次,国外专著他引4次)

3. Tan HP,Ruan LM,Xia XL,Yu QZ,Timothy WT,Transient coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer in an absorbing,emitting and scattering medium,Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer,1999,42(15):2967-2980.(SCI、EI收录,SCI他引4次,国外专著他引1次)

4. Tan HP,Ruan LM,Timothy WT,Temperature response in absorbing,isotropic scattering medium caused by laser pulse,Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer,2000,43(2):311-320.(SCI、EI收录,SCI他引3次,国外专著他引2次)

5. Tan HP,Wang PY,Xia XL,Transient coupled radiation and conduction in an absorbing and scattering composite layer,AIAA J. Thermophysics and Heat Transfer,2000,14(1):77-87.(SCI、EI收录,SCI 他引3次,国外专著他引1次)

6. Tan HP,Luo JF,Xia XL,Transient coupled radiation and conduction in a three-layer composite with semitransparent specular interfaces and surfaces,ASME J. Heat Transfer,2002,124(3):470-481.(SCI、EI收录,SCI他引1次)

7. Tan HP,Luo JF,Xia XL,Yu QZ,Transient Coupled Heat Transfer in Multilayer Composite with One Specular Boundary Coated,Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer,2003,46(4):731-747.(SCI、EI收录,SCI他引1次)

8. Tan HP,Huang Y,Xia XL,Solution of Radiative Heat Transfer in a Semitransparent Slab with an Arbitrary Refractive Index Distribution and Diffuse Gray Boundaries,Int. J. Heat Mass and Transfer,2003,46(11):2005-2014.(SCI、EI收录,SCI他引1次)

9. Tan HP,Yi HL,Temperature response in participating media with anisotropic scattering caused by pulsed lasers,J. Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2004,15,87(2):175-192.(SCI、EI收录)

10.Tan HP,Yi HL,Wang PY,Ruan LM,Timothy WT,Ray tracing method for transient coupled heat transfer in an anisotropic scattering layer,Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer,2004,47(19-20):4045-4059.(SCI、EI收录)

11.Tan HP,Zhang HC,Zhen B,Estimation of ray effect and false scattering in approximate solution method for thermal radiative transfer equation,Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications,2004,46(8):807-829.(SCI、EI收录)

12.Tan HP,Shuai Y,Xia XL,Zhang HC,Reliability of Stray Light Calculation Code using the Monte Carlo Method,Optical Engineering,2005,44(2):Art. No.023001.(SCI收录)





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