

词条 孙明春

















宏观经济, 货币政策,企业战略和经济管理







1. Weaving a two-sided Network: Winning strategies in network platform competition. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2007.

2. Will the RMB Devalue? China Commerce Publishing House, Beijing, China, April 1998.



1. “Resource Accumulation and Strategic Alternatives in Two-Sided Markets.” (Co-author: Edison Tse) Forthcoming, at the Journal of Management Studies, 2008.

2. “Sustainable Growth of Payment Card Networks: A Two-Sided Market Approach.” (Co-author: Edison Tse) Journal of Business Strategies, Vol. 24(2), 2007.

3. “When Does the Winner Take All in Two-Sided Markets?” (Co-author: Edison Tse) Review of Network Economics, Vol. 6(1), March 2007.

4. “The Diffusion of Competing Technology Standards.” (Co-author: Edison Tse) In K. Mark Weaver (Ed.), Proceedings of the Sixty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CD), ISSN 1543-8643, 2006.

5. “Policies for Protection.” Harvard China Review, Harvard China Forum & the Cambridge China Institute, Cambridge, USA, Spring, 1999.


1. “Dilemmas in the PBC's Monetary Policy.” Studies of International Finance, China International Finance Association, Beijing, January. 2008.

2. “Theoretical Analysis for Central Bank Intervention.” World Economy, Institute of World Economy and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, May 1998.

3. “Theoretical Analysis for Establishing a New Mechanism for China's Credit Market.” (Co-author: Liu Ming) Comparative Economic and Social System, Institute of Contemporary Marxism, Beijing, Jan. 1998.

4. “Exchange Rate, Interest Rate and Arbitrage: A Case Study in China.” (Co-author: Ping Zhang) Financial Studies, Chinese Society of Finance and Banking, Beijing, August 1997.

5. “How to Cope with International Capital Flow.” Studies of International Finance, China International Finance Association, Beijing, Feb. 1997.

6. “Policy Suggestions for the Control over Arbitrage Capital.” (Co-author: Zhang Ping) China Foreign Exchange Administration, State Administration of Foreign Exchange, Beijing, No.1, 1997.

7. “Establish a Monitoring Network and Forecasting System for RMB Exchange Rate.” (Co-author: Xuesheng Liu) The People's Daily, Beijing, Nov.17, 1995.

8. “On the Relationship of Renminbi (RMB) Exchange Rate and the Cost of Exports: A revisit.” Finance & Trade Economics, Institute of Finance & Trade Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, August, 1995.

9. “The Change of Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rates of RMB in 1994.” China Foreign Exchange Administration, State Administration of Foreign Exchange, Beijing, No.4, 1995.

10. “Improving the RMB Exchange Rate Regime.” (Co-author: Xu Jiandong) China Forex Market, China Foreign Exchange Trading System, Shanghai, April 1995.

11. “On the Behavior of Evading Foreign Exchange Control.” (Co-author: Ping Zhang) Economic Science, Peking University, Beijing, No. 3, 1995.

12. “RMB Exchange Rate Outlook.” (Co-author: Xu Jiandong) Studies of International Finance, China International Finance Association, Beijing, March. 1995.

13. “Exchange Rate Policy of RMB and the Concerned Policy Coordination.” Management World, Development Research Center of the State Council, Beijing, No. 2, 1995.

14. “Toward a Rational RMB Exchange Rate.” International Trade Journal, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, Jan. 1995.

15. “Policy Coordination with RMB Exchange Rate Policy.” China Foreign Exchange Administration, State Administration of Foreign Exchange, Beijing, No.1, 1995.

16. “Choices for a Managed-Floating System of RMB.” Studies of International Finance, China International Finance Association, Beijing, Dec. 1994.

17. “Comparative Study on the Development and Supervision of Foreign Futures Market.” (Co-author: Zhang Ping) Reform and Theories, Chinese Communist Party Central University, Beijing, Sept. 1994.

18. “On the Influences of the Reform of Exchange Control System on the Monetary Policies in China.” Jing Ji Yan Jiu (Economic Research Journal), Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, August, 1994.

19. “Foreign Exchange Risks Faced by Trade Companies under the New Foreign Exchange Regime.” Foreign Economic and Trade Study, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC), Beijing, July, 1994.

20. “Adjustment of High-Powered Money under the New Foreign Exchange Regime.” International Finance Herald, International Finance Society of South China, Guangzhou, No.5, 1994.

21. “An Analysis for Central Bank Independence in China.” (Co-author: Liu Ming) Reform of Economic System, Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, Chengdu, No.3, 1994.

22. “The Development of APEC and the Change of US Economic Strategy in the Asia-Pacific Region.” (Co-author: Ping Zhang) Asia-Pacific Economic Review, Institute of Asia-Pacific Economic Studies, Fujian Academy of Social Sciences, Fuzhou, No. 2, 1994.

23. “A Study on RMB Interest Rate Liberalization.” (B.A. Thesis) Financial Studies, Chinese Society of Finance and Banking, Beijing, Nov. 1993.




他分析称,首先,国内情况比较稳定。在连续7 个季度的去库存化后,目前留存的库存空间已很小,去库存化对于GDP的波动影响相应减弱。所以,只要2010年的最终需求增长仍然强劲,实际GDP增速就不可能会再次出现2009年一季度GDP6.1%的这一水平。其次,欧债危机爆发对于中国经济所产生的实际影响远不及2008-2009年全球衰退的冲击大,本次危机影响甚深区域目前看来只局限于欧洲,欧洲对于中国出口的影响比例大概在20%上下,而全球衰退的那段时间内不仅是欧洲,美国、日本和多数发达经济体都处在困境中,中国出口市场陷入衰退的比例在50%以上。所以,可以得出的结论是:今年即便欧元区出现2009年那样的经济衰退,中国的出口也不会再现去年的跌幅。


总结分析上述内外因素之后,孙明春指出,目前中国经济所面临的主要风险是在没有紧缩公共投资的前提之下,大幅紧缩信贷,如此下去 中国经济低通胀型的增长模式就极有可能会发生改变,进而使得明年的CPI 通胀高于预期,给央行带来更大的紧缩压力,让经济发展更加失衡。





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