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孙东怀等,2010-2014,“西北干旱区环境演变的地质过程与动力机制” (国家973项目“晚新生代以来我国季风-干旱环境耦合系统演变的动力学机制”之第一课题),批准号:2010CB833401


1) Sun Donghuai, Bloemendal Jan, Yi Zhiyu, Zhu Yanhu, Wang Xin, Zhang Yuebao, Li Zaijun, Wang Fei, Han Fei and Zhang Yan, Palaeomagnetic and palaeoenvironmental study of two parallel sections of late Cenozoic strata in the central Taklimakan Desert: Implications for the desertification of the Tarim Basin, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology In Press, Accepted Manuscript.

2) Sun Donghuai, Zhang Yuebao, Han Fei, Zhang Yan, Yi Zhiyu, Li Zaijun, Wang Fei, Wu Sheng and Li Baofeng, Magnetostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental records for a Late Cenozoic sedimentary sequence from Lanzhou, Northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Global and Planetary Change In Press, Accepted Manuscript.

3) Sun Donghuai, Su Ruixia, Li Zaijun and Lu Huayu, The ultrafine component in Chinese loess and its variation over the past 7.6 Ma: implications for the history of pedogenesis, Sedimentology In Press, Accepted Manuscript.

4) Sun Donghuai, Su Ruixia., Bloemendal Jan. and Lu Huayu, 2008, Grain-size and accumulation rate records from Late Cenozoic aeolian sequences in northern China: Implications for variations in the East Asian winter monsoon and westerly atmospheric circulation, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 264 (1-2): 39-53.

5) Sun Donghuai, Su Ruixia., McConnaughey Ted A. and Bloemendal Jan, 2008, Variability of skeletal growth and δ13C in massive corals from the South China Sea: Effects of photosynthesis, respiration and human activities, Chemical Geology 255: 414-425.

6) Sun Donghuai, Michael K. Gagan, Hai Cheng, Heather Scott-Gagan, Carolyn A. Dykoski, R. Lawrence Edwards, Ruixia Su, 2005, Seasonal and interannual variability of the Mid-Holocene East Asian monsoon in coral δ18O records from the South China Sea, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 237: 69- 84.

7) Sun Donghuai, 2004, Monsoon and westerly circulation changes recorded in the Late Ceenozoic Aeolian sequences of Northern China, Global and Planetary Changes, 41: 63-80.

8) Sun Donghuai, Jan Bloemendal, David K.Rea, An Zhisheng, Jef Vandenberghe, Lu Huayu, Su Ruixia, Liu Tungsheng, 2004, Bimodal grain-size distribution of Chinese loess, and its palaeoclimatic implications, Catena, 55(3): 325-340.

9) Sun Donghuai, Chen Fahu, Bloemendal Jan and Su Ruixia, 2003, Seasonal variability of modern dust over the Loess Plateau of China, Journal of Geophysical Reasearch, 108(D21), 4665, doi: 10. 1029/ 2003JD003382, 1-10.

10) Sun donghuai, An Zhisheng, Su Ruixia, Lu Huayu and Sun Youbin, 2003, Eolian sedimentary records for the evolution of monsoon and westerly circulations of northern China in the last 2.6 Ma, Science in China Ser. D, 46(10): 1049-1059.

11) Sun Donghuai, Liu Yu and Tan Min, 2002, Digital image analysis of palaeoenvironmental records and applications, Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(23): 1957-1963.

12) Sun Donghuai, Bloemendal J, Rea D K, Vandenberghe J, Jiang Fuchu, An Zhisheng and Su Ruixia, 2002, Grain-size distribution function of polymodal sediments in hydraulic and Aeolian environments, and numerical partitioning of the sedimentary components, Sedimentary Geology, 152(3-4): 263-277.

13) Sun Donghuai, An Zhisheng, Su Ruixia, Wu Xihao, Wang Sumin, Sun Qianli, Rea D K and Vandenberghe J, 2001, Mathematical approach to sedimentary component partitioning of polymodal sediments and its applications, Progress in Nature Science, 11(5): 374-382.

14) Sun Donghuai, John Shaw, An Zhisheng, Cheng Minyang and Yue Leping, 1998,Magnetostratigraphy and paleoclimatic interpretation of a continuous 7.2Ma Late Cenozoic eolian sediments from the Chinese Loess Plateau, Geophysical Research Letter, 25(1), 85-88.

15) Sun Donghuai, An Zhisheng, J. Shaw J. Bloemendal and Sun Youbin, 1998,Magnetostratigraphy and Palaeoclimatic significance of Late Tertiary Aeolian Sequences in the Chinese Loess Plateau, Geophysical Journal International, 134,207-212.

16) Sun Donghuai, Liu Tungsheng, Chen Minyang and An Zhisheng, 1997, Magnetostratigraphy and palaeoclimate of Red Clay sequences from Chinese loess Plateau, Science in China(D), 40,337-343.

17) Sun Donghuai, Wu Xihao and Liu Tungsheng, 1996, Evolution of the summer monsoon regime over the loess plateau of the last 150ka, Science in China (D), 39, 503-511.

18) Sun Donghuai, Zhou Jie, Jiang Fuchu and Porter SC, 1996, Preliminary study on the summer monsoon climate of Chinese loess plateau during the last interglacial period, Chinese Science Bulletin, 41,321-325.

19) Sun Donghuai, John Shaw, An Zhisheng and Tim Rolph, 1993,Matuyama/Brunhes (M/B) transition recorded in Chinese loess, Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoeclectrisity, 45, 319-330.

20) Su Ruixia, Sun Donghuai, Chen Hai, Chen Xiaoming and Li Zaijun, 2009, Evolution of Asian monsoon variability revealed by oxygen isotopic record of middle Holocene massive coral in the northern South China Sea. Quaternary International, 213(1-2): 56-68.

21)Su Ruixia, Sun Donghuai, Bloemendal Jan and Zhu Zhaoyu, 2006, Temporal and spatial variability of the oxygen isotopic composition of massive corals from the South China Sea: influence of the Asian monsoon. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 240(3-4): 630-648.

22) Gao Rongzhen, Sun Donghuai, Wang Dongxiao and Yang Xiaoyi, 2005, Cloudiness regime shift during 1946-1992 recorded by coral in the South China Sea, Acta Oceanological Sinca, 24(5):27-34.

23) Jef vandenberghe, Lu Huayu and Sun DongHuai, 2004, The late Miocene and Pliocene climate in East Asia as recorded by grain size and magnetic susceptibility of the Red Clay deposits (Chinese loess Plateau) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 204, 239-255.

24) Xiong Shangfa and Sun Donghuai, Aeolian origin of the red earth in southeast China, 2002, Journal of Quaternary Science, 17: 181-191.

25) Lu Huayu and Sun Donghuai, 2000, Pathways of dust input to the Chinese loess plateau during the last glacial and interglacial periods, Catena, 40, 2000, 251-261.

26) Li Baosheng, Zhang David Dian, Jin Heling, Wu Zheng, Yan Mancun, Sun Wu, Zhu Yizhi and Sun Donghuai, 2000, Paleo-monsoon activities of Mu Us Desert, China since 150 ka B.P. — a study of the stratigraphic sequences of the Milanggouwan Section, Salawusu River area, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 162(1-2): 1-16.

27) Wu Xihao, Jiang Fuchu, Xiao Huaguo, Xue Bin and Sun Donghuai, 1999, Mangshan loess on China’ s Central Plain and its response to tectonic movement and climate, Science in China Ser. D, 42 (5): 465-473.

28) An Zhisheng, Wang Sumin, Wu Xihao, Chen Mingyang, Sun Donghuai, Liu Xiuming, Wang Fubao, Li Li, Sun Youbin and Zhou Weijian, 1999, Eolian evidence from the Chinese Loess Plateau: the onset of the Late Cenozoic Great Glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau uplift forcing , Science in China Ser. D, 42 (3): 258-271.

29) Li Baosheng, Jin Heling, Lü Haiyan, Zhu Yizhi, Dong Guangrong, Sun Donghuai, Zhang Jiashen, Gao Quanzhou and Yan Mancun, 1998, Processes of the deposition and vicissitude of Mu Us Desert, China since 150 ka B.P. , Science in China Ser. D, 41(3): 248-254.

30) Lu Huayu, Li Li Huang Xiangping; Sun Youbin and Sun Donghuai, 1996, East Asia winter monsoon oscillation and its correlation with the North Atlantic Heinrich events during the last glaciation, Progress in Nature Science, 6(6): 711-717.

31) Liu Tungsheng, An Zhisheng, Chen Minyang and Sun Donghuai, 1996, A correlation between southern and northern hemispheres during the last 0.6Ma, Science in China Ser. D, 39(2): 113-120.

32) An Zhisheng, Porter S C, Chappell J, Shackleton N T, Sun Donghuai, Zhang Xiaoye, Zhou Weijian and Zhang Deer, 1995, Accumulation sequence of Chinese loess and climatic records of Greenland ice core during the last 130ka, Chinese Science Bulletin, 40: 1272-1276.





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