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释义 | 阿尔-凯达,阿拉伯语القاعدة ,拉丁字母标记Al Qaeda、Al-Qaida、Al-Qa'ida,通常译为基地组织,是极端的伊斯兰恐怖组织。 介绍新基地组织 布什、萨达姆和“基地”组织 如果我们暂时忘记了华盛顿掌握的有关萨达姆和“基地”组织有染的证据是完全错误的这一事实,并且把为什么犯如此错误的话题搁置在一边,我们就能够把焦点集中到:乔治·W·布什想要把这些证据变成真的。这就能解释为什么美国总统的反国际恐怖的战争在远没有成为像事先许诺的那样是一场精确寻找目标的战争后变得不可收拾。 国会对“9.11”恐怖袭击的咨询已经证实了没有发现“基地”组织和萨达姆·侯赛因之间有任何联系。乌萨马·本·拉丹仅有一次向伊拉克寻求支持,但是没人理他。现在也一致认为萨达姆的强大的大规模杀伤性武器计划事件已经过去了。布什和他的联军同盟者发动战争的两个理由,使伊拉克陷入今天混乱局面的理由已被证实是完全错误的。 然而令人意外的事实是尽管在伊拉克战争中死了约600名美国士兵,花费了数十亿美元的美国纳税人的钱,大多数美国人仍然没有为他们国家的错误行动而担忧。剩下的就是所谓萨达姆和“基地”组织的联系。在1月份,受人尊敬的卡内基基金会报告说他们找不到恐怖分子和伊拉克之间的任何联系。这个观点现在已经被国会的委员会证实了。星期一,当面对所有相反的证据,副总统迪克·切尼仍然重申伊拉克和“基地”组织之间有着“长期的”联系。公众对此没什么反应。 不管布什多么相信是他把伊拉克人民从一个残酷的暴君手中解放了出来,大白的事实是自从去年3月20日,美国的第一颗巡航导弹攻击巴格达开始,整个世界已经变得更危险,国际恐怖主义非但没有遭到致命一击反而变得更猖獗。《阿拉伯新闻》戴维/译 ISLAMABAD, July 29 (Xinhuanet) -- Pakistani Interior Minister Makhdoom Faisal Saleh Hayat said on Thursday that Pakistan has captured Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, an al-Qaeda suspect in connection with US embassy bombings in Africa. Pakistan has arrested Ahmed Khalfan Gha ilani, a Tanzanian al-Qaida suspect with a 5-million-dollar reward on his head in connection with the dual 1998 bombings at US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the interior minister said Friday. Ghailani, who is on the FBI's most wanted list, was captured on Sunday after a 12-hour exchange of fire in the eastern industrial city of Gujrat along with at least 15 others, Hayyat told Pakistan's Geo television network. "He was arrested a few days ago in an operation by security agencies in Gujrat," Hayyat said. "He was among the foreigners arrested in that operation." Ghailani is under indictment in the United States for the bombings, which killed more than 200 people, including 12 Americans. According to the Pakistani interior minister, the suspect s being held at an undisclosed location in Pakistan, but might be turned over to US authorities after investigations are completed. |
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