

词条 宋远红

宋远红, 女,汉族,1968年出生,教授,博士生导师。2004年在大连理工大学获博士学位,2008年被列入教育部“新世纪优秀人才”支持计划,曾主持和参加了国家自然科学基金、973计划ITER相关基础研究等研究工作,在国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文三十篇,于2006年获得辽宁省自然科学二等奖。主要研究方向为:复杂等离子体物理、粒子束与物质相互作用机理、量子等离子体和表面等离子激发的理论研究。现为中大连理工大学物理与光电工程学院副教授,中国计算物理学会辽宁分会秘书长。








宋远红, 女,1968年出生,教授,博士生导师。2004年在大连理工大学获博士学位,2008年被列入教育部“新世纪优秀人才”支持计划,现为中国计算物理学会辽宁分会秘书长 。曾主持和参加了国家自然科学基金、973计划ITER相关基础研究等研究工作,在国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文三十篇,于2006年获得辽宁省自然科学二等奖。主要研究方向为:复杂等离子体物理、粒子束与物质相互作用机理、量子等离子体和表面等离子激发的理论研究。



1990.9—1993.4 大连理工大学等离子体物理专业 硕士研究生学习

1986.9—1990.7 大连理工大学物理系 本科学习

2001.4—至今 大连理工大学物理与光电工程学院 副教授

2008.6—至今 大连理工大学物理与光电工程学院 博士生导师

1999.9—2004.7 大连理工大学等离子体物理专业 博士研究生学习











1.Y. H. Song, D. Zhao, and Y. N. Wang, Kinetic study on self-energy and stopping power of charged particles moving in metallic carbon nanotubes, Physical Review A 78, 012901(2008).

2.C. Z. Li, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, Interactions of a Charged Particle with Parallel Two-Dimensional Quantum Electron gases, Chinese Physics Letters 25, 2981 (2008).

3.D. Zhao, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, Kinetic study on channeling of protons in metallic carbon nanotubes, Chinese Physics Letters 25, 2588 (2008).

4.C. Z. Li, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, Wake effects and stopping power for a charged particle moving above two-dimensional quantum electron gases, Physics Letters A 372, 4500 (2008).

5.S. Wang, X. Xu, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, Frequency matching effects on Characteristics of bulk plasmas and sheaths for dual-frequency capacitively coupled Argon discharges: one-dimensional fluid simulation, Plasma Science and Technology 10, 57 (2008).

6.K. Jiang, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, Theoretical study of the wave dispersion relation for a two-dimensional strongly coupled Yukawa system in a magnetic field, Physics of Plasmas 14, 103708 (2007).

7.Z. L. Miskovic, Y. N. Wang, Y. H. Song, Dynamics of fast molecular ions in solids and plasmas: A review of recent theoretical developments, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 256, 57-65 (2007).

8.D. P. Zhou, Y. H. Song, Y. N. Wang, Z. L. Miskovic, Coulomb explosions and stopping of molecular ions channeled through carbon nanotubes, Physical Review A 73, 033202 (2006).

9.X. M. Yin, Y. H. Song, Y. N. Wang, Influence of Incident Velocity on the Penetration for C20 Clusters Moving Through Oxides, Chinese Physical Letters 23, 2741-2744 (2006).

10.Y. H. Song, Y. N. Wang, Z. L. Miskovic, Vicinage effects in energy loss and electron emission during grazing scattering of heavy molecular ions from a solid surface, Physical Review A 72, 012903 (2005).

11.Y. H. Song, Y. N. Wang, Z. L. Miskovic, Theoretical study of swift molecular ions specularly reflected from solid surfaces under glancing angle of incidence, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 230, 158-164 (2005).

12.Z. L. Miskovic, F. O. Goodman, Y. H. Song, Y. N. Wang, Stochastic effects of charge transfer on image interaction and plasmon excitation in ion-surface grazing scattering, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 230, 391-397 (2005).

13.Y. H. Song, Y. N. Wang, Z. L. Miskovic, Kinetic electron emission induced by grazing scattering of heavy ions from metal surface, Physical Review A 68, 022903 (2003).

14.G. Q. Wang, Y. H. Song, Y. N. Wang, and Z.L.Miskovic, Influence of laser field on Coulomb explosions and stopping power for swift molecular ions with solids, Physical Review A 66, 042901 (2002).

15.Y. H. Song and Y. N. Wang, Energy loss of heavy ions specularly reflected from surfaces under glancing-angle incidence, Physical Review A 63, 052902 (2001).

16.Y. H. Song and Y. N. Wang, Influence of laser field on stopping power of energetic ions in solids, Physical Letter A 285, 183-190 ( 2001).

17.Y. H. Song,Y. N. Wang, Numerical simulation for H+ ion-surface scattering under grazing incidence, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B153, 186-190 (1999).

18.宋远红,王友年,宫野,氢离子在固体表面掠角散射与能量损失的数值模拟,物理学报, Vol. 48, 1275-1281 (1999)。

19.Y. N. Wang and Y. H. Song, Coulomb explosion patterns for swift hydrogen molecular ions penetrating through solids, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 153, 26-30 (1999).

20.Y. H. Song, Y. N. Wang, Effects of ion-nucleus sizes on the electronics stopping power for heavy ions in solids, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 135, 124-127 (1998).









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