

词条 宋树丰

男,1982年12月生,吉林人,2002年考入石家庄铁道学院材料科学与工程分院,2006年毕业,获工学学士学位。同年考入中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所材料物理与化学,师从温兆银研究员,从事钠硫电池玻璃封接材料的研究,于2011年获得工学博士学位。 在攻读博士学位期间,以第一作者身份发表了10余篇外文文章,共申请了6项发明专利,多次受邀参加国际学术会议。在钠硫电池的封接环节中提出了低温封接的概念。代表作如下:

1. Shufeng Song, Zhaoyin Wen, Yu Liu, Qunxi Zhang, Xiangwei Wu, Jingchao Zhang,

Jinduo Han, Influence of dopants on the crystallization of borosilicate glass,

Ceramics International, 35 (2009) 3037-3042.

2. Shufeng Song, Zhaoyin Wen, Qunxi Zhang, Yu Liu, A novel Bi-doped borosilicate

glass as sealant for sodium sulfur battery Part 1: Thermophysical characteristics and

structure, Journal of Power Sourses, 95 (2010) 384-388.

3. Shufeng Song, Zhaoyin Wen, Yu Liu, Qunxi Zhang, Jingchao Zhang, Xiangwei Wu,

Crystallization, microstructure and physical property of new types of borosilicate

glass-ceramics, Ceramic Transactions, 210 (2010) 125-130.

4. Shufeng Song, Zhaoyin Wen, Qunxi Zhang, Liu Yu, The effect of substitution of

Bi2O3 for alkali oxides on thermal properties, structure and wetting behavior of the

borosilicate glass, Materials Letters, 64 (2010) 1025-1027.

5. Shufeng Song, Zhaoyin Wen, Qunxi Zhang, Yu Liu, Jiu Lin, Xiaogang Xu, New

glass-ceramics sealants for NA/S battery, Journal of solid state electrochemistry,

14 (2010)1735-1740.





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