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释义 | 李祥霆先生历时一载,推出《唐人诗意》姊妹篇《宋人词意》。这张唱片辑录了晏殊、欧阳修、苏轼、秦观、柳永、李清照、辛弃疾等宋代著名词人的《浣溪沙》、《清平乐》、《诉衷肠》、《水调歌头》、《雨霖铃》、《如梦令》等词牌。 专辑介绍中文名称:宋人词意 资源类型:APE 版本:内附Booklet 发行时间:2003年 专辑歌手:李祥霆 地区:大陆 音乐作品专辑专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情 宋人词意 2003-07-23 古琴 唱片公司:Cn Music 专辑曲目1.杨柳岸晓风残月 柳永《雨霖铃》(琴箫合奏) Pale Moon over the Windy Willow Bank from LIU Yong’s Bells in Rain (Qin & Xiao) 2.小园香径独徘徊 晏殊《浣溪沙》(琴独奏) Wandering Lonely on a Garden Path from YAN Shu’s The Gauze-Washing Stream (Qin Solo) 3.误入藕花深处 李清照《如梦令》(琴箫合奏) Lost in Boundless Lotus from LI Qingzhao’s Like a Dream (Qin & Xiao) 4.清晨帘幕卷清霜 欧阳修《诉衷肠》(箫演奏) Curtain Rolling up with Frost in the Morning from OU Yangxiu’s Pouring Out One’s Heart (Xiao Solo) 5.灯火阑珊处 辛弃疾《青玉案》(琴箫合奏) Where far from the Lights from XIN Qiji’s A Jade Desk (Qin & Xiao) 6.斜阳独倚西楼 晏殊《清平乐》(琴独奏) Lonely on the West Tower with the Setting Sun from YAN Shu’s Music Peaceful and Tranquil (Qin Solo) 7.垂柳栏杆尽日风 欧阳修《采桑子》(箫演奏) Willows and Railings in Warm Wind from OU Yangxiu’s Pick Mulberry (Xiao Solo) 8.雨打梨花深闭门 秦观《鹧鸪天》(琴箫合奏) Shut the Door Closely When the Rain Drops on Pear Flowers from QIN Guan’s Francolins in the Sky (Qin & Xiao) 9.新绿小池塘 周邦彦《风流子》(箫演奏) A Small Pond Where Appearing Soft Green From ZHOU Bangyan’s One Who’s Refined and Tasteful (Xiao Solo) 10.一棹碧涛春水路 晏几道《清平乐》(琴箫合奏) Paddling on the Green Spring Water from YAN Jidao’s Music Peaceful and Tranquil (Qin & Xiao) 11.自在飞花轻似梦 秦观《浣溪沙》(箫演奏) Flowers Freely Fluttering as in a Dream from QIN Guan’s The Gauze-Washing Stream (Xiao Solo) 12.起舞弄清影 苏轼《水调歌头》(琴与人声演奏) Dancing with Elegant Shadow from SU Shi’s A Short Piece on the Water (Qin & Vocal) |
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