词条 | 宋庆龄传(英) |
释义 | 宋庆龄是中国近现代史上一位举世闻名的杰出人物,一生历尽艰险并富于传奇色彩。本书作者汇集多年研究成果,并运用鲜为人知的珍贵历史文献及近年来海内外新发现的资料,旁征博引,对宋庆龄的一生经历和思想发展作了全面、系统的评述,真实地再现了她怎样从一个朴素的爱国主义者逐步成长为革命民主主义者、共产主义和国际主义伟大战士的过程;还生动描述了她对待爱情、婚姻、友谊的态度及其性格特点。而且还多视角、多侧面地介绍了她与国民党、共产党、爱国民主人士及国内外其他各种政治势力之间错综复杂的关系。 书名:宋庆龄传(英) 又名:Soong Ching Ling - Mme.Sun Yatsen 作者:爱泼斯坦 ISBN:9787800052835 类别:名人传记 页数:697 定价:48.00 出版社:新世界出版社 出版时间:1994.1.1 装帧:Hardcover 基本信息本书以翔实的史料描绘了宋庆龄伟大、光辉的一生。展现了她那举世钦仰的品德,光照人间的风彩,奋发进取的精神,坦荡豁达的胸怀。披露了不少鲜为人知的资料,订正了一些史实。本书还运用了文学的笔触,形象生动、语言清丽,并将有关的历史事件、时代背景交待清楚,把学术性、文学性、知识性熔于一炉。本书内容充实,风格清新,可读性强、是一部具有特色的人物传记。 内容提要This is a biography of Soong Ching Ling (Mme. Sun Yatsen). Widow of the historic revo-lutionary who led in the overthrow of the mil-lennial monarchy in 1911, she was much more.Surviving him through 56 years of perils and triumphs, associated closely with major events and personalities domestic and foreign, she died in 1981 as Honorary President of the People's Republic of China. Truly a great woman of our century. To learn about her is to learn about the times which produced her. The aim of this first extensive biography of Soong Ching Ling in English, writes the author,"is to have the reader meet the subject. Wher-ever possible, the story is told in her own words,drawn from all available written material, in-cluding hundreds of personal letters, the testi-mony of participants and eyewitnesses and my own recollections over four decades." Brought up in wealth, Soong Ching Ling joined the ranks of the plain and the poor. A patriotic Chinese, she was also bi-cultural, and the English-language reader can experience di-rectly, not through translation, the ringing con- viction of her public writings and the warmth and wit of her personal correspondence. Her combination of deep commitment and unusual personal qualities prompted Zhou Enlai to call her "gem of China" and Mao Zedong to describe her as "a phoenix flown out of the Soong family nest." Other tributes came from many quarters, from her fellow students in her U.S. college days to her later acquaintances and associates in various causes -- Jawaharlal Neh-ru of lndia, novelist Romain Rolland of France, and many others -- including noted journalists like Edgar Snow and political-military figures like the U.S. General "Vinegar" Joe StilwelL Her friends were legion. Soong Ching Ling can be said to be an epitome of a modern Chinese, relevant not only to her time but to this generation and perhaps some to come. Since China is a quarter of mankind, this is important to everyone. 宋庆龄简介宋庆龄(1893~1981),伟大的爱国主义、民主主义、国际主义和共产主义战士,举世闻名的二十世纪的伟大女性。她青年时代追随孙中山,献身革命,在近七十年的革命生涯中,坚强不屈,矢志不移,英勇奋斗,始终坚定地和中国人民、中国共产党站在一起,为中国人民的解放事业,为妇女儿童的卫生保健和文化教育福利事业,为祖国统一以及保卫世界和平、促进人类的进步事业而殚精竭力,鞠躬尽瘁,做出了不可磨灭的贡献,受到中国人民、海外华人华侨的景仰和爱戴,也赢得国际友人的赞誉和热爱,并享有崇高的威望。 宋庆龄一生酷爱读书。书,书,到处是书,证明了宋庆龄对知识的渴求。无论是参观孙中山与宋庆龄在上海共同生活的故居,还是孙中山逝世后宋庆龄个人在北京和上海的故居,人们都会惊奇得看到这一事实。他们的藏书可以看出他们的现代化以及他们广泛的兴趣。 作者简介Israel Epstein, born in 1915 in Poland, was brought up in China and there began his jour-nalistic work, publishing also in the United States and other countries. His first association with Soong Ching Ling was in 1938-45 in the wartime China Defense League in Hong Kong and Chongqing (Chungking). In 1951 she invit-ed him and his wife, the late Elsie Fairfax-Cholmeley (1905-84), to return from the Unit-ed States, where they then lived, to help set up the magazine she founded in Beijing, "China Reconstructs" (now "China Today") of which, at Soong Ching Ling's death in 1981, Epstein was editor-in-chief, having, in the meantime, be-come a citizen of the People's Republic. From the late 1970s, she had asked him several times to write her biography after she died. Following retirement from the magazine, he spent several years in researching and writ- ing this book which appeared on the centenary of Soong Ching Ling's birth. Previous books by Epstein include The Peo-ple's War in China, London, Victor Gollancz,1939; The UnflnLshed Revolution in China, Bos-ton, Little Brown, 1947; From Opium War to Liberation, Beijing, New World Press, 1956 with subsequent editions in 1964 and 1980 in Bei- jing and Hong Kong (by Joint Publishing Co.);and Tibet Transformed, Beijing, New World Press, 1983. Concerning Soong Ching Ling, he has pub-lished a number of articles and lectured at symposia in the United States and Japan. 图书目录ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ANOTEONTRANSCRIPTION CHAPTERⅠStudentinAmerica(1908-13) CHAPTERⅡAncestryandBackground CHAPTERⅢReturnandMarriage(1913-15) CHAPTERⅣSunYatsen CHAPTERⅤToPreservetheRepublic:Shanghai-Guangzhou(1916-22) CHAPTERⅥGuangzhouTransformation(1923-25) CHAPTERⅦFromWidowtoSfandardBearer(1925-27) CHAPTERⅧWuhanin1927,WatershedYear CHAPTERⅨMoscow(1927-28) CHAPTERⅩInBerlin CHAPTERⅪABrief,StormyReturnHome(1929) CHAPTERⅫOnceMoreinEurope(1929-31) CHAPTERⅩⅢToSaveRevolutionaries,Shanghai(1931-34) CHAPTERⅩⅣToRallyandSavetheNation,Shanghai(1935-37) CHAPTERⅩⅤWarYearsinHongKong(1937-41) CHAPTERⅩⅥWarYearsinChongqing(1941-45) CHAPTERⅩⅦCrisisAfterVictory,Shanghai(1946-49) CHAPTERⅩⅧBuildingtheNewChina(1949-66) CHAPTERⅩⅨ"CulturalRevolution"Storm(1966-76) CHAPTERⅩⅩTwilightResurgence(1976-81) NOTES INDEX |
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