词条 | 双语无机化学 |
释义 | 图书信息作 者: 程金生 著丛 书 名:出 版 社: 南京大学出版社 编辑:吴华 ISBN:9787305069772 出版时间:2010-06-01 版次:1页 数:263 装帧:平装 开本:16开 所属分类:图书 > 科学与自然 > 化学 内容简介《双语无机化学》根据国内外无机化学领域的发展趋势,依据“基础性与新颖性”并存的原则,历时数载编撰而成。全书共分十二章节,图文并茂,从原子结构出发,以元素周期表为主线,涵盖了化学热力学、化学动力学、原子结构、化学键与分子结构、化学平衡原理、氧化还原反应、元素化学(包括主族元素和过渡元素)、镧系及锕系元素、无机化学新兴领域等诸多知识点,各章节有一定的独立性,联结起来又成一体。全书语言平实,内容精练,力求将无机化学学科最精华的部分展现给读者,同时注重知识点的“新”和“精”,强调前沿与基础相结合,突出基础理论和实际应用相衔接。 《双语无机化学》可供化学、药学、材料、物理、化工、冶金及医学检验等学科相关技术人员专业参考,亦适合普通高等学校理工、化学、药学、医学检验等相关专业无机化学双语教学使用,同时也可作为化学、药学等相关专业硕士研究生的专业参考用书。 目录: Introduction 0.1 Chemistry: A Science for the 21st Century 0.2 Scientific Method of Inorganic Chemistry 0.3 The Relationship of Inorganic Chemistry and Other Subjects 0.4 How do You Study This Course to Get Well? Exercises Chapter 1 The Behaviors of Gas, Liquid and Solution 内容提要 1. 1 The Properties of Gases 1.2 The Properties of Liquid 1.3 The Properties of Solutions Exercises Chapter 2 Chemical Thermodynamics 内容提要 2.1 First Law of Thermodynamics 2.2 Second Law of Thermodynamics 2.3 Third Law of Thermodynamics 2.4 Gibbs Free Energy 2.5 Hess's Law Exercises Chapter 3 Chemical Dynamics 内容提要 3. 1 The Rates of Chemical Reactions 3.2 Transition State (Eyring, 1930's) 3.3 Catalysis Exercises Chapter 4 The lonization Equilibria and Theories of Acids & Bases .. 内容提要 4.1 Theories of Acids and Bases 4.2 Strong and Weak Bases 4.3 Strong and Weak Acids 4.4 Common Ion Effect and Buffered Solution 4.5 The Dissociation of Weak Polyacids and Hydrolysis of Salts Exercises Chapter 5 The Equilibrium of Precipitation and Dissolution 内容提要内容提要 5.1 Solubility Product 5.2 Qsp, Ks, and Saturation 5.3 Molar Solubilities and Solubility Products 5.4 The Common-Ion Effect 5.5 How to Separate Ions by Selective Precipitation 5.6 The Simultaneous Equilibria Between Precipitations Exercises Chapter 6 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions & Electrochemistry 内容提要内 6.1 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 6.2 Electrode Potential 6.3 Electrochemical Cells 6.4 The Nernst Equation 6.5 Some Application Exercises Chapter 7 The Atomic Structure and the Periodic Properties of the Elements 内容提要 7.1 Atom Structure 7.2 The Spectrum of Atomic Hydrogen and Bohr's Theory 7.3 Atomic Orbitals and Electron Configurations 7.4 The Periodic Properties of the Elements Exercises Chapter 8 Chemical Bonds and Structures 内容提要 8.1 Covalent Bonds 8.2 Molecular Geometry 8.3 Ionic Bond 8.4 The Structures of Crystalline Solids 8.5 Metallic Bond 8.6 Intermolecular Bonding- Van der Waals Forces 8.7 Intermolecular Bonding Hydrogen Bond Exercises Chapter 9 The Main-Group Elements 内容提要 9.1 Introduction 9.2 The Chemistry of Hydrogen 9.3 The Alkali Metals (Group 1 or Group IA) 9.4 The Alkaline Earth Metals (Group 2) 9.5 Boron Group (Group 13) 9.6 Carbon Group (Group 14) 9, 7 Nitrogen Group (Group 15) 9.8 Chalcogen Group (Group 16) 9.9 Halogens Group (Group 17) 9.10 The Noble Gases (Group 18) Exercises Chapter 10 The Transition Metal Elements 内容提要 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Group 4 (The Titanium Subgroup) 10.3 Group 5 (The Vanadium Subgroup) 10.4 Group 6 (The Chromium Subgroup) 10.5 Group 7 (The Manganese Subgroup) 10.6 Group 8 (The Iron Subgroup) 10.7 Group 9 (The Cobalt Subgroup) 10.8 Group 10 (The Zinc Subgroup) 10.9 Group 11 (The Copper Subgroup) Exercises Chapter 11 The Lanthanides and Actinides 内容提要 11.1 Definitions 11.2 Periodicity 11.3 Lanthanides 11.4 Actinides 11.5 Uranium Chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry Exercises Chapter 12 Introduction of Bio-lnorganic Chemistry .. 内容提要 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Major Areas of Bio-Inorganic Chemistry 12.3 Biomedicine Application Exercises Appendix A. References and Further Reading Appendix B: International System of Units (SI) and Units Conversion Appendix C: Saturation Vapor Pressure over Water for Different Temperatures Appendix D: Dissociation Constant K for Weak Acid and Weak Base Appendix E: Other physical properties for Some Typical Compounds Appendix F: Solubility-Product Constants (Ksp) of Slightly Soluble Ionic Compounds at 298 K Appendix G: Standard Electrode Potentials in Aqueous Solution Appendix H. Standard Heat of Combustion for Typical Organic Compounds Appendix I: Periodic Table of Elements |
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