

词条 舒红兵



舒红兵 中国科学院院士,教授

专业: 细胞生物学、分子免疫学

研究方向: 细胞信号传导




1983-1987 兰州大学生物学系动物学专业,学士

1987-1990 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所细胞生物学研究室,硕士

1992-1995 美国Emory大学细胞及发育生物学项目,博士

1995-1997 美国Tularik公司David Goeddel实验室, 博士后


1990-1992 美国密西根大学医学中心,研究助理

1997-1998 美国Magainin制药公司, 资深科学家

1998-2003 美国犹太医学及研究中心及科罗拉多大学健康科学中心免疫学系,助理教授

2003-2005 美国犹太医学研究中心及科罗拉多大学健康科学中心免疫学系, 副教授

1999-2004 北京大学生命科学学院, 长江学者计划特聘教授

2005-现在 武汉大学生命科学学院,教授、院长



2006 中国科技部“感染与免疫的基础研究”973项目首席科学家

2005 中国教育部自然科学奖一等奖 (第一完成人)

2004 美国白细胞生物学学会Dolph Adams奖

2001 美国犹太医学及研究中心首届“杰出青年教授奖”

2001 美国Harmon基金会Harmon关节炎研究奖

2000 美国Ellison医学基金会新学者奖

1999 中国国家杰出青年基金获得者


在美国工作期间以课题负责人身份获得美国NIH (3项R01),美国国防部,美国癌症协会,美国关节炎基金会等机构共10项、总经费600多万美元的资助。



已发表SCI论文50余篇,累计影响因子约460。已被SCI引用约4000次,其中被Science, Nature, Cell刊载论文引用100多次,单篇被他人引用超过100次的论文12篇。获得了两项美国授权专利。



1.Shu HB, Agranoff A, Nabel EG, Leung K, Neish AS, Collins T, and Nabel GJ (1993). Differential regulation of VCAM-1 gene expression by specific NF-kB subunits in endothelial and epithelial cells. Mol. Cell. Biol. 13:6283-6289.

2.Shu HB. and Joshi HC (1995). g-Tubulin can both neacleate microtubule assembly and self-assemble into tubular structures in mammalian cells. J. Cell Biol. 130: 1137-1147.

3.Rothe M, Xiong J, Shu HB, Williamson K, Goddard A, Goeddel, DV (1996). I-TRAF is a novel TRAF-interacting protein that regulates TRAF-mediated signal transduction. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 93:8241-8246.

4.Hsu H, Huang J, Shu HB, Baichwal VR, Goeddel, DV (1996). TNF-dependent recruitment of the protein kinase RIP to the TNF receptor-1 signaling complex. Immunity 4:387-396.

5.Hsu H, Shu HB, Pan MG, Goeddel DV (1996). TRADD-TRAF2 and TRADD-FADD interactionss define two distinct TNF receptor-1 signal transduction pathways. Cell 84:1-20.

6.Shu HB, Takeuchi M, Goeddel DV (1996). The TNF receptor 2 signal transducers TRAF2 and c-IAP1 are components of the TNF receptor 1 signaling complex. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 93:13973-13978.

7.Shu HB, Halpins DR, Goeddel DV (1997). Casper is a FADD and Caspase-related Inducer of Apoptosis. Immunity 6:751-763.

8.Yeh WC, Pompa JL, McCurrach ME, Shu HB, Elia AJ, Shahinian A, Ng M, Wajegam A, Mithchell K, El-Deiry WS, Lowe SW, Goeddel DV, Mak TW (1998). FADD: essential for embryonic development and signaling from some, but not all, inducers of apoptosis. Science 279:1954-1958.

9.Shu HB*, Hu WH, Johnson H (1999). TALL-1 is a novel member of the TNF family that is downregulated by mitogens. J. Leukoc. Biol. 65:680-683.

10. Hu WH, Johnson H, Shu HB* (1999). TRAIL signal NF-kB and JNK activation and apoptosis through distinct pathways. J. Biol. Chem. 274:30603-30610.

11. Hu WH, Johnson H, Shu HB * (2000). Activation of NF-kB by FADD, Casper and Caspase-8. J. Biol. Chem. 275:10838-10844.

12.Shu HB*, Johnson H (2000). BCMA is a receptor for the TNF family member TALL-1. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 97:9156-9161.

13.Yeh WC, Itie A, Elia AJ, Ng M, Shu HB, Wakeham A, Mirtsos C, Suzuki N, Bonnard M, Goeddel DV, Mak TW (2000). Requirement for Casper (c-FLIP) in regulation of death receptor-induced apoptosis and embryonic development. Immunity 12:633-642.

14.Chen D, Li X, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2002) A novel zinc finger protein interacts with RIP and inhibits TNF- and IL-1-induced NF-kB activation. J. Biol. Chem. 277:15985-15991.

15.Liu Y, Xu L, Opalka N, Kappler J, Shu HB, Zhang G (2002) Crystal structure of sTALL-1 reveals a virus-like assembly of TNF family ligands. Cell 108: 383-394.

16.Wu M, Xu L, Li X, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2002) AMID, an AIF homologous mitochondrion-associated protein, induces caspase-independent apoptosis. J. Biol. Chem. 277:25617-25623.

17.Xu L, Wu M, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2002) Identification of genes regulated by the tumor necrosis factor family member TALL-1. J. Leukoc. Biol. 72:410-416.

18.Xu L, Shu HB* (2002) TRAF3 is associated with BAFF-R and negatively regulates BAFF-R-mediated NF-kB activation and IL10 production. J. Immunol. 169: 6883-6889.

19.Liu Y, Hong X, Kappler J, Jiang L, Zhang R, Xu L, Pan CH, Martin WE, Murphy RC, Shu HB, Dai S, Zhang G (2003) Ligand-receptor binding revealed by the TNF family member TALL-1. Nature 423:49-56.

20.Chen D, Xu LG, Chen L, Li L, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2003). NIK is a component of the EGF/Heregulin receptor signaling complex. Oncogene, 22:4348-4355.

21.Wu M, Xu L, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2003) SINK: a p65-interacting protein that negatively regulates NF-kB-dependent transcription. J. Biol. Chem., 278:27072-27079.

22.Bin L, Xu L, Shu HB* (2003) TIRP: a novel TIR domain-containing adapter protein involved in toll/interleukin-1 receptor signaling. J. Biol. Chem. 27:24526-24532.

23.Bin L, Nielson L D, Liu X, Mason RJ, Shu HB* (2003) Identification of UGRP1 and MARCO as a lung-specific ligand-receptor pair. J. Immunol. 171:924-930.

24.Zhang J, Xu LG, Han KJ, Shu HB* (2004) Identification of a ZU5 and death domain containing inhibitor of NF-kB. J. Biol. Chem. 279:17819-17825.

25.Han KJ, Su X, Xu LG, Bin LH, Zhang J, Shu HB* (2004) Mechanisms of TRIF-induced ISRE and NF-kappa B activation and apoptosis pathways. J. Biol. Chem. 279:15652-15661.

26.Huang J, Teng L, Li L, Liu T, Li L, Chen D, Xu LG, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2004) ZNF216 is an A20-like and IKKgamma -interacting inhibitor of NF-kappa B activation. J. Biol. Chem. 279:16847-16853.

27.Xu LG, Li LY, Shu HB* (2004) TRAF7 potentiates MEKK3-induced AP1 and CHOP activation and induces apoptosis. J. Biol. Chem. 279:17278-17282.

28.Wu M, Xu LG, Su T, Huang J, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2004) AMID is a p53-inducible gene down-regulated in tumors. Oncogene 23:6815-6819.

29.Lesley R, Xu Y, Kalled SL, Hess DM, Schwab SR, Shu HB, Cyster JG (2004) Reduced competitiveness of autoantigen-engaged B cells due to increased dependence on BAFF. Immunity 20:441-453.

30. Li L, Bin LH, Li F, Liu Y, Chen D, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2005) TRIP6 is a RIP2-associated common signaling component of multiple NF-kB activation pathways. J. Cell Sci. 118:555-563.

31.Mei J, Webb S, Zhang B, Shu HB* (2005) The p53-inducibel apoptotic proteinAMID is not required for development and tumor suppression. Oncogene 25:849-856.

32.Xu LG, Wang YY, Han KJ, Li LY, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2005) VISA is an adapter protein required for virus-triggered signaling. Molecular Cell 19:727-740.

33.Huang J, Liu T, Chen D, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2005) SIKE is an IKK-relative kinases-associated suppressor of TLR3- and virus-triggered IRF-3 activation pathways. EMBO J. 24: 4018-4028.

34. Su X, Li S, Meng M, Qian W, Xie W, Chen D, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2006) TRAF1 negatively regulates TRIF-mediated signaling. Eur. J. Immunol. 36:199-206.

35.Zha J, Han K, Xu LG, Zhou Q, Chen D, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2006). The Ret finger protein inhibits signaling mediated by the noncanonical and canonical IKK family members. J. Immunol. 176: 1072-1080.

36.Zhong B, Tien P, Shu HB* (2006). Innate immune response: crosstalk of signaling and regulation of gene transcription. Virology 352:14-21.

37.Tian Y, Zhang Y, Zhong B, Wang YY, Diao FC, Wang RP, Zhang M, Chen DY, Zhai ZH, Shu HB* (2007) RBCK1 negatively regulates tumor necrosis factor- and interleukin-1-triggered NF-kappaB activation by targeting TAB2/3 for degradation. J. Biol. Chem. 282:16776-16782.

38.Diao F, Li S, Tian Y, Zhang M, Xu LG, Zhang Y, Wang RP, Chen D, Zhai Z, Zhong B, Tien P, Shu HB* (2007) Negative regulation of MDA5- but not RIG-I-mediated innate antiviral signaling by the dihydroxyacetone kinase.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 104:11706-11711.

39.Zhang M, Tian Y, Wang RP, Gao D, Zhang Y, Diao FC, Chen DY, Zhai ZH, Shu HB* (2008) Negative feedback regulation of cellular antiviral signaling by RBCK1-mediated degradation of IRF3. Cell Res. 18:1096-1014.

40.Zhang B, Huang J, Li HL, Liu T, Wang YY, Waterman P, Mao AP, Xu LG, Zhai Z, Liu D, Marrack P, Shu HB* (2008) GIDE is a mitochondrial E3 ubiquitin ligase that induces apoptosis and slows growth. Cell Res. 18:900-910.

41.Wang RP, Zhang M, Li Y, Diao FC, Chen D, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2008) Differential regulation of IKK alpha-mediated activation of IRF3/7 by NIK. Mol Immunol. 45:1926-1934.

42.Zhong B, Yang Y, Li S, Wang YY, Li Y, Diao F, Lei C, He X, Zhang L, Tien P, Shu HB* (2008). The Adaptor Protein MITA Links Virus-Sensing Receptors to IRF3 Transcription Factor Activation. Immunity. 29:538-550.

43.Zhong B, Zhang L, Lei Z, Li Y, Mao AP, Yang Y, Wang YY, Zhang XL, Shu HB* (2009). RNF5 negatively regulates virus-induced IRF3 activation via ubiquitination and degradation of MITA. Immunity 30:397-407.

44. Li Y, Li C, Xue P, Zhong B, Mao AP, Ran Y, Chen H, Wang YY, Yang F, Shu HB* (2009) ISG56 is a negative feedback regulator of virus-triggered signaling and cellular antiviral response. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106:7945-7950.

45.Wang YY, Liu LJ, Zhong B, Liu TT, Li Y, Yang Y, Ran Y, Li S, Tien P, Shu HB* (2010) WDR5 is essential for assembly of the VISA-associated signaling complex and virus-triggered IRF3 and NF-kB activation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 107:815-820.

46. Li S, Zheng H, Mao AP, Zhong B, Li Y, Liu Y, Gao Y, Ran Y, Tien P, Shu HB* (2010) Regulation of virus-triggered signaling by OTUB1- and OTUB2-mediated deubiquitination of TRAF3 and TRAF6. J. Biol. Chem. 285:4291-4297.

47.Mao AP, Li S, Zhong B, Li Y, Yan J, Li Q, Teng C, Shu HB* (2010) Virus-triggered ubiquitination of TRAF3/6 by cIAP1/2 is essential for induction of interferon-beta (IFN-beta) and cellular antiviral response. J. Biol. Chem. 285:9470-9476.

48.Han KJ, Yang Y, Xu LG, Shu HB* (2010) Analysis of a TIR-less splice variant of TRIF reveals an unexpected mechanism of TLR3-mediated signaling. J. Biol. Chem. 285:12543-12550.

49.Chen R, Zhang L, Zhong B, Tan B, Liu Y, Shu HB* (2010) The ubiquitin-specific protease 17 is involved in virus-triggered type I IFN signaling. Cell Res. 20: 802-811.

50.Zhong B, Zhang Y, Tan B, Liu TT, Wang YY, Shu HB* (2010) The E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF5 targets virus-induced signaling adaptor for ubiquitination and degradation. J Immunol. 184:6249-6255.





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