

词条 舒德干

















“寒武纪生命大爆发”这一生物创生事件产生的谜团一直是学术前沿的热点。1995年以前,学术界新发现的寒武纪生命大爆发所产生的动物均仅限于无脊椎动物。几百年来,无数学者试图突破这一界限均无功而返。而两万平方公里的“云南澄江化石库”蕴藏着极为丰富的早寒武世化石信息。舒德干和他的同事和弟子们,在野外日复一日敲敲打打,在实验室日以继夜的钻研。功夫不负苦心人,舒德干教授多年探求所取得的一系列成果终于引起了国际学术界的关注和肯定。1996年以来,先后在国际权威学术期刊《Nature》和《Science》上发表了12 篇重要学术论文,先后发现了“云南虫”、“华夏鳗”、“西大动物”、“昆明鱼”、“海口鱼”、“长江海鞘”、“仙掌滇虫”等一系列具有原始生命性状的半索动物、头索动物、脊椎动物、尾索动物、节肢叶足动物等早期生命化石,论证了地球早期最原始的真后生动物“春光虫”和奇特的灭绝动物类群“古虫动物门”,提出了脊椎动物起源“五步走”的新假说,首次全面勾勒出了“寒武纪生命大爆发”所创生的“生命树”原口动物、后口动物两大枝系动物演化谱系的基本轮廓,提出“寒武纪暖水与冷水两大古生物地理分区”的假说和“广义进化论”。舒德干的发现与研究,首次勾勒出脊椎动物实证起源演化的基本轮廓。




·Lower Cambrian vertebrates from south China

·An Early Cambrian tunicate from China


· A paleontological perspective of vertebrate origin


· A New Species of Yunnanozoan with Implications for Deuterostome Evolution

·Head and backbone of the Early Cambrian vertebrate Haikouichthys

·Primitive deuterostomes from the Chengjiang Lagerstaè tte (Lower Cambrian, China)

·Ancestral echinoderms from the Chengjiang deposits of China

·Response to Comment on “A New Species of Yunnanozoan with Implications for Deuterostome Evolution”

·Reinterpretation of Yunnanozoon as the earliest known hemichordate

·A Pikaia-like chordate from the Lower Cambrian of China

·Apipiscid-like fossil fromthe Lower Cambrian of south China



1996:Reinterpretation of Yunnanozoon as the earliest known hemichordate.Nature,380,428—430.

1996:A Pikaia—like chordate from the Lower Cambrian of China.Nature,384,157—158.

1999:A pipiscid—like fossil from the Lower Cam brian of South China.Nature·400:746—749.

1 999:Early Cambrian vertebrates from South China.Nature,402:42—46.

2001:An early Cambrian tunicate from China.Nature,41l:472—473.

2001:Primitive deuterostomes from the Chengjiang Lagerstatte(Lower Cambrian,China).Nature,


2003:Head and backbone of the Early Cam brian vertebrate H 口忌0 c £ s,Nature,421:526—529.

2003:A new species of Yunnanozoan with implications for deuterostome evolution,Science,299.

2003:Response to comment on “A new species of Yunnanozoan with implications for deuterostome e—

volution”,Science,300:l372 and l372 d.





4.Shu, D. and Chen Ling, 1989: Discovery of Early Cambrian Radiolaria and its Significance. Science in China (Series B) 32: 986-994. (中、英文各一稿,这里未列中文稿).

5.Shu, D., 1990: Cambrian and Early Ordovician “Ostracoda”(Bradoriida) in China. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg 123: 315-330.

6.Shu, D. and Chen Ling, 1991: Palaeobiogeography of Bradoriida and Break-up of Gondwana, IGCP 321: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium, 16-21. 23.

7.舒德干,陈苓,1992: 我国发现世界上最古老的保存附肢的高肌虫,西北大学学报,22:103-104。



10.舒德干,陈苓,张兴亮,1993:澄江化石库的重要新发现及其意义,中国首届博士后学术大会论文集, 2018-2021,国防工业出版社。


12.舒德干,陈苓1993:当代古生物学新进展,西北大学学报, 23:177-188。

13.舒德干,陈苓1993: 化石生物学,当代地质科学前沿,211-215, 中国地质大学出版社。

14.Shu, D. And Chen Ling, 1994: Cambrian palaeobiologeography of Bradoriida. J. SE Asian Earth Sciences 9: 289-299.

15.Shu Degan, Zhang Xingliang and Chen Ling, 1995, Restudy of Yunnanozoon and Vetulicolia, Anatomy and systematic affinities of Isoxys, An evolutionary link to brachiopods, International Cambrian Explosion Symposium in Nanjing, 26-33.

16.Shu, D., Geyer,G., Chen,L. & Zhang,X. 1995: Redlichiacean trilobites with preserved soft-parts from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang fauna, Beringaria. Special Issue, 2:203-241.

17.Shu, D., Zhang,X., Geyer,G. 1995: Anatomy and systematic affinities of Lower Cambrian bivalved arthropod Isoxys auritus. Alcheringa 19:333-342.(1995).

18.Shu, D., Zhang, X.-L. & Chen, L. 1996:Reinterpretation of Yunnanozoon as the earliest known hemichordate. Nature 380, 428-430

19.Shu, D., Conway Morris, S.& Zhang, X.-L. 1996:A Pikaia-like chordate from the Lower Cambrian of China.Nature 384, 157-158

20.Shu, D., X. Zhang and L. Chen, 1996: New advance in the Study of the Chengjiang fossil Lagerstatte. Progress in Geology of China (1993-1996), 30th IGC: 42-46.

21.Shu, D. and X. Zhang,1996: Kuamaia: An early Cambrian predator from the Chengjiang fossil Lagerstatte. J. of Northwest University 26:27-33

22.舒德干,张兴亮,陈苓,G. Geyer, 1996: Yunnanozoon是半索动物的远祖,西北大学学报,26:73-74。

23.Shu, D. 1999: Hemichordates, in: Encyclopedia of Paleontology, 561-565.

24.Shu, D., Conway Morris, S., Zhang, X., Chen, L., Li, Y. & Han, J.1999:A pipiscid-like fossil from the Lower Cambrian of South China. Nature 400:746-749

25.Shu, D., H. Luo, S. Conway Morris, X.-L. Zhang, S. Hu, L. Chen, J. Han,M. Zhu and Y. Li 1999:Early Cambrian vertebrates from South China. Nature 402:42-46.

26.Shu, D., J. Vannier, H. Luo, L. Chen, X. Zhang and S. Hu, 1999: Anatomy and lifestyle of Kunmingella (Arthropoda, Bradoriida) from the Chengjiang fossil Lagerstatte (lower Cambrian;Southwest China), Lethaia 32: 279-298.


28.Shu, D., Chen, L., Han, J. & Zhang, X-L. 2001: An early Cambrian tunicate from China. Nature 411:472-473。

29.Shu, D., Chen, L., Han, J. & Zhang, X-L. 2001:Chengjiang Lagerstatte and earliest-known chordates,Zoological Science 18: 447-448.


31.Shu, D., S. Conway Morris, Z.-F. Zhang, J.-N. Liu, J. Han, L. Chen, X.-L. Zhang, K. Yasui, Y. Li. 2003, A New Species of Yunnanozoan with Implications for Deuterostome Evolution, Science 299:1380-1384.

32.Shu, D., S. Conway Morris. 2003, Response to Comment on “A New Species of Yunnanozoan with Implications for Deuterostome Evolution”, Science 300:1372d.(网上评论文章)

33.Shu, D., S. Conway Morris, J. Han, Z.-F. Zhang, K. Yasui, P. Janvier,L. Chen, X.-L. Zhang, J.-N. Liu, Y. Li, H.-Q. Liu, 2003, Head and backbone of the Early Cambrian vertebrate Haikouichthys, Nature, 421: 526-529.

34.Shu, D., S. Conway Morris, J. Han, L. Chen, X.-L. Zhang, Z.-F. Zhang, H.-Q. Liu, Y. Li and J.-N. Liu: 2001: Primitive deuterostomes from the Chengjiang Lagerstatte (Lower Cambrian, China). Nature 414:419-424

35.Shu, D-G, 2003, A paleontological perspective of vertebrates origin, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48:725-735.

36.Shu, D., S. Conway Morris, J. Han, Z.-F. Zhang, J.-N. Liu, 2004, Ancestral echinoderms from Chengjiang deposits (Lower Cambrian) of China, Nature, 430: 422-427

37.D.-G. Shu, S. Conway Morris, J. Han, Y. Li, X.-L. Zhang, H. Hua, Z.-F. Zhang, J.-N. Liu, J.-F. Guo, Y. Yao, K. Yasui, 2006, Lower Cambrian Vendobionts from China and Early Diploblas Evolution, Science, 312: 731-733

38.舒德干,Simon Conway Morris,2006:澄江化石库中的双胚层动物新知,地学前缘,Vol.13,No.6



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5.Huo, S. & Shu, D. 1983: A mathematic study of Cyrtograptus sakmaricus lineage. J. International Association of Mathematic Geology (U.S.A.) 15: 701-708.

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8.霍世诚、舒德干,1984:关于澳大利亚一个高肌虫化石定向问题的商榷,西北大学学报 14:81-83。


10.霍世诚、舒德干,赵靖舟,1986:寒武纪高肌虫研究,地质学报 60:18-30。

11.Huo, S. & Shu, D. 1986:The Silurian graptolite-bearing strata in China, In: Hughes, C. P. & Rickards, R.B. (eds) Geological Society Sp. Pub, London 20: 173-179.

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13.霍世诚、舒德干,陈苓,1987: 我国一些高肌虫化石壳质成分和显微构造的研究极其地球化学特征的探讨,古生物学报26: 708-715。


15.张兴亮,舒德干 1996:澄江化石库中双节虫的埋藏,西北大学学报,26:226-231。

16.张兴亮,舒德干 1998:实验埋藏学及其进展,地球科学进展,13(6): 1-10。


18.Zhang, X-L., Han,J. & Shu, D. 2000: A new arthropod Pygmaclypeatus daziensis from the early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, South China, J. Paleont. 74(5): 979-982

19.Zhang, X-L., Shu, D., Li, Y. & Han,J. 2001: New sites of Chengjiang fossils: crucial windows on the Cambrian explosion, J. Geol. Society, Lond. 158: 211-218.

20.Zhang, X., Han J. and Shu D., 2002: The first occurrence of Burgess Shale arthropod Sidneyia (S. sinica) in the early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte and the revision of arthropod Urokodia. Alcheringa 26: 1-8.

21.Zhang, X-L., Zhao, Y-L, Yang, R-D, J & Shu, D.. 2002. The Burgess Shale arthropod Mollisonia (M. SINICA new species): new occurrence from the Middle Cambrian Kaili fauna of Southwest China, J. Paleont. 76(6): 1106-1108.

22.Zhang, X., Han J. Zhang Z., Liu H. and Shu D., 2003: Reconsideration of the supposed naraoiid larva from the early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, South China. Palaeontology 46(2): 1-23.

23.Han Jian, Zhang Xingliang, Zhang Zhifei and Shu Degan, 2003a. A New Platy-armored Worm from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Largerstätte, South China. Acta Geologica Sinica. 77(1): 1-6.

24.Zhang Zhi-fei, Han Jian, Zhang Xing-liang Liu Jian-ni and Shu Degan, 2003: Pediculate brachiopod Diandongia pista, Acta Geologica Sinica 77: .

25.Conway Morris, S. and Shu Degan, 2003, Deuterostome Evolution, in McGraw-Hill yearbook of Science and Technology, Migraw-Hill, New York, 79-82.

26.Liu Jian-ni, Shu, D-G, Han Jian, Zhang Zhi-fei, 2004, A rare lobopod with well-preserved eyes from Chengjiang Lagerstätte and its implications for origin of arthropods, Chinese Science Bulletin, 49.





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