

词条 世界竹藤




【书 名】:《 世界竹藤》(英文版)

【书号】:ISBN 978-7-5038-5109-4

【英文名】: Bamboo and Rattan in the World

【主 编】:江泽慧



【定 价】 :299.00元

【出 版】:2008-10


【装 订】:彩色精装

【材 料】:铜版纸

《 世界竹藤》内容简介


Widely distributed in Asia,Africa and Latin America,bamboo and rattan are the most important non。timber forest products among the world,S plant and forest resources.These versatile plants have a great potential in povedy reduction,indust~development and sustainable development in rural areas.










Part I Bamboo

Chapter 1 0ntroduction

1.Bamboo Distribution

1.1 Distribution in the World

1.2 Distribution in China

2.Importance of Bamboo Industry

Chapter 2 Botanica0 Characters of Bamboo


2.Morphology of Bamboo

2.1 Vegetative Organs

2.2 Reproductive Organs

3.Anatomy of Bamboo

3.1 Culm Anatomy

3.2 Anatomy of the Node

3.3 Anatomy of the Rhizome

3.4 Anatomy of Leaf

4.1axonomy of Bamboo

Chapter 3 Basis of Bamboo Forest Silviculture

1.Bamboo Biology

1.1 Rhizome Growth

1.2 Culm Growth

1.3 Bamboo Stand Growth

2.Ecology of Bamboo Forest

2.1 Biologica0 Conditions

2.2 Physica!Conditions

3.Physiology of Bamboo

3.1 Bamboo Growth and Photosynthesis

3.2 Bamboo Stand Growth and Nutrition

Chapter 4 Establishment and Management of Bamboo Plantations SnChina

1.Bamboo Propagation

1.1 Fast Micr0.Propagation

1.2 Callus Culture and Plant Regeneration

2.Nursery Stock Growing of Bamboo

2.1 Site Selection and Preparation

2.2 Raising Sympodial Bamboo Seedlings

2.3 Raising Monopodial Bamboo Seedlings

2.4 Transplanting of in Vitro Seedlings

3.Establishment and Management of Bamboo Plantations

3.1 Sympodia0 Bamboo Plantations

3.2 Monopodia0 Bamboo Plantations

Chapter 5 Conservation of Bamboo Resources and Genetic Improvement

1.Genetic Diversity of Bamboos

1.1 Species Diversity

1.2 Bamboo Variations between and in Species

2.Conservation of Bamboo Resources

2.1 Purpose of the Conservation of Bamboo Resources

2.2 Conservation Methods of Bamboo Resources

3.Geneticl mprovement

3.1 Strategies for Genetic Improvement

3.2 Estimation Tes{of Genetic Resources

3.3 Criteria/Index and Method for Clones Selection

3.4 Cross Breeding of Bamboos

3.5 Rapid Propagation of Good Clones

4.Breeding with Biological Techniques

4.1 Secondary Metabolites Markers

4.2 Protein Diversity

4.3 DNA Genetic Markers

Chapter 6 Management of Insect Pests and Diseases on Bamboos


1.1 Summary of Bamboo Diseases

1.2 Summary of Bamb00 Insect Pests

2.Diseases of Bamboo

2.1 Top Bligh of Moso Bamboo

2.2 Culm Rust

2.3 Witches'-Broom

2.4 Shoot Top Rot

3.Main Herbivorous onsects of Bamboo and Their Controc

3.1 Rhizome and Roo{Feeders

3.2 Shoot Sap Suckers

3.3 Bamboo Shoo{Weevils

3.4 Root Fly

3.5 Bamboo Shoot Flies

3.6 Bamboo Shoot.Boring Noctuids

3.7 Defoliators

3.8 Leaf Rollers

3.9 Bamboo Puss Moths

3.10 Pantana Phyllostachysae ChaD

3.11Sap Suckers

3.12 Post-Harvest Pests

Chapter 7 Comprehensive Benefits of Bamboo Forests

1.Bamboo Forests for Soil and Water Conservation

2.Protective Function of Bamboo Forests

3.Bamboo for Carbon Storage

3.1 Bamboo Biomass and Carbon Stock

3.2 Bamboo and Wood Carbon

3.3 Bamboo Carbon for Development

3.4 Adjusting Bamboo to CDM Forestry Projects

4.Bamboo for Beautifying the Environment and Improving Living Conditions

5.Bamb00 in Rura0 Economic Development

6.Bamboo Forests and Biodiversity Conservation

7.Bamboo and the Human’s Civilization

Chapter 8 Structure and Properties of Bamboo


Part II Rattan

Sustainable Development




为及时总结中国和世界竹藤培育和加工利用的最新进展,加强国际交流与合作,促进世界竹藤事业的发展,江泽慧教授等中国知名竹藤专家学者编写了《世界竹藤》(英文版),并有国际知名竹藤专家荷兰Eindhoven大学Jules Jansse博士任英文编辑。该书反映了当前国内外竹藤科技术开发和应用的最新成果和发展趋势,体现了科学性和实用性的统一,是目前国际竹藤领域内容最为全面的科学论著,对促进国际竹藤科研开发和竹藤产业的发展起到了积极的指导和参考作用,在国际竹藤界收到很好的反响。





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