

词条 世界美发日





美容Facial make-upart of)让容貌变美丽的一种艺术。埃及古代时期,人们为了滋润皮肤和防止日晒,在皮肤涂抹各种药剂和油膏。古埃及妇女喜欢用黑颜料来描眼的轮廓,孔雀石粉制成的绿颜料涂在眼皮上,用黑灰色的锑粉把眉毛描得像柳叶一样细长,用乳白色的油脂抹在身上,使用红颜料涂抹嘴唇和脸颊,甚至在手、脚的指甲上都要染上橘红色,非常惹人注目。美容在欧洲中世纪非常流行,到了文艺复兴时期,美容艺术大大发展。大家不惜花费大量的时间和金钱,涂脂抹粉、擦口红、卷发、染发、用东方进口的麝香抹手和皮肤。19世纪80年代,西方开始出现了近代美容院。在中国殷商时期,人们已用燕地红蓝花叶捣汁凝成脂来饰面。根据记载,春秋时周郑之女,用白粉敷面,用青黑颜料画眉。汉代以后,开始出现妆点、扮妆、妆饰等字词。唐代出现了面膜美容 。据记载 ,杨贵妃使用的面膜,是用名贵的中草药提炼而成,并用珍珠、白玉、人参研磨成粉,以上等藕粉调和。这种古老的美容面膜不但可祛除黄斑,能使皮肤白嫩,还能将毛孔深处的污垢、油脂排除和清除。现代社会妇女拥有更多、更先进的美容方法,她们通过自然美容、蒸汽美容等,使自己青春常驻、容颜俊美。美容专家预测,喷雾型和涂抹型化妆品的需求量将大幅度提高,这些化妆品使美容方法更加简单易行,大家可以在家里自行操作,这促使家庭美容更加普及。 每年的11月7日是美发美容工作者一年一度共同庆祝的世界性节日, 旨在促进人们对美发美容问题的理解和动员人们支持维护美发美容事业的发展, 根据世界各国美发美容行业情况, 开展一些具体的活动, 如出版,散发宣传品,举行会议, 研讨会,以提高公众意识。目的是为了推动各国政府和社会各界进步重视一些美发美容行业问题, 并通过开展种种活动,宣传美发美容行业与各行各业的关系及对社会经济发展的作用。“世界美发日”和“世界美容日”是国际美发美容工作者协会'成立的纪念日, 时间在每年的11月7日, 为纪念这一特殊的日子, 2007年11月, 国际美发美容工作者协会建议把每年11月7日定为“世界美发日”和“世界美容日” , 于2008年开始执行, 同时建议世界各国的美发师和美容师放假半天。


2007年11月7日在中国香港举行的IHBA代表大会上, 是首次关于美发师和美容师节日问题的特别会议, 大会通过决议, 将每年的11月7日定为“世界美发日和世界美容日”。“世界美发日和世界美容日”的确立, 证明了在世界范围内, 美发师与美容师事业日益引起人们的广泛关注, 不同种族的人们都开始形成一个共识, 美发美容事业是一项崇高而又光荣的事业, 是人类进步和文明的事业。


世界美发日和世界美容日的永久性主题: 每年的11月7日, 建议世界各国的美发师和美容师放假半天。


Brief Introduction to World Hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day:

The annual November 7 is the day to celebrate the annual festival of the hairdressing and beauty workers, aimed at promoting people's understanding on hairdressing and beauty and encouraging people to support development of hairdressing and beauty. According to industry conditions of Hairdressing and Beauty in the world, IHBA will carry out some specific activities, such as publishing, distributing publicity materials, meetings and seminars to raise public awareness and promote governments and social walks to pay more attention to Hairdressing and Beauty industry. Through carrying out all sorts of activities, IHBA publicizes the relations between the trades and the important role of hairdressing and beauty in social and economic development.

World Hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day is the anniversary of establishment of International Hairdresser & Beautician Association (IHBA), which falls on November 7th every year. In commemoration of this special day, IHBA proposed the establishment of November 7th as World Hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day in Nov. 2007 and commencement of it from 2008. It also proposed that all hairdressers and beauticians worldwide take half day off that day as a celebration.

International Hairdresser & Beautician Association (IHBA) is a non-governmental, permanent and non-profit international organization. The major objectives are to provide professional training and certification service for international hairdressers and beauticians. At present, IHBA has established cooperative relations with hairdresser & beauticians associations of 64 countries and has more than 10,000 individual members.

The Origin of World Hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day:

General Assembly of IHBA held in Hong Kong on Nov. 7, 2007 is the special meeting that for the first time the festival concerned by hairdressers and beauticians is discussed. The General Assembly adopted a resolution that November 7 is established as World Hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day. Establishment of World Hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day proves that people in the world have a growing concern on hairdressers and beauticians and people of different races have begun to reach the consensus that the hairdressing and beauty career is a noble and glorious undertaking driving advancement of humans civilization.

Theme of World Hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day:

The Permanent theme of World hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day: we propose that, on November 7 each year, hairdressers and beauticians in every country in the world enjoy a half-day holiday.





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